Reviews from

in the past

Die Dinos sind erneut unterwegs, diesmal aber in einem etwas anderen Gewand.

Wo der erste Teil von Dino Crisis noch eher wie ein Resident Evil Teil, nur mit Dinos anstelle von Zombies, mit einer düsteren und bedrohlichen Atmosphäre zu überzeugen wusste, wirkt der zweite Teil deutlich anders...

Es regnet Punkte, Action und Pixelblut in massen und das ganze so zügig und kurzweilig das man es noch heute gut Spielen kann.

Man kämpft sich durch einzelne Level-Abschnitte, um in diesen möglichst viele (immer wieder respawnende) Dinos, auf dem Weg zur nächsten Tür, um die Ecke zu bringen. Dabei sammelt man Punkte und wenn man sich besonders Geschickt anstellt gibt es, bei perfektem Durchlauf ohne Schaden zu nehmen, sogar noch einen satten Bonus.

Wofür die Punkte?
Für den Terminal-Shop im Spiel, welcher nicht nur als Speicherpunkt, sondern auch als Ausrüstungsladen und Verbesserungsbude dient. Hier kaufen wir uns neue Waffen, Munition (Diese ist hier eben kein Mangel mehr, sondern im Überfluss vorhanden) und verbessern bestehende Waffen um größere Magazine, sodass unsere Schrotflinte mal eben 10000 Schuss fassen kann. Klingt absurd?...
Das ist es auch und es ist großartig.. sogar heute noch.

Eine Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Gegner/Dino-Typen, immer wieder abwechslungsreiche Umgebungen, dazu ein passender Old-School-90er-Drum&Bass-Soundtrack der das Adrenalin geladene Arcade-Erlebnis nur noch steigert.
Das ist doch mal n Shooter...

Ankreiden kann man aus heutiger Sicht das gleiche was man fasst allen Capcom Titeln aus dieser Zeit, welche diese Sparte bedienen, ankreiden kann. Man muss vorgerenderte Backgrounds, Panzersteuerung und eine Teilweise etwas cheesy anmutende Story in kauf nehmen (Wobei für mich persönlich letzteres bei Dino Crisis 2 nicht so ganz zutrifft).

Wer damit kein Problem hat und zusätzlich lust auf etwas Dino-Baller-Action in einem leichten Arcade gewannt hat, der kann sich Dino Crisis 2 auch heute noch gern mal zu Gemüte führen.

This is the action version of the original Dino Crisis, I would akin it to Aliens of the Alien franchise that the first movie is the horror movie and the second has some slight horror elements but mostly a science fiction action movie. Dino Crisis 2 is that action science fiction adventure, and it's a fun game-play.

ngl if i was a dino i'd want to eat reginas ass too, im human and i still do

Resident Evil with Dinosaurs except the whole game has the action and pace of RE's mercenaries mode. Very nostalgic for it.

I love Dino Crisis less for what it is, and more of what it could be. The concept is just so enticing, since it’s in a unique spot between the genre’s extremes which has yet to be adequately explored. Some survival-horror games pit you against slow monsters you have to run past or kill, others have you avoiding an unstoppable nemesis, but Dino Crisis mixes these concepts to where you have to fight enemies who, even individually, can tear you to shreds. The idea is that in each safe room, you carefully plan your route based on where the dinos are, where you can activate laser grids, how many tranquilizer darts you have and how potent they are, and so on. As soon as you leave the safe zone, it’s a panicked rush to get to the next objective as you’re being hunted down. At least, that’s the idea; what it ends up being is Resident Evil where the hunters replace the zombies from the start, and the other mechanics end up feeling like situational gimmicks. So, with high hopes for the concept to be realized, I started Dino Crisis 2, only to see that it’s not a survival horror game. That’s not just me being a snooty elitist either, you actually have unlimited supplies. Ammo and health kits can be purchased at save stations for a couple hundred points, when killing a single dinosaur grants 100. Each screen can have you killing up to fifteen, and you’re encouraged to maintain a combo and avoid damage for big point bonuses. It’s essentially an entire game of Resident Evil 3’s mercenaries mode with infinite time and ammo, which makes it just running in a straight line and constantly shooting. It can still be frantic and feel pretty satisfying to take down raptors jumping at you from all directions, but that’s really all there is to it. Since you don’t even need to stop to shoot in this game, it’s entirely feasible to just run from place to place holding down the trigger and not paying attention at all. Combine that with a plot that doubles down on the bad parts of the first game’s story, and you have a sequel that’s just laughably mindless. I don’t exactly hate it, it’s still kinda fun and all, but I’m sad that this series got a chance to refine itself and bring life to the panic-horror concept, but used it to make a creatively unambitious shooter.

Jogo que me dava um medo, mas eu gostava muito

Algo genial es la variedad de dinosaurios que hay y que los dos personajes se distinguen en armamento es incluso mejor, siendo ahora un juego de acción con un sistema de puntos que recompensa matar a todo lo que nos ponga delante, sin embargo Dylan y Regina son de lo mas aburridos en personalidad, siendo el chico con frases cool y la chica seria. y la historia principal tampoco llama mucho la verdad.

cópia extremamente competente de resident evil

This is one of my top games for the PS1, perhaps my favorite on the console. There's nothing to not love about this game.

Dude! A little compy stole my keycard! Where is Jeff Goldblum and Newman from Seinfeld when you need em!!

Remake'leri gelmesi lazım artık.

resident evil com dinossauros 2.

Let's shoot some god damn dinosaurs.

If you follow my reviews, then you already know I bear Dino Crisis no love. Thankfully, Capcom course corrected hard in the year between games, throwing out the slow, plodding, methodical progression of the original for pure action schlock. Dino Crisis was dumb as hell (pejoratively) but Dino Crisis 2 is dumb as hell (complimentary).

Dino Crisis 2 doesn't have any pretensions of being a survival horror game, in fact it is downright unapologetic in the way it veers off from all its predecessor established, gutting it of a few minor elements more in an attempt to salvage the good parts of the first game than out of any reverence for it. Regina is back, and much like Ripley in Aliens, she's accompanying a squad of meatheads on a mission for which her past experience makes her an invaluable asset. It is a comparison I've heard a few times now, but I think it's pretty apt; Dino Crisis 2 follows a similar tonal trajectory to the first two Alien movies, going from something more quiet and self-serious to action driven bombast. Mechanically, I would also liken it to Parasite Eve 2. Not in a strict sense, they don't really share much in common from a gameplay perspective, but just as Parasite Eve 2 ditched the heavier RPG mechanics of the original to give players more direct control of the action, so does Dino Crisis 2 attempt to shake off the dead weight of Dino Crisis to become a leaner experience. You didn't jump through a time gate armed to the teeth to fuck around with key cards, you're here to shoot dinosaurs until they're extinct. That's not even much of a joke, you literally earn "extinction points," the game could not be more up front about what it wants you to do.

Moving towards an aracdey design is arguably more to Dino Crisis 2's benefit than Parasite Eve 2's transition towards established survival horror norms, and permits it to make the most of its ridiculous premise, something the first game failed to do. The gameplay loop is simple but satisfying and does a great job at maintaining a pace appropriate for the sort of 80s/90s action movie tone Dino Crisis 2 is so obviously trying to capture. Additional runs through the game are less about the efficiency of the route you take (as would be the case in a survival horror game) and more about improving your performance, dealing more damage while reducing the amount you take to zero. It's fun. I like having fun. The first game was not fun, the second game is fun. That is my review, thank you very much for reading goodnight i love you

Maybe it was because I went in expecting something more akin to the survival horror-esque feel of the first Dino Crisis game, but this action-y feel was not my bag at all and I will likely never go back to this game. If you want survival horror old-school feels, don't tread here.

Tremendously underrated. The first one was Resident Evil with dinosaurs, and this one anticipates RE4 by taking the same basic mechanics and turning it into an action game. One of my favorite shits when I was 10-ish

Melhor jogo de dinossauro de todos os tempos

decente, mas bem estranho existir como sequel do 1

Deve ser o jogo que mais zerei na vida. A cutscene inicial é mt foda para um jogo de ps1.

Such a vast improvement over DC1. Ditching the straight up survival horror aspect and going action was the way to go with this series. So many more weapons and enemies to shake a stick at. You starting ass basic weapon is a shot gun. A shot gun! Enemies spawn left and right constantly so you are always on the edge of your seat.

I like to think of this game as a precursor to RE4 as they have similar mechanics. The more enemies you kill the bigger your score is and the more points you get to upgrade your weapons and buy ammo. The game has a combo system in place as well. Entering a room and defeating a set number of enemies without taking damage nets you a big point bonus. The gameplay is addicting fun and if you play it good you can get so overpowered so fast. Which isn't even a bad thing cause it's so much fun blasting enemies away. The island is big and the locations are vast. It has a lost world feel to it. The game has a lot of action set pieces and bosses to mix things up and it does it all the time and it's always a blast. Has a pretty decent sci fi story with time travel antics at play. The game is highly repayable and has some fun unlockables. I enjoy it immensely every time I go back to it.

Too scared when I was a kid to finish it

I... liked it?

Honestly, I still don't know. But after a torture that was the first game, this one is feeling pretty good. No fucking tranq darts anymore. The only sleeping pill these lizards need is the lead one.

Yeah, weapon, enemy and location variety is nice, although I still have a feeling "this game is good only because the previous one was such a garbage you couldn't even look towards it without tears".

So yeah, I don't know how to side about it. Although there were no one-liners. That I disapprove.

Quando você começa o jogo com uma shotgun com 100 balas já dá pra ver exatamente como jogo vai ser, que no caso seria o melhor simulador de massacre de dinos já feito. Se você alguma vez já quis empilhar corpos e corpos de dinossauros por algum motivo, esse é o jogo.

Depois de ficar extremamente decepcionado com o primeiro Dino Crisis, eu vim pra esse com uma fagulha de esperança esperando que fosse curtir mais, pois já tinha jogado antes e lembro que tinha gostado. E de fato, gostei bastante, agora que joguei até o fim.

O jogo tem um sistema de pontuação, onde cada dino morto você ganha pontos que podem ser gastos numa loja, que vendem armas, upgrades, vidas e munições. Sendo curto e grosso, o jogo é totalmente desbalanceado e fácil por conta disso. Vida é super barata, e a munição então... só vai faltar se você não comprar, isso que você pode comprar uma extensão das balas, já que o jogo não recarrega elas, se a arma tem 100 balas, você vai disparar todas elas no mesmo pente. Se precisar de pontos é só grindar em literalmente qualquer lugar.

Mas mesmo sendo fácil, o jogo é absurdamente divertido, é super satisfátório mandar ordas e ordas de dino pro limbo, muitas vezes eu chegava numa porta pra entrar na próxima sala, mas parava pra matar cada um deles, não deixava sequer um escapar, afinal eu tinha uma arma anti-tanques, porque não iria estourar os pobres coitados? O arsenal do jogo é o triplo do primeiro, sem falar nas especíes de dinos. Usar as MP5Ks duplas da Regina é legal pra cacete, e o gunplay flui muito bem, mesmo pra controles tanque, podendo andar enquanto mira e até tem botões pra armas secundárias.

Devido ao seu gameplay ser muito divertido, a mudança pra ação foi extremamente positiva, eles melhoraram todos os aspectos que não curti no primeiro jogo, sem puzzles chatos, level design tedioso ou ambientes sem um pingo de inspiração. O survival horror foi pro saco? Foi, mas as vezes se a proposta inicial do jogo não deu muito certo, uma mudança para apenas ser um jogo divertido já basta, e Dino Crisis 2 é exatamente isso. O primeiro inventou um monte de gracinhas e acabou só sendo um jogo chato pra cacete. Além disso, esse aqui traz algumas variações para não estagnar o gameplay, como sempre intercalar os protagonistas tendo suas próprias armas distintas, e tendo algumas sequências em rail shooter bem ruinzinhas mas... tentaram. Você até controla um tanque.

No fim é isso, eu ainda amo o conceito do jogo, a lore é bacana, Regina sendo uma ''Leon'' mulher com piadinhas sarcásticas é muito divertida. Ainda quero ela tendo um desenvolvimento concreto. Tem muito potencial pra um remake, seja como Survival Horror ou como um shooter. Regina nas CGs do jogo 😳.

No wonder the dinosaurs went extinct with amount you get to kill

En esta oportunidad, Capcom tomó la decisión de desechar el survival horror y apostó por algo con más acción, lamentablemente. Dino Crisis 2 deja a un lado todas las características que hicieron de su predecesor una joya en la industria y ofrece al público un título que tiene como base el sobrevivir a punta de balazos. Aún cuenta con alguno que otro acertijo digno de recordar y unas gráficas que sobresalen demasiado para su generación, pero no es lo mismo o, mejor dicho, está enfocado hacia otro público, uno más sencillo que no extrañe la complejidad de verse obligado a sobrevivir para avanzar. Es un juego mucho más lineal y con una historia un tanto rebuscada que le dio un giro a una saga que prometía bastante. Es un juego divertido a pesar de todo, pero infinitamente diferente a su primera parte que continúa siendo uno de los mejores títulos de su generación.

Dino crisis 2 is a sequel like how Aliens is a sequel to Alien, where there is way more action and less focus on atmosphere. Which is fine since the shift feels more natural for a franchise like this. The game feels more arcade-y, where enemies infinitively respawn and you are rewarded by points with combo, kills etc. Which is used in a shop to buy weapons and ammo. You would think this is rewarding but for some weapons you definitively need to grind for. And having enemies chase you relentlessly in every area gets kinda annoying when backtracking or puzzle solving. The game was a bit underwhelming there are pretty much 3 main areas and one of them were pretty underwhelming like the city which just took me around 7 minutes to get by, after beating the game i was left with wanting more here hoping for a dino crisis 4 one day.

It's interesting how Dino Crisis 1 and 2 embody the gradual genre shift of the Resident Evil franchise (1-6), except it does so in the span of only two games. This shines a light on what each of these two games is to me, distillations of each end of the RE spectrum - 1 a survival game with a strong focus on puzzle solving and environmental navigation, and 2 a balls-to-the-wall arcadey action game with only a cursory focus on resource management.

In DC2, you kill dinosaurs and get points to purchase/upgrade gear or refill supplies. It's a simple loop, but it's so damn satisfying - and the developers knew it. Why else would they include the No Damage point bonus for room clears (a full year before DMC1 made that a mainstay for most action games to boot)?

Sprinkle in a couple of light gun minigames, a fucking tank section that doesn't overstay its welcome, and an underwater segment that arguably under-stays its welcome and you've got a game that's paced like a dream.

About that underwater section, I'm hard-pressed to think of any other game where your mechanical toolkit is actually expanded underwater. You can jump, automatically drop off ledges, and have infinite ammo on your base weapon. The only restriction is movement speed, which is just a minor trade-off.

DC2 is really good so like play it or sth idk. Play 1 too. Very good games. Writing these things is hard how do you guys do it?

I had a lot more fun with this than I did the first game! A lot less to enjoy here outside of the combat loop, which I did like, but its lacking in depth in most other aspects compared to most other Survival Horror games on the system. Less fun for the folks who watch me play these horror games, but a fun enough ride nonetheless.