Reviews from

in the past

Den Bethesdaport gespielt mit mehr Problemen als ich geglaubt hab.
Doom 2 mit mehr Leveln, mehr Gegnern, mehr Waffen, härteren Kämpfen und Sandy Petersen der NUR SCHROTT gemacht hat!

Hervorragende Vorlage für Mods und Wads und unendlichen Fancontent. Als Kampagne an sich aber später viel zu gimmicky und hässlicher als es viele viele Fans schon konnten.

Somehow I didn't play this until last year. It's pretty good!

So much worse than the original in almost every way.

All of the carefully constructed encounters of the original are replaced with enemies being haphazardly placed everywhere. The super shotgun is great but the level design really went to shit.

horrible level design but great for mods

It's like Night in the Woods except instead of furries being annoying you get shot in the balls.

actually bad. as someone who likes their fair share of old games, this one just sucks, mainly due to poor level design, and is only thought to be a masterpiece through the power of social inertia. i'm sure mods make it better, but we aren't reviewing mods.

not as good as the first, but still a good time

Jumping into this immediately after beating Ultimate Doom makes me realise how vastly important having enjoyable level design is in a game like this.

jogo pain in the ass do caralho

i honestly think that this is better than Doom 1. More interesting enemy variety goes a long way to making that the case for me. I replayed Knee deep in the dead just to get some perspective on how the two games differ, and i was surprised to find out there isn't even a cacodemon in there at all, and only two Barons of Hell at the end. Now don't get me wrong, Knee Deep in the Dead is fantastic, but i think the complexity that is afforded to Doom 2 makes it the more interesting, and the better game

Still sick, but the levels get a bit too wacky to be much fun by the end.

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Great game, with amazing additions to the original. Unfortunately the weirder level design of later levels kind of takes away my enjoyment of them.

While I really appreciate what it brings to the table in terms of mechanics, Doom 2's quality is considerably less consistant than Doom 1.

Don't get me wrong, there's a LOT of banger levels but they're often followed by less than ideal ones (though Downtown isn't THAT bad, you guys just don't know how to use the automap)

Still, I hold nothing but respect for this game and all the fan content it inspired. I still had fun even if UV kinda puts you at edge with all the chaingunners and revenants it likes to put fucking everywhere.

Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy lets gooooooooo WAD time baybee

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-Come riesca a fare di Doom una base di partenza da arricchire con tantissimi elementi in più: nuove armi, nuovi nemici, mappe più grandi e sviluppate. Riesce nell'impresa di far sembrare che a Doom manchi qualcosa più che sembrare un more of the same.
-La doppietta. Fa il suo esordio tra le armi di Doom II da subito e diventa indispensabile, ti fa pensare a come hai fatto a giocare il primo capitolo senza. Riesce a migliorare di fatto quella che era l'arma meglio realizzata del primo capitolo ottenendo a sua volta il titolo.
-Le mappe ambientate sulla Terra. Pazzesche. Una resa incredibile, il livello che comincia in ascensore, con una specie di piazza intorno alla quale sono posizionati diversi palazzi mi è rimasto impresso da quanto sia pregno di personalità.
-I nuovi nemici introdotti, in particolar modo il Revenant. Un concept design pazzesco per un mob che poi diventerà iconico nella saga.
-Tutto ciò che avevo trovato di bello in Doom, l'ho ritrovato in questo seguito.
-L'assenza di uno sviluppo in più capitoli a favore di uno sviluppo lineare, che ho trovato più coerente con il tipo di gioco.
-La boss fight finale. Davvero molto bella scenicamente, il fatto di inserirci di contorno ogni singolo nemico apparso nel gioco ti trasmette davvero la sensazione di finale.

Non Apprezzato:
-L'elementale del dolore. Un mob che ho trovato un po' poco originale e con meno personalità rispetto agli altri, di fatto non è che un Cacodemone con un'armatura che però spara contro il giocatore delle anime erranti al posto delle solite sfere di plasma.

Conclusioni: Un seguito praticamente perfetto di un gioco che era già ottimo, immancabile se si ha apprezzato il primo capitolo. Me lo sono divorato in poche sessioni di gioco a differenza del precedente e mi ci sono divertito di più, però penso lo si apprezzi tanto se prima si ha giocato il primo, dato che gli importanti upgrade che vengono aggiunti passerebbero meno in risalto.

i'd probably give this the same score as the first one if i didn't hate chaingunners and revenants so much

pain elementals are maybe the worst but people talk about those all the time so i feel more rational in my hatred of them, plus i feel like i didn't see as many of them and did a good enough job of not being killed by them. it all comes down to whoever came up with the idea of lost souls deserving a noogie

some of the levels are bullshit too but it's balanced out by the super shotgun being the coolest weapon in the history of first person shooter games and the mancubus i love the mancubus (archviles are pretty cool too tbh most of you guys just suck at dodging them)

Da Vinci might have been a genius, but he didn't think of giving the Mona Lisa a super shotgun to fight archviles in the sequel.

How the fuck is this game from 1994

Doom 2 is basically just more Doom but I found most of the levels to be more tedious and annoying.
The game still plays really well and the weapons are all very satisfying and meaningfully different, so it is still a blast to play.

In general more levels rely on surprise monster closets or teleporting hordes for difficulty. They also just employ throwing a ton of very hard enemies at you at once, which feels grindy and cheap in this game.

Maybe worth playing through. I will probably never touch it again since Doom 1 gives you the same gameplay, just better.

É o exemplo vivo de que nem sempre uma boa base faz um bom jogo, deus do céu tem cada level design ruim (tem umas fases bem legal, mas são minorias...)

DOOM 1 but better, this game is fuckin ballin and a modern remake isn't needed because its still fucking fun and holds up.