Reviews from

in the past

Big Spooky, but even more lore.

now this is poggers. rot u child murderer ❤️

like the second but striping away direct control from the player appeals more to the horror side of this horror game.

Definitely a step down. But still fun to play. I like the concept of phantom animatronics slowing you down, and the lore is definitely expanded upon much better. Perhaps the souls are finally at rest...

Best game in the franchise (of the two i've played)

not the best one but 4 can suck my dick, id suck 2s dick tho

People think this one's too stripped down but really I think giving us the gift of Springtrap more than makes up for any failing.


Average. I like FNaF 3, Springtrap is one of my favorite animatronics, but... Idk, the gameplay felt way too repetitive after a couple of nights, the mechanics were crusty and annoying, and the setting was good, but the camera's distorsion doesn't let you appreciate it. Atleast it has cool minigames that expands the story nicely.

Seri içinde en sevdiğim oyun diğerlerinden tek farkı kötü robotumuzun tasarımı diğerlerinden daha güzel

No where near as good as the others tho

FNAF2 was basically just "FNAF1 but with more steps.", this one is pretty much just "FNAF1 but with fewer steps."

This one just makes me upset because in concept both the location and the robot in this game could have been amazing. The idea that they made a hunted house out of old junk for the pizzerias and that the new robot coming after you is the killer whose rotted body is still in the suit sounds amazing; but it's literally just the same shit. 3 games in and it hasn't changed one single bit, people had complained that the past few games were jumpscares fest but the jumpscares were a penalty for not dying, here oh they'll jumpscare you like 3 or 4 times a night just for shit's and giggle most of the time.
It was also at this time where the story went from eh to really convoluted for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

This started out as a small shock horror game that can be enjoyed for like an hour, this series just kept on going with the same old shit just with slightly different stuff, this is a game where you can tell the series was running on empty.

Springtrap's jumpscare is so bad I was never startled once from him

Years passed before I really understood how this game works, it took me a spinoff guidebook to see what exactly was going on there. And that's the game's main problem, the Phone Guy tutorials are nowhere near enough to make the player understand what they have to do and look out for. It for example never mentions the fact that there can be fake Springtraps, y'know, the main antagonist. When you finally figure it out, it's.. alright. Nowhere near as fun as the previous entries but still interesting. The only thing that somewhat salvages this game is the lore, the 2 different endings and how to get them. I still love it out of nostalgia but, objectively it doesn't deserve over 2.5 stars.

This one is disappointing, sadly. The weakest of the first trilogy, which is sad because it has some amazing upsides. Springtrap is by far the best animatronic in the series, the atmosphere is stunning, the dingy look and dilapidated feel drives home the feelings of dread perfectly, and I love how the camera view is handled, where Springtrap is BARELY in view in almost every camera angle besides a few, meaning you REALLY have to look close to spot him. Managing springtrap's himself is fine as well, as his ai is rather good. The issue comes in with the rest of the gameplay, which is where the game falls apart. The Phantoms are a terrible fucking mechanic and absolutely kill the game flow. Phantom Puppet & Foxy are the most debilitating and easy run killers, and are also the absolute hardest to avoid triggering, both having minimal reaction windows and being nearly impossible to see coming. The thing is, this only really becomes an issue in the final night. The game is only frustrating on night 5. Every night before that?

Too easy. The game is just too damn easy until the end, where it becomes extremely unfun and frustrating.

Ultimately, the game has a lot of fantastic elements, especially on the visual, narrative, and creative end, but it falls apart at the seams gameplay wise.

Also how the fuck did Phantom BB get in the final game lol he looks like complete and utter dogshit. This dude isn't scary he looks fucking hilarious.

“Hey dude guess what?? We found one a real one!

yet again, i am the man behind the slaughter

only fnaf game i finished 100%

really rng heavy and phantoms fucking suck and feel inconsistent at times

i still liked it though

The first FNaF game I did not like. This game was a massive missed opportunity Springtrap is a scary looking animatronic and has a pretty good design, he should've been scary in-game but for me, Springtrap in-game was not scary. The jumpscares were more annoying than scary, the RNG was annoying and this game got boring quick. The idea of the game was really good (a FNaF game set in a horror attraction based on the story of the first two games) but it was a massive missed opportunity.

Overall it was really disappointing. Although I still really liked the story.

has a really easy exploit which makes the game 2 easy, also william afton smelly.

too easy whyd they only have one guy

Note: I give spoiler warnings for spoilers.

I think there's something to be said about my own willpower - or perhaps my mental state - that I continue playing (AND reviewing) this franchise. There is absolutely no reason for me to. Yet I trek on, as this is my solemn duty, apparently.
Every time I pick up any FNaF game, I find myself thinking about all the better things I could be playing instead. I think that perfectly summarizes my feelings on the series. It's an absolute time-waster that no one should bother with.
Now, that's not to say that it doesn't have cool lore... But how much does that lore count for, when most of it is completely absent from the games themselves? Why do they insist on barely using their strongest talking point? It baffles me.
FNaF 3 is definitely my least favorite so far. Like the first two, I think that there's some decent groundwork that could have led to something good... But it doesn't. It never does with FNaF. Nothing ever goes anywhere; anything of substance is buried under lackluster worldbuilding and mediocre - or outright bad - mechanics. It's frustrating how something of such low quality became so popular in the mainstream. It's not even like there was one good game, and then terrible sequels to cash in on the success - even the first one wasn't good!
Ugh, thinking about it makes my head hurt.


Visuals: 1/5
Sound: 1/5
Story: 1/5
Gameplay: 1/5
Worldbuilding: 1.5/5
Achievements (Does not count toward overall score.): 1/5
Overall score: 1/5


I'll admit, grittier visuals in a FNaF setting is a neat idea. It is almost immediately ruined, though, by how badly that idea was executed. That's what this series does best, after all.
To start with, FNaF 3 looks so bad. The graphics continue to be barely passable at best, and downright ugly at worst.
That's not even the most atrocious fault here, though - that lays within the cameras. The rooms are ridiculously dark and shadowy. This, along with the staggering amount of static overlay, makes it extremely tough to actually see anything. It was so bad that I had to look up pictures to figure out where Springtrap was in some rooms. On that note, I don't think I need to explain that knowing where the animatronic is is an INTEGRAL part of the gameplay! It makes an already frustrating experience even more difficult to enjoy.
Springtrap's jumpscare is 10x weaker than the ones from the previous games, and those already weren't good. For all the tension FNaF 3 attempts to build up, when he finally jumps out at you, it's so underwhelming that it's laughable. I didn't react at all the first time I died to him. The phantom jumpscares are okay, but get stale quickly, too.
Springtrap has a nifty design, but the phantoms are completely uninteresting and uninspired.
The one other positive thing I will say is that the visual style of the minigames is better.
Overall, 1/5.

[SPOILERS] Phone Dude is super annoying. I'm so glad he disappeared after night 2. He says 'like' even more than me, which is an accomplishment. [SPOILER END] Phone Guy continues to be the only actually entertaining and fun part of these games. Even he's nearly ruined in this one, though. His role goes from talking to the player naturally, to reading off pre-written instructions. It takes away a lot of his personality and what makes him enjoyable.
Everything else here is totally unnoteworthy.
Overall, 1/5.

I will not be swayed to give FNaF games higher scores based on lore that's not actually in the games themselves.
The story as a whole IS interesting. It'S the strong suit in this series, and yet it's barely present at all. It's totally ridiculous. That's is why I think they'd work better as movies. Someone even suggested to me that they're basically an ARG at this point, which I can see. The stupidly hidden lore is much more akin to an ARG than an actual game.
The minigame you play after each completed night is cool at first, but gets stale very quickly. There's never anything new in it.
The 'true ending' is actually pretty good, but I hate the way it's executed. The best part of the franchise's plot so far is buried behind an impossible sequence of inputs that you'd never figure out on your own. That is absolutely counter-productive.
Besides that one hidden ending, FNaF 3 is totally forgettable and unneeded. A single cool thing is not enough to make it good.
Overall, 1/5.

FNaF continues to get more needlessly complicated and less fun with its gameplay. I really didn't think it could get worse after FNaF 2, but at least there, you could actually understand the patterns of the animatronics. Springtrap seems to be totally random for a majority of the nights. You can learn how to counter him, sure, but I didn't really figure out his AI until I was going for aggressive nightmare. All of my wins before that were literally just dumb luck. Nothing is properly explained, there's way too much to figure out, and it makes for an extremely messy experience.
I will say, that once I had really gotten into the groove of things right at the end, I ALMOST found the gameplay at least average. Still, I cannot give a good rating for how I felt during the last 5 minutes.
Overall, 1/5.

I do really like the idea behind this setting. A horror attraction built around FNaF 1, 30 years later, is just meta enough to be fun. But, of course, it is ruined by doing absolutely nothing of note (aside from the true ending, which again, you'll never discover on your own.)
The night minigames are way more lackluster than 2's. 2's were more annoying to slog through once they got old, but at least there was variety within them.
On their own, the secret minigames do add a little flavor. I actually enjoy them and the way you have to glitch them out. It's cool. Too bad most players will never see them.
Overall, 1.5/5.

Extra Category - Achievements:
Absolutely not worth it. Still easier than FNaF 2 though, to my surprise. I suppose that's because there's only one animatronic to keep track of. Once you watch playthroughs on YouTube, and learn how to counter Springtrap, it's not nearly as difficult as it seems like it will be. Still, absolutely not worth it.
Overall, 1/5.

Overall game score: 1/5. This series continues to go downhill in terms of gameplay, and also takes a dive here with the visuals, too. Anything that could have been good is underdeveloped or way too secret.
I highly recommend you skip this one, and just watch a YouTube video of the true ending if you care about the lore. That's literally the only thing that slightly matters here.

dont even have energy, its just really easy and boring and my ex was obsessed with this game for a while which makes me really hate this game

Another solid fnaf game that imo has the scariest and more intimidating atmosphere in the franchise and Springtrap is probably the best antagonist. Feels like a brick shithouse hunting you down. Probably the most underrated in the series

I won night 4 by just standing there....just doens't do it for me

Em alguns pontos melhor, em outros pior que os antecessores, na minha opinião poderia ter acabado aqui, mas a fama levou a mais e mais e mais......

o melhor no quesito enredo mas fraco em gameplay

Not my favorite FNaF gameplay wise, but very good story wise