Reviews from

in the past

Juego de puzzles bastante creativo y entretenido. El arte es adorable y los controles aunque no funcionan perfectamente jugando con un mouse, le da una sensacion de estar manoseando un juguete que me encanta. Juego piola

A short but very well designed puzzle game, where every puzzle has it's own personality and visuals, and that is the best part of the game

Tonteria de puzzles y apretar botones mientras salen luces y colorines que dura literalmente 1h pero que es ideal para matar el tiempo, esta en el enorme bundle de Itch.

fun little puzzle game in vr. not much else to say about it.

Otro juego que me paso en el trabajo, va de ser homer simpson y tocar botones que no sabes que hacen

A very nice, pretty and short game! Totally recommended.

Pretty game! Not much to say about it. About an hour and a half. 1/18

Nice, easy puzzle game which maybe could've lasted more.

Incredibly beautiful and pleasant puzzle game

Got from the Ukraine Bundle. It's a cute little aesthetic puzzle game with the Double Fine seal of quality, but the gameplay wasn't my jam. Still, it's very short and looks great, so it wasn't a waste of my time.

letto al contrario questo gioco è una delle migliori band prog della storia, quindi 3.5 e odio giocare con il mouse i giochi pensati per altro

Despite a really charming design and a very perceptible desire to do well, GNOG falls into some sad failings. Composed of nine "boxes" – mixtures of puzzle boxes and dioramas –, the title encourages you to manipulate the different elements to activate the whole: you'll have to pull levers, press buttons or slide wheels. If the sense of repetition is mitigated by the very different environments and a short enough experience not to suffocate, a noticeable frustration is present by the difficulty of manipulating objects. The VR is capriciously calibrated and it is not possible to interact with the objects unless our little gripper is right on top of them – I'm not even talking about the rotational movements which are a complete aberration, never explained in a tutorial. The experience was neither detestable nor enjoyable, but it made the time pass. Perhaps I would have preferred to spend it differently, though.

A charming game with funny little guys. Nice and insubstantial puzzle-solving.

kinda like a fidget toy game, with cool music

Personalidade é o que mais GNOG tem. É um jogo de puzzle muito colorido, muito fofo, muito bonito, no qual as coisas não fazem muito sentido, mas fazem também. Cada fase temática, cada puzzle inteligente que ele consegue fazer sem usar uma única palavra, só com padrões, cores e interações. É uma experiência de umas duas horinhas que recomendo bastante.

(uma pena que os controles pra mouse são bem estranhos e ruins de usar muitas vezes, mas numa tela de toque deve ser perfeito!)

Cute and fun puzzle game. It's really short and easy, if you just want a quick play it's perfect

A short and simple tactile puzzle game. It's the kind of game where the puzzles could be solved without too much problem by simple trial and error, but the experimentation of messing with the various heads to see what works and what does not is a large part of the charm of the game for me.

Each of the heads has its own aesthetic that ties into how that puzzle is solved. A short and pleasant little experience.

The ideal game for a baby with a massive, massive brain.

idk why exactly but i really really love this simple puzzle game

game for children why did people say this one was one of the games worth playing in that palestine pack

This was a cute little puzzle game! Probably would’ve been even more fun in VR, but I still had a good time.

Easy little puzzle boxes. Beat it in one sitting. It was fun and put a smile on my face. I liked the one with the robber.

It’s kind of like Genesis Noir but less pretentious and more suited for babies attracted to bright colours

Schönes, sehr buntes Puzzlespiel mit interessanten Mechaniken und kreativen Ideen und auch ziemlich toller Musik. Macht gute Laune!

A decent collection of puzzles with a very distinct, almost psychodelic style. Not too complex and every answer is found by looking, but it's fun while it lasts, which isn't too long.

Fix some guys who are just heads and they will sing you nice songs. I like their songs :)

Really enjoyable and unique puzzle game. A tad easy, but I'm a sucker for cool visuals and this had loads.

90% is randomly interacting with everything