Reviews from

in the past

it gets boring fast and it doesnt feel too much like a proper rhythm game
sqex should stay in their lane this aint the one
still a good game with cheap fun ig and a good way to honour the series

i dont like rhythm games that much. it was ok

Some songs didn’t seem to line up right, not enough boss songs (4 in main game), memory dives weren't as good as field battles, not enough KH3 songs

A fun little rhythm game that made me play through Let it Go twice so I can never truly forgive it. I wasn’t expecting much and I got what I expected, but the new story stuff at the end has me excited for the next game.

Look, I'm sure there are dedicated Rhythm games out there that are way better at being That. But I can't imagine any of them officially have Yoko Shimomura's legendary work on the Kingdom Hearts series, and the battle aesthetic of the charts is extremely stylish. I'm deep in the modding scene and have done a fair bit of score chasing, with a Platinum III rank on the community Discord's system.

field battles are great, the kh3 section is very lacking and disappointing, and I wish there were more boss battles. No strong complaints, it's a great game

it is a kingdom hearts rhythm game. that's really all you'll get from me. why in sweet bubbly fuck is this game 60 dollars

Fun little rhythm game for those that love the music of Kingdom Hearts, but doesn't offer much outside that.

No one should have to 100% the story mode of this game 3 times like I have.

Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory

Por lo general el juego está bastante bien, lo único que le veo mal es que el online con amigos no exista, y que hay demasiadas canciones mediocres, y han dejado fuera algunas muy buenas.



All right now this is just worthless.

How the fuck does this have a higher score than Chain of Memories?

finally! a game where i can play as kairi for more than two minutes oh okay nevermind

It was fun
I do wish there were more songs

Super jeux de rythme, même si je n'ai pas aimé les bossfight, le reste du jeux était bien polis et fait avec amour. J'ai franchement adoré.

Il a quand même fallu faire 8 jeux avant d'accéder à celui là, mais ça en valais la peine ♥

Music selection is kinda lacking for some reason?

This games fine. The plot is ABSOLUTELY the craziest most insane kingdom hearts shit I’ve ever seen, but the gameplay is fine. Kingdom hearts music is good so it was hard to mess this up. Overall it’s just…eh. Just buy it for the smash song and put it on the shelf.

simple fun little rhythm game... there were a couple times where there was so much on the screen that i had no idea what was going on or my inputs sometimes just feeling like they're not working but other than that it was good. this also made me realize how utterly wack this series' story is.

Tre stelle perché sono un fan della saga e non sono obiettivo, ma ha alcuni problemi tra cui il fatto che il GIALLO NON SI VEDE SE CI SONO GLI SFONDI BIANCHI. Un altro problema sono le Boss Battle in cui praticamente non hai il tempo di reagire perché le note vanno troppo veloci lungo la curva e a difficoltà Eroe è tipo... impossibile beccarle tutte?

This is a good game for what it is, however despite having like 200 songs it's still missing some key music and the KH3 section DESPERATELY needs some love. Could've also done with a fourth difficulty setting as is the game is way too easy on even hard.

Still, a really solid first attempt at a KH rhythm game, I hope to see a follow up one day with ReMind music and some more stuff they missed.

So this is basically a recap but disguised as a music rhythm game. While the series is already downhill at this point, the music seems to be something that is carrying the series as a whole. As much as I enjoyed this and got a bit bored even though it wasn't much as a challenge (played on Proud), it didn't satisfy me as much. I swear, this will probably be the final KH game that I will ever play to end this torture.


Christopher Lloyd as Xehanort does not give a shit about trying to make any sense of his dialogue

“So you’re a.... Key Blade...wheel-dah?”

Juego de ritmo de una saga con bandas sonoras de 10. Es una buena idea, pero que sea canónico es XD.

Before Kingdom Hearts fans get butt hurt and say "these games need these ridiculous spinoffs, you don't know what you're talking about you have played all the games" i have played most of the games, the only ones I haven't were X union, 358/2 days, and Recoded. For the most part the only one I'm actively going to play is 358/2 days because the story so far did an awful job of making the game/ "movie" interesting for how damn long it is. And Recoded is stupid as shit that even future games barely acknowledge it. So much so this game acknowledges it only calling it "the data world" and that's it.

This game i can honestly say is one of the worst entries in this franchise. I have played re:chain of memories (ps4) and i find this to be more torturous than that.

Also can i just say, i like the kingdom hearts music, it fits its atmosphere for the games...but they're not songs i would listen to outside of the games. None of these songs are good for a rhythm game in terms of enjoyability to listen to.
Also the only memorable thing from this is the ending. Look you can Obsessively love Kingdom Hearts and enjoy everything single thing they put out. But don't surprised if the stop trying for future spinoffs. Cause omg the fact they somehow got away with charging $60 for this shit is insulting.

Idc how much you love kingdom hearts, this sound track is not comparable to games like Yakuza 1-7, Metal Gear Rising, final fantasy, Transformers Devastations, and Persona ( "OMG HE MENTION PERSONA, OF COURSE WOULD BLAH BLAH BLAH")

Look if you played the Persona dancing games, and regardless if you think it was just a video of the characters dancing, while you pressed buttons flashing on the screen, I understand that. Though to be honest you can kind parallel it sort of to the Hatsune Miku Project Diva games as they do the same thing. Now here's the thing, Persona 3, 4, and 5 dancing and Project Diva have great soundtracks with remixed tracks that are ENJOYABLE TO LISTEN TO. Yeah sure some of them are bad like infamous Dede Mouse Remix in Persona 4 Dancing. But for the most part the tracks are great, so much so it makes you want to most likely listen to the music away from the game.

The only tracks I personally would do that with in Kingdom hearts is the remixes of Dearly Beloved, Simple and Clean, Ventus's theme, Sanctuary, etc. I forget if there's even a remixed track in this game, like it would've been so cool to hear remixes of original tracks that arent disney and before some smart-ass says

"Umm ThE KingDom HeaRts SouNdTracKs aRE AMaZing, I BOp to It EVERyday " 🤓

no you don't.

Look alright... look i can get passed the reuse of asset, because it saves time for Square Enix to work on FF7 Remake Part 2 and Kingdom Hearts 4, cool.
I can passed that they didn't make remixed tracks...

What I can't passed is how f***ing repetitive this game, look you want to listen to the soundtrack cool, but there's not a lot here. It's literally just the same thing over and over. Literally it's just the characters running in a music grid around in circle with assets of maps from previous games in the background, as well as enemies from said levels as the notes. You do that about 77 levels, and that's it. Literally nothing else.
"What were you expecting, a open world game,"

i was expecting to be entertained with good music, I was bored out of my mind and ended up listen to my own music.

I played the kingdom hearts games from beginning to end, so before someone says " you probably didn't even play the others games" I did
This is the worst entry.

Oh and also that brings up the fact this game has the gall to be a summary of the previous game for people who don't want to go back and play those games, or dont care enough to.
The only value you'll get from this game is the ending. So if you don't want to be bored, just go watch the ending on YouTube.

Anyway yeah, tldr:
this game was boring as shit with music I wanted to mute because while the music for KH is enjoyable, doesn't make good for a rhythm game. With repetitive asf gameplay, with a story that amounts to reading a wiki summary of each previous entry. I hate this game, if you like it cool, I found it to be tortuous and the worst entry in Kingdom Hearts

Os cara tinham A FACA E O QUEIJO na mão e fizeram a coisa mais preguiçosa q eu já vi

A pretty solid rhythm game in its own right, but it could've been better. Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call is one of my favorite rhythm games, and Melody of Memory simultaneously feels like Theatrhythm with more and less steps. I like how it tries to blend the gameplay of its predecessor with how KH combat looks, but this comes at the cost of readability. Particularly on Proud difficulty, some charts can be very difficult to read because enemies can appear in very confusing patterns and the timing indicators are very thin and can be misread.

I much prefer the boss charts and Memory Dive charts, but it's unfortunate that these types of charts are severely underutilized compared to the regular Field Battle charts. Leveling up characters also feels non-engaging compared to Theatrhythm since you just get stat increases that barely make an impact on gameplay. You don't obtain new abilities or items– there's no customization at all, which feels like a missed opportunity.

At least I have a rhythm game where I can play Vector to the Heavens and L'Impeto Oscuro.

Kingdom Hearts rhythm game... okay.

I mean it's fine ig. It is literally just 10 hours of songs you can play through. and the story is just 9 and a half hours of recapping the entire franchise which, If you've just marathoned the entire franchise, get's very old, very quick.

Only the last 30 or so minutes has original story so you can just watch it on YouTube to be honest.

Gameplay wise? I mean it's a rhythm game, that's about it, you know what you're getting here.

well I am finally done with this franchise for awhile.

Thank god.

don't get me wrong, I do love this series.

but fuck me I also hate it lol.

La verdad que un juego de ritmos más que decente, bastante contenido, buena jugabilidad y música TOP. La banda sonora de una saga que todo el mundo conoce ya, es brillante y uno de los mejores trabajos de Yoko Shimomura, que ya es decir.

Luego el cabrón de Nomura es capaz de hacerte canon y meterte historia incluso en un juego como este, es verdad que no es nada vital, pero ya se ven cositas de por dónde va a tirar Kingdom Hearts 4 y un poco de qué camino van a tomar varios de los personajes principales de la saga. También en este sentido es un poco oportunidad perdida de reivindicar un personaje tan maltratado como Kairi (Nomura, Nomura con los personajes femeninos), y un juego donde supuestamente es la protagonista, ni con esas es la excepción a la regla, vuelve a dar un paso al lado por Sora. Siendo de nuevo un personaje inútil que siempre tiene que ser salvado... Al menos, parece que para Kingdom Hearts 4 va a entrenar y lo mismo tras 15 mil juegos hace algo más que ser salvada o ser el interés de un triángulo amoroso. Venga Nomura, que puedes darle algo de tregua a la chavala.

Pero bueno, la historia al final lo que añade es bastante poquito, el resto del juego son escenas que resumen, de manera horrible, todas las entregas de consola que la saga había tenido hasta ahora, y que alguien que no las haya jugado no se va a enterar de una puta mierda.

Toda esta parte al final es más un añadido para darle algo de cohesión al juego que otra cosa, las escenas finales no encajan nada mal, pero todo estas escenas resumen a modo de recuerdo de Kairi, fatal, su único aporte es un poco la nostalgia de ver alguna cosa que te suena haber jugado.

Donde no falla es en su jugabilidad y música, lo importante en este tipo de juego, vamos. Así que bastante recomendable en ese sentido, incluso para gente que no es fan de la saga, no hace falta serlo para disfrutar de una banda sonora tan buena y unas mecánicas que no aburren para nada.

I'm a sucker for rhythm games so this was always going to be a good time.

I enjoy the approach to smacking heartless in this one. It's very satisfying to smack em around to the beat of the various KH tracks. The tracks themselves are the games biggest strength but also greatest weakness. KH has so much GREAT music. The problem here is that the ratio is completely off. There are way more songs than there need to be. Seriously most of the songs are battle themes which can be very hit or miss. I'm also bummed that Dearly Beloved only shows up once despite being the most important track in the franchise. That was lame.

Otherwise, it's still a good time. The tracks are bite sized so even the bad ones don't linger too long. The ending is full of great groundwork for the future of the franchise and I'm stoked for what's to come.

Bring it on Nomura

I enjoyed my time with this game but I wish they put more story in and at that, a more important story.

If rhythm games aren't your thing, you're not gonna like this game. With that being said, I really enjoy beating the heartless to the KH soundtrack.