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- Poyo? -
Uy, esperaba algo distinto de este y resultó ser practicamente el mismo juego que el 3 solo que sin el arte tan lindo que tiene.
Los controles si están mucho mejor pero esta practicamente igual y con el mismo error aburrido de juntar las piezas para pelear vs el Boss final xd

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Dream Land 2 es braindead como la mayoria de los Kirby, entretenido eso si el final boss es god

Kirby's Dream Land 2 is just the first game but better, it actually feels like a Kirby game now.

Kirby's Dream Land 2 was a little... underwhelming, considering what had just come before it in Kirby's Adventure. Granted, it's back on the Game Boy, so I will cut it some slack there, but it just wasn't as enjoyable or finely tuned as either of the preceding Kirby games, to me.

In Dream Land 2, the amount of copy abilities has been cut down a bit from Kirby's Adventure. This is a bit disappointing, but not totally surprising. In their place are new Animal Buddies, each offering different forms of movement and altering your copy abilities in different ways. The idea of riding animals as Kirby never really appealed to me before, and I definitely stand by that opinion now that I've played with it. Some animal buddy combinations are so strong that they break the game (Owl + Parasol). It paints the rather monotonous level design as even more of a slog than it already was, forcing you to hear the same 1-3 animal tracks for most of the game instead of actual stage music.

Level design often only requires you to pay attention when it comes to auto-scrollers or Rainbow Drops. That said, I don't find the Rainbow Drops to be nearly as tedious of a collectible as others have suggested. It might take a couple guesses of the right ability and/or animal buddy, but I find that inoffensive at worst. World 6 was the only standout for me, requiring a guide after multiple failed attempts, but the rest felt fairly organic to solve. Auto-scrollers, by contrast, felt pretty indefensible. Especially the trial-and-error maze in 7-6. Most of World 7 felt pretty uninspired, truthfully.

All-in-all, Kirby's Dream Land 2 felt like it took an interesting concept (animal buddies), but utilized it in a series that wouldn't really take advantage of it. It didn't do short-and-sweet gameplay as well as Dream Land 1, and it could never handle the thoughtful stage design of Adventure. Certainly not a bad game, but not one I would ever recommend.

while a wonderful game, i do not remember any of it outside of the animal buddies

in a series with basically no bad games this one stands out as being particularly ass

Technically "better" than Dream Land but that one's more impressive since it's the first one in the series, and this one has to follow Adventure which is a tall order that it can't live up to. Lots of good tunes and it's really pushing the hardware visually which I can respect but the level design is meh and the animal buddies aren't central enough to make up for the small number of copy abilities. I usually 100% Kirby games because they make it worthwhile but Rainbow Drops are way too annoying for me to bother with. It's still Kirby so it's still solid enough but easily the weakest one I've played so far.

i think my rating here is self-explanatory. better than dream land 1, worse than adventure. the animal buddies are a neat idea tho, hope they bring them back someday

Cheio de fase interessante mas.. longo demais e com bosses muito frustrante

Iniciei esse aqui com uma certa empolgação e saí um tanto decepcionado, sei la acabei não curtindo muito sua gameplay e seu estilo cheio de puzzle pra passar das fases, achei sua dificuldade um tanto exagerada e uma quantia um tanto repetitiva de boss entre as fases.

Não é la um jogo ruim, é divertido como qualquer outro Kirby, mas deixa a desejar se for comparar com o Adventure e o primeiro da franquia

uuuuummmmm I forget is this the one with the boobies level? it is? okay good

idk it’s definitely one of the weaker kirby games. it’s not bad by any means but it has a lot of poor design choices that make me scratch my head. it’s one of those games that’s good if you’re just trying to beat it but kinda sucks if you want to 100% it, though it’s not even THAT bad cause it’s so short

big fan of the kirby fish though

I always thought the animals were kind of weird to add in a Kirby game. This is one of the reasons why I don't like Kirby's Dream Land 3 on SNES. The game was fun but it's very generic. I think the original Kirby on Gameboy is better.

It's so impressive that they managed to pack a full 7-world Kirby platformer with copy abilities on the Game Boy. Plus, the three animal characters each add three different variations to every copy ability too! In addition to all the great sprite animation that this series is known for, this might be the most impressive and modern-looking Game Boy game I've played.

With that said, the level design is kind of brainless and doesn't have much variation or a difficulty curve. Each level just feels the same as the last, and it gets very monotonous. This really made it hard to get through the whole game. Also, despite how impressed I am with it, I am not a huge fan of the animal mechanic, as I prefer modern Kirby's method of having copy abilities with complex movesets, rather than mixing ability combos that you can only find in certain levels. I can appreciate the unique concept though. And this game also started that whole "true final boss is locked behind some bullshit collectibles" trend, and that's the worst thing any Kirby game has done. I'm not gonna suffer through that and neither should you.

I still enjoyed this game enough. It's undoubtedly my favourite of the Dream Land trilogy, since 1 barely qualifies as a full game and 3 added nothing to the formula while doubling down on this game's flaws. In comparison, 2 is quite innovative and technologically impressive. Still, don't be surprised if this whole trilogy ends up as the bottom 3 on my hypothetical Kirby ranking.

Ohh right, this is the game with the naked woman. 5 stars

os mascotes são gordos e engraçados e é divertido experimentar as habilidades com cada um deles

very silly game, was still fun to play

Getting to the true final boss is ass, but otherwise this is pretty fun.
Copy abilities with animal buddies is very fun to experiment, and its not trying to be anything special, so it lands on being charming and very fun.

This was nice! Far from my favorite Kirby game, but I feel like it's aged a bit better than most out of this pre-Superstar era. The animal friends were neat to mess around with, albeit hardly any combination of animal and copy ability can quite beat Koo with just about anything, since she's the only one that can maintain Kirby's flight ability.

The rainbow drops were a nice wrinkle; Adventure had some secret areas but given they just unlocked minigames it hardly felt worth finding them all. And it is one of those "find the hidden mcguffins to unlock the true ending" dealies, a-la Chaos Emeralds, but most of them were relatively simple to find and satisfying to figure out.

The only outright bad part of the game is that one bit in one of the last levels (I think 7-6?) that had an auto-scroller with dead ends that you couldn't see so you just get killed for not being able to see the future. Lame in an otherwise nice game. Oh and also hitting bosses with copy abilities is really unsatisfying because it barely does any damage, you might as well just play it Dream Land 1 style with them. Overall a game where I'm up in the air about giving it 3/5 or 3.5/5. It's just right there evenly in the high-C, low-B range.

A continuation of the iterative game design of Kirby’s Dreamland and Kirby’s Adventure.

Kirby’s Dreamland 2 may be a short romp, it’s definitely up there with Game Boy’s best releases overall.

It carries over the abilities system from Kirby’s Adventure with the addition of animal friends Rick, Kine and Coo.

They have different traversal perks, Rick can walk across terrain without taking damage, while Kine is helpful in water and Coo has great flying ability.

I think Kirby games get the short stick and are often down voted for their simplicity in design, and that’s much of the pick up and play appeal of these titles I enjoy, and there is a very very difficult to accomplish end goal of collecting all of the Rainbow Drops to beat the final boss.

It’s a difficult goal to work towards and I’d given up on my Game Boy save, only now with some rewind could I be bothered with a section that required quick dropping of abilities, followed by sucking a block, exhaling it and collecting the ability you just dropped. It’s tedious, and losing the ability meant leaving the level, reacquiring the power and attempting the rote actions again.

For an old school 4 shades of pea green gameboy title. I feel the review score is credible.

would be cooler if it didnt have those flying things that kill your animal friends

Apesar do jogo voltar ao Gameboy, o que é um downgrade imenso por conta do hardware, não é tão ruim quanto dizem. Ainda assim prefiro o primeiro Dream Land.

100% isso é um porre, além de ter umas fases como a 6-3 que exige os 3 animais pra pegar o colecionável, o último 1% depende de um RNG. O boss secreto é super pica, bem difícil.

I like it for the cool things they added like the animal friends but the whole thing kinda felt like a slog to get through. It was probably due to going from adventure to another gb game but it plays a lot better than the first game. It just wasn't my cup of tea.

the exact game that the people who hate kirby games say kirby games are

I’m glad that this sequel to the first game finally has abilities now. My problem with this game is that it is aesthetically boring, some of the designs with the enemies and abilities don’t fit Kirby standards much at all.

First started on Kirby's Dream Collection, and later defeated the true final boss on 3DS Virtual Console. An easy enough game, but the Animal Friend mechanic wasn't as fun as Copy Abilities. I am unsure if I will be replaying this game, collecting some of the Rainbow Drops is a pain.

After playing Star Allies a bunch, I was on quite the kick for more Kirby games, and I played through a good few I'd played through before. This was the only one of the bunch that I couldn't remember if I'd ever actually beaten, let alone with the real ending, so I felt writing a review for this one at least was proper. It took me 4 hours or so to beat an emulated version of the game using my Xbone controller.

The story is, as expected for a GameBoy game, very simple. Dream Land is once again under threat, and this time by the nefarious Dark Matter! Kirby needs to set out to stop him with the help of his three new animal friends, and if he can collect the 7 rainbow drops spread throughout the land, he can take on Dark Matter and stop him for good! It's a simple story that does exactly what it needs to to set up the action.

As for the gameplay, it's a continuation of the copy ability-based platforming that began in Kirby's Adventure. You've got 7 worlds worth of levels to go through with the help of your animal buddies, and if you're daring enough, you can even hunt down the rainbow drop hidden in each world. The game's a pretty tough one, though pretty standard for Kirby at the time. What's really tough is getting those rainbow drops and fighting Dark Matter at the end (who's a really tough cookie, even for a real final Kirby boss). The level design is all around solid, but the animal friends often feel more like burdens than aids, and while their variations on Kirby's copy abilities are neat, they very often feel like outright downgrades to his normal abilities. It isn't awful, but it's definitely a bumpier step on the road to finer Kirby level design like we'd come to see in games like Kirby 64.

The graphics are very nice as is the music, and you can tell a lot of love went into this one. My only real complaint is that the graphical limitations of the GameBoy kinda interfere with your ability to actually tell what destructible blocks are broken by which power. The blocks just have patterns on them to differentiate them from one another, but these patterns are rarely obvious as to what power breaks them. There was more than once where I had to redo a quite difficult platforming section with an animal companion because I found when I got to the rainbow drop at the end that I'd brought the wrong power to break this particular weird pattern of blocks XP. It's not game-breaking, as you can always just look up what breaks what online, but it does make for a more frustrating baseline experience than a game that could use color would likely allow for.

Verdict: Recommended. This is far from the best Kirby game, sure, but it's still a very solid one. If you're looking for something fun but challenging to play on your GameBoy, this is a fine game to look out for~.

Esse é o primeiro jogo da franquia que não teve a mão do Masahiro Sakurai e bom, acho que isso é perceptivel pelo level design que é, com todo respeito ao Iwata, bem inferior ao primeiro Dream Land, e especialmente, ao Adventure de NES. Também acho que o game design de um modo geral parece menos inspirado... eu gosto muito da vibe onírila maluca do Kirby's Adventure, e aqui tudo parece meio simples demais. Talvez jogando a versão DX que é colorida essa minha percepção mude, mas eu acho difícil.

A grande adição desse jogo, em relação aos anteriores, são os parceirinhos que o Kirby pode usar ao longo do jogo, sendo um hamster, uma coruja e um peixe, que se provam úteis pra caramba (sobretudo os dois ultimos) e cada um tem o seu próprio tema.

O problema dessa adição é que os poderes do Kirby são divididos entre os animais: você tem menos poderes a disposição enquanto Kirby apenas, e aí tem as variantes dos poderes para cada animal. Isso não é exatamente bem aproveitado justamente pelo level design pobre e menos criativo, infelizmente.

Das coisas positivas desse jogo certamente é a performance dele, incrivelmente sólida e sem slow downs, principalmente considerando os jogos anteriores que sofrem um bocado com isso.

Ah, e esse jogo tem a bossfight com o King DeDeDe mais casca grossa da franquia toda, provavelmente. Muito divertida.

Enfim, um bom jogo. Poderia ser bem melhor... mas é sólido o suficiente.

Going for 100% was pretty frustrating. But at least theres a naked lady in it.

Inesperadamente muito bom e divertido

A franquia de Kirby é uma que foi se polindo ao longo dos anos, e por mais que os games possam sim ter diversas semelhanças um com os outros, 90% das vezes eles trouxeram algo a agregar e mecânicas para acrescentar, mas sempre mantendo as peculiaridades e a fórmula da franquia. Kirby's Dream Land 2 é um Kirby dos antigões, o terceiro da série principal (apesar do 2 no título) e o primeiro Kirby a ter outro diretor além do Sakurai, que nesse caso seria o Shimomura, diretor esse que fez a chamada "Saga do Dark Matter", uma sequência de 3 jogos um tanto "diferentes" dos Kirby's convencionais, com Kirby's Dream Land 2 iniciando a mesma.

Como eu citei, esse game tem um feeling bastante diferente que só foi se evidenciando mais ainda nos games posteriores dirigidos pelo Shimomura, e eu simplesmente adoro isso. Enquanto os Kirby's do Sakurai são algo mais frenético, focado na variedade de poderes e até mesmo em combate, esse Kirby iniciou uma série de jogos bem mais tranquila, muitíssimo focada nos puzzles, e no caso de Kirby's Dream Land 2 em exclusivo, um grande foco em dificuldade também (Por incrível que pareça).

Esse jogo pode ser bem desafiador, principalmente se você busca os 100%, visto que tive que quebrar a cabeça para resolver alguns puzzles para pegar todas as rainbow drops, e também não quiseram afrouxar nem um pouco na fight final para fazer o true ending, puta boss difícil da desgraça. O level design pode ser um pouco filho da puta em certas partes também, coisa para nunca se esperar de um game do Kirby, uma franquia fácil pra caramba, mas como esse é o primeiro game do Shimomura, dá para entender até, visto que ele aprendeu e igualou a dificuldade com o restante da franquia nos seus games posteriores. Mas não vou mentir, jogar um Kirby desafiador foi BEM maneiro, definitivamente não é algo que se vê todo o dia.

Tivemos uma excelente adição nesse título que eu genuinamente fico triste por aparecer tão pouco na franquia, que são os amigos animais, montarias do Kirby que mudam o efeito do seu poder atual, elemento criativíssimo pros puzzles e companhias muitíssimo carismáticas. Como eu fiquei feliz quando vi eles novamente no Kirby Stars Allies...

A trilha sonora não é ruim, mas podia ser muito melhor, e o grande problema dela é que você só consegue ouví-la de verdade enquanto está com o Kirby livre de montarias, visto que cada amigo animal possui seu tema próprio, que começa a tocar assim que o Kirby monta nele. A trilha que já não é grande acaba parecendo menor ainda, o que dá uma broxada pra ser sincero... Mas analisando cada faixa singularmente, até que é uma trilha sonora competente.

Vim pelos amigos animais, fiquei pelos desafios e energia do game. Se você for um fã do Kirby, aqui vai mais um "Must to Play".

i wish i had friends but at least hamtaro and kirby know what it is like
i beat the game but idk how to get into the 3-1 thing might look up tomorrow

Hey, this was surprisingly really good! I didn't expect much from this considering the only other Game Boy platformers that I remember playing were Super Mario Land (which I heavily disliked) and Kirby's Dream Land (which was fine but way too short), so getting a pretty good length game was actually pretty surprising and welcome! I also think the gimmick of this game being the companions works well to not change too much from the formula but also make for a lot of unique combinations, sort of like Planet Robobot with the mechs. Coo is definitely my favouirte of the three mainly because I love the Cutter and Parasol especially, but the other two have great one such as Rick with Stone and Kine with Ice. I didn't get to use all of the combinations, but I spent a majority of the game with combinations I really liked, so I was alright with that personally. Levels were pretty fun and there never really was a point where I got frustrated, I thought the difficulty was pretty fair overall and had pretty good progression despite the whole game being pretty easy overall. I guess I'd say the only part I actively didn't like was the part in Dark Castle with the sidescrollers and you had to guess which side to go on otherwise you're hit with a dead end. I never really liked that trope in level design, but at the very least it's not looping and guessing which exit is correct, those drive me mad. Overall, I'd say this game was a lot better than I expected and made for a great casual experience for the couple hours I played it for.

Really cute and nostalgic game for me. It can be frustrating to have all rainbow drops if you don't check a guide (absolutely worth for a satisfying ending imo). Of the whole "Dream Land trilogy" (even if it's the part of the Dark Matter trilogy, but yea, we did got 3 games named like that in the end) this is the one I liked better.