Reviews from

in the past

Had to play this shit 5 times for the platinum. Story doesn't make sense, Knack himself doesn't make sense, graphics are pathetic considering this was a PS4 launch title. Good memes though but all the credit goes to Dunkey.

I put the game on Hard Mode which was a mistake everything kills you in one to two hits and the gameplay is nowhere near good enough to support that. And I do not want to restart the game on Normal because this game is aggressively mediocre. Sadly I must abandon Knack. Forgive me, Mark Cerny.

Bizarrely indescribable. It's so safe and cookie cutter that I can still smell a producers stink on it. Most of Sony's first part output was kinda like that but this is 10 times worse. I am viscerally repulsed looking a Knack move.

They have you fight goblins in this. Fuck this game. Goblins are my friends >:(

They couldn't make a second one

Que joguinho fedorento

Depois de 9 anos eu tive a oportunidade de jogar o tão falado "terrível exclusivo de lançamento do ps4" e ver se era tudo isso que falavam, e ele de fato não é bom.

Tem uma história que parece ter sido tirada de um fraco desenho que com certeza passaria no "Bom dia e companhia" do SBT. Ou seja, é totalmente esquecível!

Uma coisa desse jogo que é irritante é o checkpoint de missão em missão. Se por acaso a luz da sua casa acabar e você estiver no final da missão que, pode durar até uns 20 minutos incluindo a cutscene, você simplesmente será obrigado a começar a missão do zero.

No mais, o game tem uma gameplay extremamente fácil e simples. Bate, pula, esquiva e anda pra frente. Nada mais. Não tem puzzle, não tem nada. Só avança.

Se o mood do jogo é avançar, aproveita e avança a sua biblioteca para outro jogo e esqueça o Knack, será melhor para você!

Unironically tho. Why is it so difficult?!?

What an incoherent game. There's a laundry list of design issues packed into Knack, but the chief one is that it is exceedingly stingy with it's main conceit. That idea seems to have to do with Knack's ability to change size, especially to get nice and large, and to smash things. But the encounter, enemy, and combat design doesn't do anything with that. If Knack is big, enemies get bigger. Knack gets ice, it melts. Wood? Knack's set on fire. Metal? There are magnets to take it away. Knack's stealth doesn't affect enemies, just environmental laser beams. Most of these materials also don't grant any new abilities, just a larger size with a timer set on it by whatever in the environment is diminishing the character.

An ok game with a great underrated soundtrack! It’s no platforming but just boxing. It was difficult on hard but you get free checkpoints so could restart from there. Play it on Normal just to enhoy the production with nice graphical stages, CG and soundtrack. Last boss is really scary!
Ending credits is really cool and meme-y!
I had fun playing it due to the high production value although it lacks in variety.

It's not as horrible as the memes in 2013 may have suggested, but it's really not great. It's totally fine for a way to introduce people in to 3D games, I guess. You're better off playing Mario, though.

This is my favorite scrimblo blimbo platformer(???) beating up guys game and I'm completely 100% serious

I can’t believe myself, that I start of the new year 2022 by re-playing fucking Knack. A universal claim is that Knack is smellier than dog shit, which something I now agree with. But once I used to like Knack because I used to be a degenerate child. Also, I’m very proud that I beat this childrens game in ”hard”.



Forgot to add this on my log lol

As soon as you finished the tutorial, you've already experienced everything the game has planned for you, could not bare it past one hour of gameplay, felt boring really fast.

I know it is a meme that this game is very bad but I had to see it for myself because I was successfully hyped for this game along with the PS4 back in the day ... it is so bad

I was going to keep going but I had started on hard difficulty (which is totally unreasonable because the combat is so stupid, you have to wait 17 minutes between every action etc.). So I was like, I will lower the difficulty to just See some more of the game without gitting gud at literally Knack. But it does not let you change the difficulty you have to start over. So like. No. Delete

It's also very ugly. Was not expecting to see so many ugly human characters

At its best Knack is a neat showcase of the PS4's ability to render highly detailed particles in real-time. At worst it's a super bland beat-em-up platformer with unintresting levels, a bland cast of characters that are all one note, and gameplay that de-emphasized parts of its core gameplay. This game is so boring and forgettable. If Dunkey hadn't made it into a meme it would've been forgotten by the sands of time like other PS original games like Heavenly Sword, or Puppeteer.

İlk başta fena değil diyorsun ama sonradan ölümüne bayıyor.

É pior do que falavam, pqp. Gameplay travado e muito repetitivo, vc faz as mesmas coisas em TODAS as fases, pouca variação de inimigos e elementos de plataforma e puzzle patéticos de ruins, além de feio pra crl, tem jogo de PS1 com uma direção de arte melhor. Não consigo pensar em um ponto positivo, talvez alguns fragmentos do enredo que poderiam fazer um comentário interessante sobre guerra ou a ganância dos humanos, mas o jogo enfia isso na sarjeta pra passar pano pros atos dos humanos e vilanizar os goblins. Esse jogo é a definição de depressão, fiquem longe.

Definition of mid. Painful to play and finish especially on the hardest difficulty. Some trophies are rng based too which sucks if u wanna plat it for the memes.

Meh. The concept for Knack himself is nice, but the game has a mind-numbingly stupid story and animation. Even Disney can do better than this.

My dumbass sold this game for a few bucks back then. HUGE mistake, as the Co-Op is so fun.