Reviews from

in the past

Solid entry in the series. If anything this game is just kinda forgettable. Nothing in this game feels like it carves a unique identity for itself amongst its NES brethern. Weapons are kinda too similar for my liking, bosses feel a bit too easy in this one, and the game gives a plethora of lives to an already easier game to previous entries. Also wtf did they do to Rush Coil? Why does he look like that.

I don't think I have ever played a game that felt like it was going through the motions as much as Mega Man 5.

Solid, but not really memorable.

sendo o quinto jogo da franquia, obviamente a formula já esta ficando manjada, porem sinto que a falta de inovação não é por isso, e sim pelo fato desse jogo não adicionar nada de interessante, o beat não passa de uma forma de derrotar os bosses com mais facilidade, é um megaman esquecível.

While it has some neat levels like Gravity Man, Charge Man, and Wave Man, its weapons are a step down and the charge shot powered up making them even less useful) and the Mega Man story feels played out by this point.

But you get to ride on a flying spoon that's pretty cool.

protoman is certainly not the only character with nothing to him who became extremely popular only by looking cool but he might be the funniest? dude is just not in these games but we all love him. and rightfully so! look at him! he rules! i love protoman!

and i love mega man 5? this one is sick idk what everybody else is talking about??? i mean sure idk that anything here is series high outside of the visuals (this is easily one of the best looking NES games i've ever seen), but it's really consistent, which i think is fffffffine.

people say the mega buster is too powerful in this game and this is true but i would prefer that to weapons being underpowered and bad-feeling, which has been the case in previous games. i think the boss weapons are pretty good too, another consistent spread, maybe my favorite in the series so far. we're definitely at a point in this series where it's hard to come up with new stuff, and there's a mix of old standbys and fresh shit that uhhhh, well, some are better than others, but a valiant effort for this deep in the series.

anyway this game is unfairly maligned i think, i had a great time. it's got fuckin charge man dude! charge man rules. you see that guy? get outta town. love charge man.

Wave Man's stage alone elevates this game above the others.

I really don't get how anyone can say this is a bland entry, especially when 10 exists (fucking overrated trash). Yeah it doesn't add much, and the charge is a bit too overpowered, but it's still got that simple but satisfying level design and gets pretty creative. People also exaggerate the weapons complaint, half of them suck, but the other half is actually useful. It doesn't hit me as hard as 4, but I still had a fantastic time and is my 3rd favorite of the NES games. 6 > 4 > 5 > 3 = 2 >> 1

Pretty weak, still a very fun game but the absolutely terrible weapons take one of the franchise's greatest aspects and make it a rather low quality aspect of the game as a whole

why does mega man have a kick move in this game his legs are too short how would he kick anything

Another quality Mega Man game, but also the blandest one I've played so far. Weapons are severely weak and the buster's new charge shot trivializes even most of the dangerous enemies. The robot master lineup is also the blandest in the series imo.

Here we enter the "another Mega Man game" realm. The fifth entry of the series added some new things (the W tanks, a bird called Beat) and centered the story around an interesting character, but that's it. Graphic improvements and the usual good OST aside, this game doesn't take a step forward; bosses aren't very impressive and many weapons are horrible. Capcom was milking the cow a little bit too much.
Also, this game has a horrible E-tank approach that made the last bosses a joke.

Lemons, but this one adds basically nothing

Mega Man 5 is just more Mega Man, which is always good I suppose. I like that it introduced the collectible "MEGAMANV" letters to reward exploration. Mostly recommended for those that just want to play a lot of Mega Man.

weak but inoffensive entire. Everything is pretty solid, but nothing great. Most importantly it does not challenge you at all.

This sure is a video game? I'll be honest, I barely remember anything about this game.

This is honestly the most underappreciated game in the entire series. The level design has unique gimmicks has a powerful charge shot, beat the bird is awesome, and I think this is the perfect Mega Man game for newcomers to the series

dont know how but i fucking remember nothing from this game. was it better than 4? maybe

This has been my least favorite classic Mega Man game for quite some time and yeah my opinion still stands. It has decent enough level design but it has by far some of the worst enemy placement in the franchise. Plus it’s an unnecessarily long game and it’s overall just not a super fun time. I’ve played it many times so I guess this is a guilty pleasure of mine but yeah Mega Man has done better before and since.

MM5 is fun but I feel it's a slight step down from 4 and under which is fine cause MM5 is still a great game and maybe the easiest if you found the others hard.

I really love 5 despite its flaws. It is my favorite NES Mega Man game. The buster is OP and makes the game a fair bit easier, as a lot of enemies will die to one charge shot. The robot master weapons are pretty bad overall but I still find enjoyment in trying to use them anyway. Whenever I need a Mega Man fix I can boot up this game and run through some stages and enjoy the music. It's the coziest mega man game.

Best one yet.

Snappy controls, fair bosses, varied levels, and good boss weapons make good video games.

Mega tortura de pito y polla 5

the boxart greatly overemphasized the imporance of gravity man

Megaman 5 devs intricately crafting the most mid game ever made

"a novinha linda que mora aqui no lado tá cheia de papin no whatzape"
- gravity man

I don't think that there's anyone who'd be surprised if I said that this game is very similar to the last few just with a few bits and pieces added, after all, it's Mega Man, it sticks to its formula insanely close. Mega Man 5 also represents why this isn't an inherently bad thing to make a game that can feel like just more of the same, because this one is one of the better ones in the series for sure. I think a big reason for this is that the additional offensive and mobility avenues for Mega Man to take are no longer new, they've been here long enough that the level and enemy design is finally able to be better balanced around these additional moves. This is the first time in the series where the encounters don't feel unfair to compensate for the potential of increased player speed, nor simple enough to make these additional tools feel redundant, and as such it also feels insanely cohesive in how it's all put together to make for the most consistent experience in the franchise up to this point.

The game also feels way easier than anything prior, and while some people could see this as a bad thing if they're looking for a more crushingly difficult experience, I really appreciate this game's difficulty for the way that it's not only smoother, but is less full of the total unfair nonsense that the series (and NES games in general) is known for which makes for a game that can still feel challenging while eschewing the frustrating elements. That said it's not really perfect, there are definitely some moments where it felt like the game was specifically trying to get the player killed in some really stupid, cheap ways, it was just a far less common occurrence this time around and made for a good time. The level design itself is a bit all over the place for me in terms of what I think of it, as from a mechanical standpoint they often feel a bit on the barebones side, while the aesthetic and setting itself is the best it's ever been. Each area feels really fun and distinct while bringing new ideas to the table, whether it's travelling through a crystal cave, making your way through a ship and across wide expanses of the ocean, or even getting on a train and making your way through the carriages, occasionally jumping on top of them, there's just a lot of creativity that allows every stage to feel like its own little journey.

This is especially elevated by the way it shows this encroaching industrialisation to each piece of the world, having this stark juxtaposition between these beautiful organic landscapes being interspersed by these harsh, unpleasant pieces of machinery is absolutely amazing at being able to contribute that tiny bit more to a sense of storytelling, which I think is neat. The one other big thing I noticed when playing this is that I found myself even more disinterested than normal in actually playing around with all the weapons I had at my disposal, and I think that it was a twofold issue. Not only do the weapons mostly feel fairly average and very situational (which I do honestly like as opposed to a direct upgrade) with some of them being hilariously terrible and/or hard to use, but I feel like Mega Man's buster cannon is just way more powerful this time around. While on one hand I feel like

I could criticise the way this de-incentivises experimenting with the other weapons, I think that the decision to make the default weapon decently strong is actually a really good idea, with the mechanics and designs surrounding it being a more pertinent thing to change rather than the design of the weapon itself. It now actually feels good to run through the levels with the basic weapon, but it's not flawless either, due to how you can only shoot in a straight line in front of you and nothing else. Because of this, rather than your basic weapon feeling weak and something in need of changing, it now feels closer to a powerful weapon that lacks versatility and the ability to comfortably deal with certain situations. This not only improves the general feel of the game, having something powerful, but it also can actually make the player less likely to want to conserve all of their ammo for their other tools, as they know that their basic weapon could still be very easily used for the most part. It also has the benefit of making the early game way more fun when it feels like there are so many ways to start the game rather than always choosing the same 1 or 2 Robot Masters because they're the only ones it feels possible to win against at base equipment.

Overall, Mega Man 5 might be more of the same in certain regards, and in some ways it's actually pretty mediocre, especially in the music department, (like, seriously the OST in this one is by far the worst in the NES series and it's not even close) but this does a lot right and is one of the best games in the series. This and Mega Man 2 are easily the best places to start off with if you want to tackle the series yourself, both for being on the easier, more manageable side, but also for being pretty damn good for the most part.

Maybe a little easy because of how easy it is to get 1-ups, and Power Stone is maybe the worst weapon in the franchise, but this is one of the most beautiful games on the NES and the gameplay is still every bit as solid as it's ever been, while adding some optional collectibles and a vehicle segment to boot.