Reviews from

in the past

Criar um action-puzle como Tetris não é tão difícil e incomum. Já criar um action-puzzle com mecânicas e ritmo tão marcantes como Meteos é algo raro.

O título possui diversos modos, mas é especialmente intrigante e engajador o modo campanha. A mecânica do jogo envolve conectar 3 ou mais peças iguais que vão caindo do céu, no melhor estilo match-3 misturado com Tetris/PuyoPuyo, mas com uma detalhe único, ao fazê-lo, a parte inferior se transforma numa espécie de foguete que sobe as colunas referentes às peças combinada, como se combustível tivesse sido queimado pra propulsionar a decolagem.

Essas colunas então retornam vagarosamente para o "solo", o que permite ao jogador manejar as peças da coluna suspensa no ar e adjacentes para que se combinem e conectem a mais e mais colunas. Quando todas a colunas de um lado ao outro estão conectadas e o jogador consegue fazer mais conexões no ar, ele impulsiona novamente o aglomerado. Fazendo isso sucessivamente, o bloco é todo enviado "ao espaço", sumindo e limpando toda a tela, atingindo uma alta pontuação.

É uma mecânica simples e viciante, pois o gameplay é feito com a stilus, trocando rapidamente as peças de lugar, verticalmente. Como a temática do jogo é de planetas e viagens espaciais, cada fase é um novo planeta onde há uma gravidade e peças diferentes, o que afeta a velocidade com que o aglomerado retorna ao solo, bem como a intensidade da força de propulsão das colunas combinadas.

Com modos survival e versus, dentre outros, o jogo ganha imensa rejogabilidade. É sem dúvida um dos melhores que eu já joguei do gênero.

From Wikipedia: "Meteos was inspired by the video game Missile Command (1980), the film The Matrix (1999) and the television series 24 (2001-2010)." Was it bollocks.

Fans of Sakurai's mad menus, please take note of this one.

me divertia mucho este juego pero no tenia ni idea de que hacia

You ever just go to a thrift store and just so happen to come home with Meteos?

Like, yeah hey how's your day been? Oh, well, y'know, I got Meteos. Incredibly lucky find I should say.

Cute aesthetics, but overall gameplay I did not found enjoyable.

rows go pew pew boom
awesome game

Match three puzzle games are a weakness for me. As long as there are some good visuals and addictive gameplay I'm hooked. Meteos is a unique take on this as the game lets you drag blocks anywhere in their column and you can match three horizontally or vertically. This allows the game to drop blocks at a breakneck pace. You need to strategize and line blocks up, but that's not all. To clear them the matched blocks launch themselves and all blocks above them into the air. Continue matching blocks below that set and it will exit the screen and clear.

Of course, there are some items that help you clear the stage such as a giant hammer and bombs, but if the game is going too slow for you there's a speed-up dial as well. The main mission mode has three different stages. In each one, you have to work your way to the final bass, Meteo. Each and every planet has a different tile set and way to clear blocks. One planet required matching two sets nearby in order to get the blocks to launch. Some planets will launch every set all the way up in exchange for making the entire round faster. This is a simple concept, but it's hard to master. Match three games like this always require strategy, but I found that some luck comes into play here. I would restart one round nearly a dozen times only to win really quickly thanks to blocks falling in a certain pattern that allowed me to keep my screen clear.

Every time you defeat a boss it's really satisfying. The fast speed of needing to look ahead and make sure blocks are always lined up gets tough, but you learn over time. I wish you had power-ups like in some games like this, but what's here is fine. There are a couple more modes such as an endless mode and a custom mode. Modes are ideal for games like this that don't have a ton of missions like Puzzle Quest. However, I really do feel a more robust mission mode would have been better. After about an hour I wanted to stop. The game is only fun in short bursts due to its arcade-like nature. While the game can be addictive at times when you actually win it can also be exhausting because of the fast pace and luck-based nature of each match.

For an early DS title, the game looks good. There are some nice effects, and lots of colors and the touch screen responds well to the small blocks. I did find some tilesets were hard on the eyes, but I did eventually get used to them. Overall, Meteos is a fun puzzle game on the system and takes the genre in new directions despite the lack of a more robust mission mode.

A great action puzzler with slightly obtuse mechanics and a penchant for scratching up your DS touch screen. Sadly you could do better by wildly swiping at the screen than in considered play.

This is a really well done Tetris-like. A lot of quality features that make the game engaging to play. I have to admit, when things were getting dire, I could almost always get myself out of trouble frantically scribbling on rows until the blocks magically rocketed off the screen.

i don't belong here, why arent i on luna=luna

Nearly two decades later and it still slaps. It's a puzzle game with a robust singleplayer experience, a fun & refined aesthetic, and a lot of granular, hidden mechanical depth to explore - on the DS, no less! That's not even getting into the delightful aesthetics. Just really impressive and fun stuff.

A fun block puzzle game. The different planets were neat, and the versus was a cool feature, but the balance was whack.

I’m not one for this sort of puzzle game, but Meteos is a really good one. Must-play if you like the genre.

hella good. a little easy after a bit

Probably my favorite puzzle game behind Tetris, sorry Puyo Puyo

Not the biggest fan of the graphics and music of the game, but it's all very unique and interesting. The gameplay gives me a type of fun I haven't seen since I've player Tetris. I recommend.

I remember this being a very fun puzzle game. I think Sakurai of smash fame worked on it.

I remember this being held up as one of the first truly excellent games on the Nintendo DS, and it's still pretty good. Lumines is still better.

The pinnacle of "whatever" puzzle games. Great menu design, though.

A somewhat charming match three for DS where matching three let you blast off your blocks like rockets! Pretty cool and fun, up until you realize you get better results just randomly swiping on the touch screen. At that point the game becomes entirely mindless, and the appeal melts away. Why bother?

Meteos is a lot like Tetris (or more specifically, something like Tetris Effect) or Lumines, in that it's a very stylish puzzle game that I'm not very good at. I'd say my biggest complaint with Meteos is simply that it requires a fairly accurate touch, as you're asked to shuffle around blocks that are moving, often at quick speeds. I love the UI, I love that playing the game earns you currency to fuse into different things. It's a great game for killing a bit of time.

This game is such a fever dream. I can't wait for Sakurai explain what the heck is happening in this game on his YouTube channel!

Fun but also way harder than I remember it being as a kid. Like Tetris except you launch meteo(r)s at people except not like Tetris at all.

I never got the hype. I really tried. But I never got it. Even multiplayer. No fun there.

adds a refreshing dynamism to the falling block puzzle archetype. can get overwhelming at first but makes for a satisfying challenge. a remaster/sequel with online play would be great!

Probably the most infinitely replayable puzzle game I've invested my time into. Suck it, Tetris.