Reviews from

in the past

this game fucked me up good im crying fuck you game

i have the dexterity of a block of velveeta

Bonitinho e gameplay interessante

I wish I had fewer movement options (i hate moving)

Went into it with zero expectations. I actually played this game thinking it would be a decent at best experience so i can jump back into the Yakuza series once more, to avoid getting burned out. boy was i wrong, this game deserved every second I've given to it and stands alone as a beautiful game that broke the ceiling for me, ESPECIALLY with such low expectations. it surprised me. a pleasant surprise it was indeed. I'd recommend this platformer to anyone. Story is simple but touching. artstyle and the atmosphere and the lore are gorgeous. paired with a killer OST it really did give me chills alot of the times. great game. absolutely beautiful.

Excellently crafted puzzle-platformer with some fantastic boss fights and a meaningful story . The unique platforming mechanics work very well in combination with the game's smart, creative puzzles.

The story is a big confusing on the surface level but seems pretty cohesive regardless. The best part about this game is absolutely the unique mechanics that makeup the entirety of the gameplay. Not only are quite fun, but they I feel as though they are utilized to near their full potential, and the final bosses of the game are truly a culmination of everything the game teachers you up to that point. Very balanced difficulty as well, the second-highest difficulty (Adventure) gives a genuine but fair challenge I enjoyed quite a bit. At about 8-10 hours, I would easily recommend this game to anyone


Turgid writing that makes me think whoever put this to paper must hate Gerard Manley Hopkins. The play has an interesting conceit but fails to iterate or demand lateral thinking from the player as the verb set refuses to expand, offering rote trajectory paths and uninteresting, generic, and unoriginal environments to muddle the way through. Maybe there is a late game turn that recontextualises everything I have complaints over, but after about 2 hours, the molasses substrate the app is submerged within had me pushing my thumbsticks so hard to the right for lack of speed that I thought they might break.

Completed it on a whole sitting. It definitely has all signatures of a Rayark game: SiHanatsuka with some music bangers, some quirky english dialogue and a solid experience.

It's a fun puzzle game for a little bit but it drags on for a little too long

I really wanted to enjoy MO:Astray, but sadly most of my experience with the game was just not interesting. My biggest problem with the game is that it delivers its story largely in missable collectibles that are out of sequence, meaning that you have very little context for anything that is happening. All the game's attempts at twists, betrayals and epic confrontations just land flat when you only know the vague outlines of the story.

The puzzles were also not inspired in my opinion. I never had that "aha!" moment that you look for in puzzle games. It's not outright bad, but most of the puzzles were easily solved immediately after identifying all the puzzle elements.

I also don't think that the combat aspect of the game added much. You only have one move: a bash that can stun enemies or rip their heads off. Yet MO is constantly throwing combat encounters at you without much variation. As well, the game does not have the combat depth required to earn being allowed to have boss fights so long they have mid-fight checkpoints.

MO:Astray is an interesting game where the story and atmosphere really set it apart from any other platformer, however, it tends to hide what makes it so different. A lot of this game is controlled through jumps rather than normal running which can take a little getting used to, but ends up being a lot of fun. The puzzles and interactions with other enemies are also something that makes this game stand out.

The one fault is that it takes the voice memos from Bio Shock and just puts the whole story exclusively in those short memos. This makes it so if you want to understand the story, you have to actively search for everything, which ruins the pacing and makes everything tedious. It also ends up with you getting a broken story because you miss some memos. Still a fun game, but could've been simplified down into a more digestible story.

local little blobbo blops its way to victory while learning of the horrible crimes of humanity

Beautiful looking action/puzzle/platformer, even with all the decaying bodies, Controls well, good action, environments and how you interact with them is frequently changing, animations of enemy creatures and details in the backgrounds make the locations feel a bit more alive. Play as a blob that can stick to surfaces and heads to control enemies before learning new powers. Main story is a mostly uninteresting one of science gone wrong and betrayal, but reading the thoughts of infected creatures and seeing the images of past events play out is a good use of the mechanics and environment.


I like it but some parts were a bit frustrating. The art isn't really my cup of tea. It honestly feels like a really really high quality flash game at times. But I had fun.

funny slime game oh no i jumped in some plants and died

Hidden gem.

You play as a smol lil blob and you move by just flicking yourself into whichever trajectory you want. At first you can only do tiny hops but with upgrades and other mechanics, the parkouring and puzzles are fun to do.

Also totally banger ending and ost, definitely try it out if you're into indies.

This review contains spoilers

I chose to play this game on disaster mode because i like a challenge and the other difficulties seemed less fun platforming-wise. The platforming was pretty neat as i expected, same as the good bosses. Though unfortunately not all fights in this game deserve to be classified as such. Two of them are absolutely horrible.
Doula is a slow and boring boss battle against a blue worm with janky hitboxes. Its attacks can be dodged by standing still or getting favourable rng. To damage it you also need some luck, not a good fight, felt like a waiting game really.
The next fight though, oh boy what a horrible experience that was. I was understandably frustrated by Doula, but chose to keep going, because the previous bosses were pretty neat, so surely there could not possibly be a worse fight in the game, right?
There unfortunately was, it is called the Skilled Pilot. This fight does not do a single thing right. Its music(just like Doula's) is underwhelming, and that's the most positive you'll hear from me about this boss. Good god, this fight is so rng-based, that no matter who or where you ask, or even try to look up guides on how to beat it, all you'll get is "get lucky" or "this fight is won with repetition and luck, not skill". I cannot stress enough how much i hate that, but even if i chose to ignore this insanely bad game design, i still need to talk about one more thing relating to this fight - it clashes with the game's tone, it's so out of place to be piloting a war machine as a little slime in a platforming game that tries to present you as this small creature uncovering this very hostile world. This boss goes down as the worst boss fight i have had the displeasure of fighting in my whole life.
Not to say the game didn't have it's good bosses though! The two last bosses feel like redemption for the two fights i mentioned before, it's not quite enough for me though.
Ending this on a positive note though, while going for 100% completion, the story really grew on me. I realised it's actually pretty good! I also did like the art style and how cute the protagonist is.

Very good platformer, but the unsatisfying ending kind of ruined it for me.

+ nice atmosphere and music
+ beautiful pixel art!
- some puzzles are great while some are more annoying than challenging
- it was not fun as I progressed further.

Overall, it was good fun for 2hr but not more than that

Das Spiel hat sehr viel Style, aber es mangelt ein wenig an der Substanz.
Die Produktionsqualität der Graphik und des Sounds sind fantastisch, dafür konnte mich die Story und das Gameplay weniger überzeugen.
Das Problem an der Handlung ist, dass der meiste Kontext Bruchstückhaft zu finden ist, was mir letztendlich mit nicht genug Informationen zurückließ, um mich für die Charaktere wirklich zu interessieren. Das Spiel nimmt einfach an, dass man sich genug für die Charaktere interessiert, ohne etwas dafür zu tun. Die bombastischen Momente am Ende des Spiels haben mich ein wenig an die Nier Spiele erinnert, nur dass diese Momente deutlich weniger dramatisch sind, wenn man mit den Personen nicht wirklich vertraut ist, oder nicht versteht aus welchen Gründen sie handeln.
Was mich aber am meisten stört ist der Fakt, dass man sich nicht wirklich entschieden hat was für ein Platformer das Spiel sein soll. Es wird als Puzzle-Platformer verkauft wobei die Puzzles häufig eher mittlere Komplexität haben und häufig eher wegen der Aufwändigkeit der Durchführung Zeit brauchen. Zudem kommen im späteren Verlauf immer mehr zeitkritische Situationen und Kampfszenarien, für die meiner Meinung nach die Steuerung des Charakters nicht so wirklich geeignet ist.
Der Charakter hat keinen normalen Sprung, sondern schleudert sich stattdessen in die gezielte Richtung, was aber bedeutet, dass man den Sprung in der Luft nicht mehr kontrollieren kann. Für die ersten 2-3 Kapitel ist das auch keine große Sache, außer dass man sich nicht ganz so flüssig bewegen kann wie in anderen Platformern, aber am Ende schmeißt das Spiel einen in unzählige Kämpfe und wo es einen mit fliegenden Projektilen überwältigt, was mit dieser Steuerung wirklich anstrengend ist. Wenn man schon so viel Action am Ende haben möchte, dann hätte ich mir gewünscht, dass diese auch schon frühzeitig im Spiel etabliert wird.

MUITO LEGAL ESSE JOGO ele pega a mecanica principal dele e a aproveita muito bem em um level design supimpa

Nothing technically wrong with the game, but I did not care at all what was happening.