Reviews from

in the past

Um dos maiores MMOs infantis mais impressionantes, tanto pela quantidade de coisas que ele conseguiu juntar em um único universo (pelo amor de Deus, até bolsa de valores tinha), tanto pelo tempo que ele ainda tá ai no ar.

Eu não podia ter amigos porque coloquei minha idade real. E mandar carta pros EUA please né

If this was released today it would have an M rating.

I still have my neopets account and honestly they've been doing p well with the switching to mobile friendly stuff

i was not big on club pengun at all or webkinz, neopets was my SHIT

Played a lot as a kid. Funny to remember that the first time that my e-mail and password were pwned was because of a Neopets data breach xD

i wish i could get into my old accounts

I desperately wish this game in its current state was better because it was a staple of my childhood, at this point it would be better to just let it die but I give it 4 stars because it's so important to me.

Hell yeah I traded with my mom on this game as a kid and spammed the lost and found section to get free stuff

Nostalgic fun, plain and simple. Everybody knows all there is to know about this game already.

Made an account 19 years ago so i like to think i've seen most of what neo has had to offer. Watching the site become a husk of its former glory has been sad, still i find myself coming back to the site once a year for a couple of days.

Its almost unplayable nowdays with the death of flash. Most of the games are gone, pages are broken and games that are fixed run pretty poorly.

idk how to explain it, other than this was a gateway. a gateway to somethin i can’t tell u what word i’m thinking of tbh

nowhere near as good as Club Penguin from my experience but damn did those Neopets designs go hard

They're getting bonus points from me for finally updating to have 2FA in the year of our lord 2022 and because I'm nostalgia-pilled and probably won't ever quit playing this game.

De longe o "jogo" de browser que mais joguei, digo entre " por que neopets sempre esteve mais para uma rede social e tbm uma plataforma para jogos flash

Queria que a marca ainda existisse pois ainda tenho muito apego aos designs do jogo.

very good as an outlet for gambling that doesn't end up ruining your life

you can't really rate neopets bc on some days it is a 5 star experience and sometimes you want to destroy the entire site

can you even rate a formative experience

okay actually yeah

hard to say whether it holds up well to this day especially since a lot of the flash-based content is now bust, but neo's still super interesting as far as "virtual worlds" go and there's a lot of content to explore.

neoquest was and still is my jam

also wow kid me really underestimated the stock market back then

If I was reviewing this a few years back, I would be a lot kinder. I felt nostalgic though recently and went back to it. I should not have bothered. With the death of flash and company more interested in hawking NFTs than actually fixing things, you've got a site that's barely held together with broken pages, dead games and barely functioning basic features.

The total lack of games hurts. Sure they've tried to bring some over to the new system outside of flash but the amount of actual games can now be counted on a hand. Dont worry though! They remembered to port all the gambling stuff like the shitty wheels and slot machines, because when I think 'Kids Games', I think 'Gambling'.

Just let the site die. It had a good run and like the Simpsons, it should just have a last hurrah celebration and then end.

world record for hasee bounce so pog

I never got the fun of it, I got bored within a day, a friend got me into it and insisted on playing Neopets every day but there were so many other free games out there that were waaaaaaaaay better and a lot more entertaining than this crap.

But hey, this game is how many people found out they were furries, that's something I guess.

The history surrounding this game is so much funnier and more intriguing than how it actually is in its current post-flash-death state. Like wym it was once involved with Scientology? Currently involved with NFTs?

It jus hit different. This was my religion when I was like 9 years old

Oh man... I loved Neopets. Too bad it's gone now... Or is it? Eh, not sure.

I originally gave this website - the original website, not the broken mess it is now - four stars for being an important part of my childhood, but that was before the massive security breach where user data was leaked and being sold on the dark web.

Dumbasses really thought they could sell NFTs while still using Internet security from circa 2002, damn.

wtf... theres creachers in this game

i enjoy

One time I got a Neopets toy from Mcdonald's and I held it out the window of the car by its tag and it flew out of my hand. We went back for it but couldn't find it. I was bummed out.

Neopets was a weird time. I love collectible cute animals though.