Reviews from

in the past

maaaaaaaaaaan deberia pasarme este juego de una vez que es el scottie pippen de los soulslike no hechos por from software

This was a fun game but everytime I hear someone say that it is difficult I can't help but feel confused. The game is extremely generous with the amount of loot it gives you - eventually you find yourself being able to down bosses in a few hits on your first try. If you don't have the mental capacity to take advantage of the loot, then you need to contact doctor phil asap.

I honestly knew right away from playing the alpha demo that I was going to love this game. I love the premise and the tight gameplay. Honestly it's a total win for me. I think it's just about a perfect game. Nioh 2 adds more stuff and mechanics but I will give Nioh 1 some props because I think I like the campaign better here. Just wish I could bring my Nioh 2 character in this one ha ha.

Platinum # 68

Yo pensaba que era una copia del Dark Souls y lo único que copia bien son las ganas de arrancarte la polla algunas veces. No me acaba de convencer que en lugar de un mapa abierto vaya por misiones en zonas cerradas, que te den 8 millones de espadas con 0.1 más de daño que la anterior, el balanceo de los bichos y muchas cosas de diseño en general. Al final del día es un juego decente, pero uno que da bastante perecita.

Combate bem inteligente. Misturou RPG padrão com combate action muito bem. Só tenho problemas com o seu balanceamento.

Does what Toukiden did and made a game that I'd repeatedly bounced off - in this case Demon's Souls - and made it fun. The mission structure and the faster/higher damage combat is what made it for me. A friend explained the appeal as them making it so just pressing buttons is fun, and I think that's it. I really appreciated the stances and some of the movesets really clicked. Seeing all those Sengoku characters with new designs and voices was great too.

esse jogo me deixa triste porque o começo é realmente bom, as duas primeiras áreas são muito daora, as mecânicas de combate são legais, mas fica um lixo. Os mapas são muito sem graça e tem praticamente os mesmos inimigos do começo ao final; é cheio de missões secundárias chatas pra caralho e repetitivas que, se você não fizer, vai se ferrar nas missões principais por estar underlevel. Tem uma ou outra bossfight legal, mas nada que salve, nada que compense, não vale a pena

Cool game.

Sadly, way too much meaningless loot.

Also, the DLC story sucks major ass.

platinei pra ter propriedade pra dizer.... PODRE !!!!!!!!!

Story kinda sucks, but the gameplay is gold.

A very high quality samurai action game with some well integrated souls quirks. To address the elephant in the room when talking about this game; While I wont definitively mark anything as "better than" other than the obvious being the combat, I definitely like this style of game more than the souls games in every respect other than worldbuilding. Though the world of Nioh isn't exactly novel other than the supernatural elements given its a period piece, its still a worthy backdrop for this kind of experience. The Mission structure appeals to me more than your standard semi-open world, and reminds me of the tenchu-esque experience I yearn for often. After some rounds of patches, I'm now not turned off at all by the gear system, as several well executed mechanics throughout those early patches went a long way towards keeping progression balanced and flowing smoothly into its post and endgame, and keeps that endgame interesting if left wanting more and willing to put the time in, though the experience even without that delightful postgame is still well rounded in and of itself. Moreover, while playing through it the first time, its systems are all POINTEDLY FOCUSED in service to the core gameplay even while accounting for the abundance of variety of playstyles . It also masterfully walks an extremely tight balancing act in subsequent playthroughs for people wanting more reason to continue the moment-to-moment gameplay through a min-max treadmill that winds up never feeling like an egregious one. The kind of treadmill you can easily forget you're running on and get a hell of a "Zen" kind of workout you get lost in. While there are re-used assets that might rub some the wrong way, the core detraction I see from that re-use is a moot point given it relates to this games novel way of handling new game plus, and technically not being "re-used". There could always be more levels and enemies in any game like this, but what's there is extremely well made and wonderfully paced. I absolutely could not put it down, one of the better two weeks straight of gaming that I've experienced in recent memory. God bless team ninja.

Dark Souls where you follow the story of William Avery, history's first Weeb.

Ele não sabe se apresentar daí fica fácil tu esquecer

Nem achei difícil, só achei sem graça em muitos pontos, os inimigos são sempre os mesmos, os cenários são mal feitos, é super repetitivo e existem bosses ou muito legais (tipo o a mulher do diabo lá) ou que são uma merda (tipo aquela slime do rezende que é um belo lixo), btw não é um jogo ruim, mas falha em diversas coisas e não me agradou.

I remember enjoying this... But I can't really recall why. I do remember hating the looting aspect though.

Nioh tem personalidade, Nioh tem visual, tem mecânicas que o diferem de outros soulslikes do mercado, mas tem tantos defeitos que pqp

One of my favorite games of all time

Really Good, the only problem I saw was that they reused too many bosses

A mud pit.

that i'll GLADLY roll over like the pig I am.
this game was SUPER fun to play with it's quick pace gameplay and difficult, timing-based bosses. with more than enough boss replays and duos to satisfy your masochistic nature.

Story was bizarre but most certainly a pleasure. all in all, a solid 8/10

Take Dark Souls and Combine it with the lovely nation and Artstyle of Japan and you get Nioh! The cool thing about this game is its the right amount of risk and reward and the right amount of difficulty to where you will mess up, buy you'll have so much fun doing so. This game and it's sequel are both amazing.

Tenho muitas ressalvas, mas no fim tive um lucro positivo

O jogo começa sensacional, ótimas mecânicas de combate até que... por que eu to fazendo missões genéricas com recompensas desprezíveis em mapas repetidos e coletando loot inútil visto que só um set importa ?

foda, só que é difícil pra um krl

This game does a lot of things really well. One thing that hurts the game is it's level design, very boring. Especially going into it with a souls like mindset where fromsoft might have the best level design in the business today. That said, the combat is incredible. If an issue you have with fromsoft games is the combat, this is your game.

After being kept up until 4AM every night, immersed in Elden Ring for a month straight, this game and its little bite-sized Souls Snacks feel a lot more refreshing now than when I first played the game years ago.

a solid case for why team ninja shouldn't be allowed to make games anymore