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in the past

This was solid. I've got some major issues with some of the level design and bosses, but these can hopefully be ironed out in a potential sequel, because the main mechanic is too good to not be expanded upon.

Great game. Polished, focused, smartly designed. I love how everything ties back to the weapons.

Es una lástima, porque en verdad deseaba que el juego fuese bueno. Visualmente es encantador y en efecto tiene ideas muy buenas, pero no las supo aprovechar en ningún momento, es como si metieron al asador todo en los primeros niveles pero después todo lo que queda son solo sobras de algo que pudo llegar a más. El gran problema del juego es que tiene un balance muy desprolijo, se nota que le dieron muchos mimos y cariño a las mecánicas del mecha pero no a el diseño de niveles, enemigos y jefes. Lo más lógico sería que busquen juegos de NES en su romset que probablemente haya uno más interesante (quizás el propio Blaster Master) o prueben otros indies.

Si quieres saber mi opinión completa del juego, hice un video en youtube ahondando lo más posible, pueden verlo aquí:


Sinceramente esperaba mucho más de Panzer Paladin. Es un juego curioso que toma prestados varios elementos de juegos de la época de los 8-bits, sobre todo de Mega Man, pero con un diseño de nivel muy irregular que al final nunca materializa el potencial que hay detrás de tanto homenaje.

What we have here is a game that can be described entirely in terms of NES games its copying from. That's both unfair, since it has its own identity, and exactly what you're supposed to do.

First up, though: the soundtrack is all bangers. Chiptunes with instruments like a Anamanaguchi and I can't get enough of that shit. Top tier. Love it.

The first story cutscene also rules since it's obviously aware of how goofy the whole thing is. After that it kind of starts just going through the motions and not being super fun but there's not much of it. You're fighting mythological monsters with a robot and sword's that's all you need. You do a series of levels in various stereotype zones of countries around the world and then a Wily Fortress endgame.

You're in a robot which has a shield and you collect weapons for it to wield, the weapons being the main mechanical draw here. You get them off of enemies and in breakable walls and just all over the place. Tons of them, and no real limit to how many you can hold except that once you go past a certain threshold things get tougher and you have to fight a centaur midboss after the first checkpoint in each level. Beat that guy and he'll drop a weapon that someone made and uploaded, so you'll be getting replicas of other video game weapons and vacuum cleaners and just all kinds of fun crap. Weapons have durability but, like I said, you get way more of them than you'll lose to breakage. This means you're free to throw them or break them. Each weapon has a spell associated with it that triggers when manually broken. They range from some pretty weak powers, stat ups, and the like to some really nice ones like unlimited flight for a minute or two or a full health restore. You can also dump weapons between levels to increase your maximum health by a bit.

There are a good number of moves you can pull off in the robot, including a backdash that has iFrames and can be pulled off in midair and is very fun to use. Once you get used to it, the movement can be very fun. You can also get out of the robot and run around on foot. You'll have to do this periodically. The little robot on foot is actually stronger than you think and can kill enemies no problem, but she has only a tiny health bar.

So all of this feels pretty good, right? The main problem is that there just isn't a lot of variety in the things you actually do. The levels distinguish themselves in aesthetic but not mechanics, there's a lot of them and they're all pretty long. What this means is that everything feels samey. A lot of the enemies are pretty much Iron Knuckle from Zelda 2 and even if they look different, it's all the same thing.

Don't get me wrong this sucker only took like 3 hours to beat so it wasn't boring, I just don't need to go back into it to play the harder remix story mode.

If you look at a screenshot and, like me, think 'damn I'm an absolute sucker for games that look exactly like this' then you will have a good time but it's not life changing. At least listen to the soundtrack though it's good

Some cool ideas at play here, but overall I found it to be pretty middle-of-the-pack in terms of 8-bit throwback platformers. Which is really saying something -- if this would've come out 10 years ago, it would've been amazing, but there's just been so much in the space since.

The guard/parry is a neat idea, but I didn't find it executable reliably enough to really take advantage of it. And tying the amount of weapons you have to the difficult (in some way? I don't think it's ever really explained) is neat, but I just ended up unloading a bunch of weapons every now and then to lower the danger level.

Hopping out of the mech is a fun idea (very Blaster Master), but it's almost always forced on you, making the pilot sections less about exploring the levels and finding nooks and crannies and more about getting really de-powered for a not-so-fun stretch until you can get the mech back.

Breaking the weapons to fire off their spells is neat. Some of the music is great. The sprites are fun. But overall, I thought it was just ok.

Great pixel art action platformer with great boss fights and some interesting and unique systems at play, though they don't always stick the landing. Features the best CRT filter I've ever seen.

It's just fine but there are so many games of it's ilk that are just more interesting to play.

It really nails the "retro indie" look with a pleasant color palette and a great CRT filter. As a side-scroller it's pretty rote, with uninspired level design and a weapon pick-up system that doesn't do anything interesting.

Piss easy and some pretty bland levels til the end, but it's competent and still enjoyable.
I don't know if it's just me but I wish some attention was paid with the gameplay elements and scenery cuz they all sort of blend in (by that, I mean the spikes can be hard to see in some stages.)
The weapon system is cool and I wish the Flame-only sections were more like the final stages.

's okay.

Good not as old games were, but good as we remember then in our nostalgia, love this game.

It was fine, i don't remember much about it. Making your own weapon was cool at least.

Both incredibly pretty and extremely boring, none of the systems that are meant to change up the gameplay can compensate for incredibly monotonous levels, enemies and bosses that very much overstay their welcome.
A shame, since I really wanted to like it due to its presentation.

Felt really good to play and has some seriously damn good pixel art. There's a lot I like about the game, even just like the idea of a more melee focused MMX/Zero style game is super neat...
Buuut the difficulty felt all of the place. And really soured the expierence for me a lot. I think 99% of my deaths were from one or two bosses.
It's a fun time, but never really impressed me with its level design. Ultimately making it a little forgettable.

Pretty great retro platformer with a series of unique and fresh ideas. It's wonderful on the eyes and the ears, and provides a good challenge. A gripe I have, however, is the scarcity of checkpoints, as well as the "gimmick-y" nature of your character when they're outside the mech - outside-mech segments in some levels are so short and trivial it has me wondering why they exist at all, though later levels improve on this greatly. Overall a fun indie title.

Good 'ol retro platforming fun, a bit short, but there is game modes after beating the story I want to go back to. And an alternate ending.

I started out super lukewarm but somewhere along the way I ended up enjoying it thoroughly

Vibrant glorious pixel graphics, flashy mech action, accompanied by a truly stellar soundtrack Panzer Paladin left me with nothing but enjoyment. A retro action platformer with elements taken from blaster master and mega man Panzer Paladin hits right at home for fellow retro indie game enjoyers. After you beat which is essentially the tutorial level you’re given options to fight various bosses derived from multiple mythology’s around the world. Lilith is terrorizing USA, Medusa is raising hell in Greece, Anubis is stirring up mischief in Egypt, etc.

I found the gameplay of panzer pretty fun, and straightforward. For most of the levels you’re inside your mech collecting weapons which are either hidden in spots of the map behind walls or dropped from defeating enemies and bosses. The weapons had an interesting trait to them in which they have various spells attached. Some examples would be healing, raising attack/defense, gaining wings, and so on. The game never tells you what the spells do so for the less obvious ones like blessing and thunder so on, you’re left with experimenting with them. In order to even activate these spells you must break the weapon itself rendering it gone forever. The key to the spells which can prove to be rather fun in itself is waiting until the last minute to break a weapon releasing its spell gaining the most use out of it. There’s some small portions of the game with most levels where you’re forced to progress through the levels outside of your mech. Flame, a rescue operations Android, that you control through the game then becomes tiny with a whip attack that has pretty decent range. The segments where you’re forced to leave ur mech actually was most of the highlights for me since I found them really fun.
I’d say the soundtrack is easily my favorite part about this game overall. Can’t say I disliked a single track throughout the entire game and it always kept me bumping. Extremely solid chiptune ost that stays consistent throughout the whole game.

All in all panzer paladin is pretty good but I do have some issues with it. The main being despite the weapons in this game having a wide variety aesthetically(and even the option to create ur own design!), they really all function the same aside from the handful of spells they could possibly have. I also didn’t feel like there was enough of the out of mech action spread equally for each level and in the game overall. I wouldn’t say this was really something holding the game back but the upgrade for your mech just felt extremely bland and underwhelming. All you could do was upgrade health by dumping extra weapons you found throughout levels which could easily be done within 2-3 levels. A bit of variety for upgrades or even some type of customization would’ve been cool but I don’t think that’s a real issue for the game itself, just a personal gripe. Despite these issues panzer is still a short, fun experience that I do recommend!

Pretty solid megaman-y style stage platformer from the team behind the upcoming TMNT: Shredder's Revenge.

It's cool that you're constantly collecting breakable weapons, and there's a deliberate trade-off between consuming your weapon for a buff or using it until it breaks, but I felt like it didn't really add much variety to the gameplay.

The soundtrack is a banger, though. Lots of worldly variants on the main riffs.

very fun, plays like a classic NES game

they made breath of the wild's weapon durability into a cool mechanic. wow!

Es un Megaman clone pero con bastante personalidad y muchas ideas y mecánicas propias, como el tema de las armas que está bastante chulo, o el mecha, que se maneja súper bien. El diseño de niveles está guay. El problema es que es muy repetitivo, reciclando enemigos hasta el hartazgo, y que encima es un poco más largo de lo que le vendría bien. Hacia el final ya se empieza a hacer pesado por eso, por la repetitividad.

Pero eh. Está bien. Si te gustan este tipo de juegos, te lo vas a pasar guay.

Panzer Paladin is a sidecroller action game which differentiates itself from the rest in 2 major ways: first, you can dismount from your mech and play as the android pilot which comes in handy in a few occasions, but it's mostly useful for getting through sections were the mech doesn't fit. It's pretty cool to be able to do it though.
Second, but a lot more important, is the weapon system. These are the main power up in the game and can be found in abundance by defeating certain enemies or simply by progressing through the levels, they are mostly made out of cardboard judging by how fast they break. You can also throw them as projectiles or break them for a special effect. Furthermore, you can even design your own or get new ones from the workshop, these special weapons only drop from a particular miniboss, but since they are custom made, they can be very powerful.
At first I didn't like the system very much because there's no other form of progression in the game besides some minor health upgrades, but the system grew on me eventually. Once you've got a decent amount of weapons your options increase a lot, obviously healing spells are useful in any situation, but so are other buffs. The game becomes almost too easy as it goes on because of this.
This game also features some platforming, especially on the later levels, but it's nothing to write home about, it's clearly not the main focus of the experience.
Finally, Panzer Paladin is aesthetically brilliant, the graphics and music are simply awesome. You can see for yourself in the promotional material, the level of detail is insane even for the backgrounds, and the entire game looks this good. There are also a few animations at key points during the story which are also wonderful.
Ultimately, I believe Panzer Paladin is a pretty good game, but the weapon mechanic is a love it or hate it kind of thing in my opinion, I can see it turning people off. I'm also still in awe at the art direction.

Seems a little linear and straightforward, but the look and feel is unimpeachable, and the weapon system goes deeper than they needed to.

While this game has a lot of charm, the game ends up explaining nothing so you just kind of mindlessly wander around until you get bored and drop the game... The control scheme is also not good.

Juego que parece sacado de una NES, pero con cositas actuales. La curva de dificultad del juego tiene un grave problema, siendo algunos bosses tremendamente fáciles, otros difíciles, y mas adelante, otros muy dificiles, habiendo minions anteriores mas fuertes que el boss que viene a continuación. El que los personajes sean poco hábiles moviéndose, sobre todo la chica, hace que muchas veces mueras rápidamente y no sientas que puedes hacer nada.

Si esto no te molesta, es un juego para ti, donde puedes parar muchos ataques con buen timing, e incluso devolverlos con algunas habilidades que obtienes tras romper las armas. Lo ideal es ir guardando las mejores armas, farmeando aquellas de recuperar vida, pues en algunas zonas te serán muy útiles. Aunque puedes sacrificar una gran cantidad de armas para subirte la vida, no merece demasiado la pena a medio y largo plazo.

Otra parte negativa es que todas las armas pegan igual, siendo la única diferencia el rango que tienen o el efecto que te dan al romperlas tu, pero siempre mejor esto que el piloto, que solo puede atacar en línea recta, estando el juego pensado para atacar hacia abajo y hacia arriba en muchas ocasiones.

they made a game with a mech, where you can get in and out of the mech, and you have a grappling hook, and it's still boring

Very pleasantly surprised with this one! Clever use of weapons durability and just an action packed sidescroller. Short, but fun from start to finish.

An entertaining throwback platformer that dishes up exciting boss battles and challenging stages. It has some odd design choices that can lead to unwarranted frustration, but the high-risk-high-reward combat leads to white-knuckle battles that require strategy and focus.

Full Review: