Reviews from

in the past

Além da mudança bem ruim das batalhas serem só com itens consumíveis, além da divisão por fases ter acabado com uma parte da exploração da série, ainda tenho que aturar um mundo totalmente sem carisma e sem personagens marcantes.

This game is flat out trash. Color Splash has some real heart and charm to it, but this? Gameplay is a farce, and all personality vanishes from the game after the first few minutes. It's extremely hard for me to find anything redeeming here.

Its got good music i guess thassabout it

Paper Mario: Sticker Star is by far my least favorite game of all time. Every character and location is bland and feels like it was ripped from a New Super Mario Bros. game and written by a high school student. The story is virtually non-existent and the combat system serves no purpose with no real incentive for battles at all. All of the boss fights in the game come down to finding the right one hit kill option on the over world. On top of this, virtually all of the puzzles require you to use consumable items which likely means you'll have to back track to places you've already been to to get the right sticker. The only redeeming qualities are it's solid soundtrack and art style. Do not play this game unless you are the one being paid. Preferably over $100.

Between the gameplay and the lackluster soundtrack this was just a bad game.

Can you even call it a JRPG when the whole gameplay loop is buying & finding disposable items, then using them against useless enemy counters, just to make money to spend on the same disposable items?

There might be better examples, but I honestly can't think of a bigger fall from grace in a gaming franchise than Paper Mario: Sticker Star.

This was my first exposure to Paper Mario, and I had a decent time with it. It wasn't super gripping or engaging but it was pretty and a nice time waster. The music also slaps surprisingly hard. I'm excited to see how the other games are better.

what the fuck is your actual fucking problem

Have you ever watched a show or a movie series that at first was amazing, one of the best of its kind, but then later down the road the whole thing just got worse and worse to the point where it's just beyond repair? Well that's more or less what happened with Paper Mario. After the original and Thousand year door being two of the best games I've ever played came the third entry "Super paper mario" on the wii. While this was in my opinion a great game, it was not a great paper mario game, more on that game when I actually review it. The main issue I had with SPM was that it wasn't an RPG anymore, well when sticker star was announced it was advertised as a "return to the roots" by being an RPG again, what we got though was a hefty disappointment. Right so first and foremost while Sticker star is technically an RPG (I use that term very loosely) it lacks almost all the things that made the first two Paper Mario games so great. No more badges, no more partners, you can't even level up in this game, yes an RPG game where you don't even level up. This gives you basically no incentive to fight enemies as the only thing you get from winning is a bunch of coins, coins which you use to buy things that will help you but only barely, without having the ability to level up this is hardly an RPG and it makes the game a real bore to go through. Secondly you can only fight enemies by using stickers, these stickers are things like items you can use against enemies or different moves you can use such as jumping or using your hammer, if you have no stickers you CANNOT fight enemies whatsoever and that frankly is just ridiculous. To add to this the bosses and enemies this time around are all just generic Mario enemies, nothing special like they used to be and every boss has some sort of gimmick that you have to figure out in order to defeat them, I only made it to the third boss in this game before I gave up completely but I could not for the life of me figure out how to beat this boss on my own even with all the clues the game gave me.

Now for the story, the story and characters of Paper Mario has always been a real highlight of the series but this time around there's absolutely no unique characters, first off Bowser is your main enemy and he doesn't even talk in this game like he did in previous entries, the only "partner" Mario has is this tiara whose name I can't be asked to remember as she's just incredibly annoying and other than that, that's really it. All other NPC's are just generic toads which became a staple in the series after this game and it's absolutely for the worst. I have personally given up on them ever making another great Paper Mario game, this for me was enough to stop me from ever buying one again but seeing as how the series has progressed since this game I just don't see it ever going back.

É triste ver Paper Mario chegar a um produto tão diferente do que o tornou famoso. A Nintendo resolveu que deveria separar cada vez mais Paper Mario de Mario & Luigi, focando um jogo onde Mario viaja solo e o combate é resolvido por ele tão somente.

Bem, o resultado é frustrante. As boas ideias de Sticker Star envolvendo adesivos são poucas, e lidam com um elefante na sala: o combate todo pautado em recursos finitos das habilidade de Mario. Saltar, Martelar, e outros movimentos especiais gastam o adesivo correspondente, tornando a aventura sempre dependente desde gerenciamento infeliz de recursos.

Uma péssima experiência pra quem é fã da série, que apesar de seus pontos bons não consegue eliminar a pecha de medíocre.

Battle system? Has little to no depth or strategy and is insultingly easy, way more than the other games in the series.

Incentive for battling? literally the only thing you get for battling is coins (and the occasional sticker), you spend them on single use stickers which you need to do anything in battle so any non-required battle is a literal waste of time.

Story and characters? Non-existent for the former and very, very scarce for the latter, charm? Also very, very scarce.

worlds and creativity? new super mario bros.

positives? music and visual presentation is pleasant, mostly unremarkable but pleasant + the snifit or whiffit bit and the boo's mansion levels were pretty alright, little diamonds in the septic tank but it's something,

hotel? trivago.

Imagine a JRPG that makes battling enemies a bad thing. Imagine that the game also makes bosses invincible unless you find the one item that can instakill them. That's this game. It's bad, don't pick it up. I gave up after world 3, and I rarely give up on games.

Just play Bug Fables instead.


really excited for when the rest of you decide to finally come around on this game as really fun and engaging in its own way. the OST is superb, and i genuinely like this more than ttyd. the executioner flips the switch and my electric chair buzzes on, killing me

To be fair this was my first Paper Mario game.

Paper Mario: Sticker Star is the Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash of the Paper Mario series. It's a deliberate personal insult to anyone that had previously enjoyed a Paper Mario game and terrible at everything it tries to do. It's a mediocre platformer with boring "puzzles", a sorry-excuse of a battle system and as complex of a story as the original Super Mario Bros. What an incredible effort to suck the life out of a franchise.

there have been so many bad games ive played. halo 4. nu thief. so forth. but i cant really bring myself to hate any of them--just a great distaste or disliking, i guess

but this shit right here. this is easily the worst video game i've ever played in my life, firing on all cylinders as a completely miserable experience to both established paper mario fans of old and approachers of new. an ugly art style plastered with generic, boring designs mixed with a soulless soundtrack and obnoxious dialogue all make for an ugly exterior, but all of this could be good and it still wouldnt save the baffling gameplay. who in fuck thought it would be a good idea to make a combat system where the only winning move is to not play? i think i treated sticker star like a stealth game with all the running past enemies i did, considering the combat consists of wasting your resources and giving you nothing but coins for your effort, a complete waste of currency. when you're not surviving these encounters, you're either solving puzzles that range from brain dead easy to "this is legitimately not possible without a strategy guide on hand unless i want to spend three hours wandering around aimlessly." this game will never fail to not make me angry in some way, and i feel even angrier knowing that, slowly but surely, a new wave of defenders is building for this shitty revival of paper mario.

i was pissed off back then, i'm pissed off now writing this, and i'll be pissed off forever. fuck this game to hell.

Pain. But seriously this game was disappointing and just not fun. I maybe should revisit it but it definitely failed to impress

Imagine thinking stripping out all of the personality in something was a good idea, smh

the only paper mario game i have ever played

Its neat visual style is not nearly enough to salvage the incredible disappointment of a game that discards every little bit of personality that was left from this series to then mold it into a boilerplate Mario game. Even without context, Sticker Star's flawed mechanics, lack of originality and rigid structure make it a dull game to play.