Reviews from

in the past

Eu joguei algumas outras versões de Picross pro 3DS e eu gostava bastante da progressão dele, que ia aos poucos, trazendo novas formas de explorar a mecânica do nonogram. Picross DS - não sei se pelas limitações do console na época, talvez? - tem uns 10 puzzles normais e depois eles já ficam enormes e gigantescos. Eu tenho medo de saber o que acontece na última seção de puzzles, talvez você invoque um ser celestial em um Picross só com dicas de 1.

Essa foi minha primeira experiência com nonogramas, e eu me apaixonei pelo formato. Junto de Sudoku, Palavras Cruzadas, Match-3 e Tetris, Nonograma integra meu top de jogos de quebra-cabeça favoritos.

Picross DS was surprisingly popular back in the day. It's easy to forget how novel puzzle video games still felt before smart phones became heavily adopted. I put many hours into Picross DS to 100% it. There's not much to say here. It's picross and it's executed well.

There is no conceivable way Picross was invented in the 80's.

Picross is a literal drug, fun game but I didn't like how tapping on the wrong cell by complete accident penalizes you.

one of the best picross games ever, a sweet addiction made even better with the experience of actually tapping the squares with ur stylus and trying out different modes like popping bubble wrap with each square. all other picross that doesnt use a touch screen is made worse by comparison

esse foi um dos meus primeiros jogos de picross, e com certeza foi oq eu mais gastei tempo jogando, nunca tinha jogado um jogo de picross tanto assim na vida, achei mt divertido e me surpreendi, pensei que ia ser só mais um jogo meh

I played pretty much the entirety of this while sitting on toilet.

Not in one session obviously.

The later games' ability to add a neutral mark instantly is sorely missed here, especially on larger puzzles, but a must-play for Picross fans. I adore the added detail of animation when you complete a puzzle.

Don't judge me, I ranked this so high cause it made me addicted to picross puzzles and I can't seem to shake off the urge to play one for an entire week every other year

My go-to long bus ride game for a very long time. It's exactly what it says on the tin, it's Picross, if you wanna do some puzzles then this is a fine way to do it, maybe a wider variety of songs would've been nice... there's not a lot to say about this, huh.

Holy FUCKING shit it's motherfucking PICROSS you goddamm moron, get that ass ready for some numbers-and-pixels bullshit, my friend 😤😤😤😤😤😤

El Picross no está mal, lo adoro, pero... PORQUE MIERDA ME TIENES QUE PENALIZAR SI O SI POR COLOCAR UN CUADRITO MAL? ES QUE NO SABES COMO SE JUEGA EL PICROSS? Marcar mal apropósito es una herramienta para deducir de forma más intuitiva y versátil donde se encuentra las verdaderas ubicaciones sin planificarlo desde tu mente. No es necesario un sistema de penalización contrarreloj cuando me equivoco, y es soso porque es una forma mas segura de ganar, pues siempre te indicará donde te equivocas, y fácilmente puedes probar distintas ubicaciones que se te dificulta para luego reiniciar la partida y corregirlas... Ah pero por hacer esa trampa no te castiga, verdad? Es como si tuvieras un sistema de vidas en el Sudoku cada vez que te equivocas... CLARO QUE TE VAS A EQUIVOCAR, prácticamente se canaliza la experiencia en el prueba y error, y esta pelotudez solamente hace que te enfades de la experiencia

Was using this as a palette-cleanser, to smooth away the frustration I'd been feeling with Shenmue II, but now I'm hopelessly addicted to it

Perfect puzzle game. Picross puzzles are wonderful, and also such a perfect fit for the DS with its touch screen and buttons. A perfect match, made better by perfect execution. Solving the many many puzzles is satisfying on its own, especially with the little animation you get after. You could also make your own puzzles and trade them with others online, which was super fun with like minded folk. It was a wonderful time. <3


It's picross at its core and works amazingly on the DS. The layout and controls are perfect for what it is. If you like picross, then this is a must-play.

This game did not "start" the Picross franchise on Nintendo consoles, but it certainly is the one that gave it its modern traits. A lot of nice ideas were added to improve the UX and some of them have been removed with the Switch versions, something that still baffles me to this day. A fantastic puzzle game that never gets old.

Eu entendo que Picross DS foi a porta de entrada de muita gente pra nonogramas, mas depois de jogar tantos vários outros (mais novos E mais antigos que ele), eu não consigo gostar dessa iteração da franquia.

Por mais que dê pra ver a tentativa em tornar o jogo mais do que só uma coletânea de nonogramas, ele tem pouquíssimas melhorias de qualidade de vida em relação aos títulos do Game Boy (além de uma interface de jogo estranhíssima), só que com desafios muito mais complicados que no GB.

Ele parece mais um protótipo do Picross e (3DS) que ainda não tava pronto.

There were a lot of puzzles in this one, so it took a while, but I did it. Basic picross game, but these sort of games were made for the DS and it was fun slowly chipping away at the puzzles.

Picross is relaxing for me, but once it gets to 20x20 it's just too much for my brain.

Not as good as Mario's Picross but it's still really fun. I recommend this if you like picross puzzles :)