Reviews from

in the past

What a special game. Absolutely breathtaking from it's very first moments and when you encounter these enormous colossi it is simply sublime.

SotC, its remaster, and its remake have been some of the best games on three generations of Sony consoles.

who ever made the control layout your mother sicks of sheep and your dad is a filthy nonce that shit was atrocious i hope you lose ever sliver of happiness you dumb cow

Everyone has that game that is a prime example to them of the artistic value of the medium. Shadow of the Colossus is an important game to me.
Thank you, Fumito Ueda.

I picked this up in a pawn shop when I was younger, going off the box art of what seemed like an interesting fantasy game. It wasnt until I was traveling through the desolate, lonely landscape and flying through the air on the wings of a giant that I realized this game was beyond special. Its one of the most beautiful games I've ever played, with a message that, while simple, resonates through practically every aspect of gameplay. What would you do to save the one you love? Would you be willing to slay mountains?

A sensação de grandeza dos colossos é algo ímpar em jogos. O caráter épico das batalhas e a exploração intuitiva do cenário em busca dos combates que integram a proposta do jogo são elementos encontrados raramente em jogos.

Uma obra-prima que infelizmente nunca terminei.

Jogo de magnitude épica. Tudo neste jogo é de um calibre grandioso que coloca o sistema e o jogador ao limite. Gráficos deslumbrantes, acompanhados com incríveis mecânicas na sua gameplay. Narrativa ao nível de grandes contos clássicos. A emoção transborda a jogar este colosso título

This was one of the first games to bring to mind the feel of "art", wasn't it. Yes, I think it was.

TLDR; You get to kill big monsters, but by thinking instead of grinding.

Great game overall and one of my favorites. The ending still makes me mad, though.

- Minimalist approach in its gameplay and presentation. No unnecessary game mechanics
- Interesting story, world and lores for adult me to enjoy
- Simple & non-outrageous character and creature design
- Just right amount of game length, beat it in 23 hours
- Amazing soundtracks. Seriously, this game has tracklist of some of the best game soundtracks I've ever listened

- Annoying camera, just like in Ico.
- Weird challenge progression. There are difficult colossi in the early game, then easy one in midgame, then hard again, etc etc.
- I would like this game more if i can explore the world and discover the colossi by myself, instead being told to find them in order.

Search. Kill. Search. Kill. Repeat 16 times.
aka "Sweet, they made a game about my dreams."

You can slander Shadow of the colossus all you like for its endless pathfinding, clunky controls, awkward camera, but the fact is:

Shadow of the Colossus is still a one of a kind experience. And you know it.
A truly special video game that feels so different from anything else I have played before it. Or since for that matter. That sombre, almost tragic atmosphere is just something else.

No game feels quite like Shadow of the Colossus.

A remarkable achievement in daring vision and creativity.

masterpiece. always fun to climb up the colossi and find ways to kill them. huge fun world to ride agro through. lots of stuff to find with, like geckos and fruit. cool bonus weapons. love the colossi designs. the one game i can call epic unironically

That’s a pretty sexy horse

O que falar desse jogo? É perfeito, não tem o que falar

Performance hurts it a little bit on ps2

Se siente muy diferente a todo lo que la ps2 tenía en su momento, aunque me gusta mucho no es un juego perfecto, es bastante corto si no te pones a explorar todo el terreno que solo esta ahi para ser bonito y misterioso.

A game that truly subverts its genre. Every time a colossus would go down I was brought nearly to tears and felt like a terrible person.

The "Are games art?" game.
I have written philosophy presentations on this that went on so long I had to be stopped.
A great and surprisingly simple argument for player agency. And what holds that together is it isn't just an art-bait game but a format that hasn't been matched since.
Just you, your horse, a wasteland, and a dozen boss fights.
You have no excuse to have not played it now, but is best to go in blind with zero exceptions outside of "Oh hey big monster"

+Colossi battles are often fun and inventive
+Colossi design feels large than life
+Paced well
+Music adds to build
~Music is not always there
~Simple gameplay
~1 part: Find Colossi
~2 part: Stab Colossi
~Story is minimal, yet deep
~Little direction
-Climbing mechanics often make things tedious at times

All I feel with this game is melancholy.
My feelings...

lembranças da infância, acho que nunca terminei

reminds me of that one time i drank 8 yakult bottles

é bonito e tals mas a falta de dificuldade fez eu brochar bastante