Reviews from

in the past

spelunky 2 (2020) is an eternal evening spent tongue-kissing a chess computer

Extremely fun game great mechanics lovable characters just all around a really good game

Everything that made the first Spelunky a masterpiece is here, but expanded: the almost perfect game design, the secrets, the synergy of game elements, the refined gameplay, etc.

Spelunky 2 is an excellent game, however everything that makes it excellent was already present in the first game. I think Spelunky 2 is a better game than the first, but the innovations and influence of Spelunky 1 put it above the sequel, if that makes any sense.

Funny game where you die and keep coming back to die

A game so good it's almost worth turning the PS4 on.

Tricky to play w friends but a neat challenge and fun and explorative rouge-like really love how you have to learn the language of the game. Makes you feel smart and stupid

giving my pal a mega concussion by turbo chucking 24 bombs into their skulls funny

não tem mais a música da yeti caves 😭😭😭

Got this when it came out and have enjoyed playing heaps of it in class. I love the new mechanics and possibilities of each new level.

I got 18 minutes in before I remembered that I played Spelunky entirely out of a stubborn obligation to try and get through the bloody thing, and not because I liked it or enjoyed my time with it. Bullet dodged.

Enjoyable as my first entry into the series. I think I watched too much of the game on youtube, so I kinda got bored of it. Gonna let it sit for a bit and come back to it.

It's difficult to put into words the ringer this game put me through. If Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is a game that you can play 100 times and learn something you didn't know the last time with each playthrough, Spelunky 2 is a game where you can die 100 times in completely different ways and then learn nothing.

The magic to most of those deaths is that, most of the time, you'll realize it was entirely your own fault.

Died to a long drop? Check how far down it is next time.
Dart trap? Just use your eyeballs, nerd.
An elevator going up and down that you were just a tiny bit too close to one side and got crushed when passing by a wall? Yup, that's also your fault.

This game gets 5/5 stars because I loved bashing my head into this wall. It's a very hard game to put down once you've gotten far enough in. And having multiple paths that lead to a few different zones and endings made my drive even stronger. I still play this game on occasion just because getting in a run just fills time so efficiently. I love this game, and it easily makes it's way into my top 5 of all time.

theres a funny character called little jay and i think hes cool

This just game to Xbox Gamepass, and I haven't actually played it on my Xbox yet, but this goes out to the absolute shit tonne of hours I put into it at launch on PS4. Sick ass game.

Update 6/3/22: upped from a 9/10 to a 10/10. A perfect video game.

I decided to try and play this as someone who hates platforming games, due to the great reputation of the original (this one being on Gamepass).

Safe to say, it's a solid platformer with a large challenge curve; if you're into a bit of masochism & platforming, then it'll be right up your alley.

Played for about 40mins. Didn't make it past 1-3. Yup, that's Spelunky :^)

this game fucks my balls but its like the spiderman 2 of Game Games. so awesome

I love making one mistake and watching a series of unfortunate events unfold with no way to react

Im not much of a Spelunky guy. I did play quite a bit of the first one, and this one just seems like that again, but more. Just not too into the care I have to use to play this game.

The multiplayer Duck-game esque arena mode in this is cool though.

It’s more Spelunky.

If you’ve played the original Spelunky and wanted more, Spelunky 2 is here, and trust me, you’re getting more. This is the same game with even more content, dungeons, traps, enemies, and more. They also changed the girl out for a dog, and I groaned at first, come on, that's a cute doggie. and he gives you a big old kiss. Muah.

That’s all I can say. I’m not good at Spelunky, I only beat the first area, and I believe Spelunky 2 is significantly harder. This is one Roguelite that I’m not a huge fan of, not that I think there’s anything wrong, I just can’t talk about how the dungeon progresses, because I can only see the first area. My friends who are fans of the first game love the second as well, and I see why. Sorry, I’m not your Spelunky guru.

Pick this up if you enjoyed Spelunky. Because of its enhanced challenge and difficulty, this is probably only for those who have beaten the first title. There’s no assist mode or anything else, it’s just a harder version of a pretty hard game, and I think that’s perfect for this title.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games:

If I thought the original Spelunky was bad, this game is worse by a thousand times over. Once again, the art is great and the controls are wonderful, but the music has taken a large step backwards in quality and above all, quantity. There's so much silence in this game that contrasts so oddly with the fast paced frantic nature of everything happening at once, and I don't understand it. The soundtrack is dynamic, which is one of my favourite things in video games, but the changes are so incredibly subtle barring the first area that it may as well not be there at all. Tell me, what is the difference between Ice Caves normal and Ice Caves 1 HP?

And the gameplay... I don't even know where to begin describing how absolutely atrocious the lack of design is in this game, and more than the first game, the enemy variety is FULL of one hit kill garbage that ends a 50+ minute run in a literal second, before you could even decipher what in the world that thing WAS, or what it COULD do. I do not and will NEVER believe that the concept of "now I know for next time!" justifies bad or NO telegraphing on enemy behaviour. Every single moment in this game is another "gotcha!" trap that sends you back to the start and it's so, so miserable to experience.

Why then, did I 100% this game and the first game? I can't be too certain, but I have a bad habit of putting up with things that I HATE to my CORE in the name of "giving it a fair chance," or something like that. I wanted to feel right in my experiences, that I truly don't agree with or understand ANY of what ANYONE says about this game that isn't "that was unfair." The bosses are garbage, the worlds are rather uninteresting barring the ones that are extremely hard to get to (and even then, a lot of the time, there is NO REASON to do so because they offer NO benefit), and worst of all, everything happens OFFSCREEN. There is a rule of hands-off chaos that is intrinsic to this game and I think it does nothing but bad for the overall experience. UFOs flying in and blowing you up before you could react, erratic, knee-jerk enemy AI just DROPPING in on you, or an altar to the goddess getting smashed or blown up, or a jar that summons the invincible ghost getting broken by an enemy that had NOTHING to do with you, and these things getting blamed on YOU by COMPLETE random, Spelunky 2 is simply the worst game I have ever had the displeasure of laying my hands on and I curse the day I ever gained interest in it as it is one of the most miserable experiences I have had to this point in my life. Stay as FAR away as possible.

Like 30 minutes then uninstalled, floaty controls and unexciting grind/mechanics, got great reviews, maybe I just wasn't in the right mindstate for it.

this is peak video game