Reviews from

in the past

its like giving a number score to insanity

The most difficult game I have ever played in my life. So frustrating. I never want to play it ever again. Buy it.

terry cavanaugh is a fucking genius and i am a fool for not playing more of his games.

super hexagon caused my credit union to freeze my card because i sent the 75 cents for it to GOG.COM's tax evasion account in Cyprus.

super hexagon kept me going with quick and infuriating calculus study breaks in my freshman year of college.

super hexagon feels like going on a jog with bionic legs.

at first you suck ass at this game and then your eyes just kind of learn how to read it which feels great. i don't really have any advice for getting better aside from "try to zoom out your vision" which makes no sense but it'll click eventually and then you'll be good

I fucked this game up. It took 30 hours but I whooped it's ass. I will never stop looking for reflex/rhythm games to struggle through and then brag to my friends who give zero shits.

Super Hexagon is one of my favorites. It's incredibly simple, but really effective at drawing you in. It's one of those gems that lets you see yourself getting better with every "GAME OVER. BEGIN." until you can finally go through Hyper Hexagonist empty-minded, entranced by the screen's speed and chilling to the OST like you're Neo. The game really is just an esoteric form of meditation

Conceptually this game is very appealing and I think I would like it if it wasn't because the constant rotation and color changing legitimately hurts my eyes, I end up with a headache and can't play for long. Sorry.

The triangle is seared into my retinas. I continue to play, though I only suffer. Surely, there are better ways to hear the music? But no, I must finish. I haven't seen the sun in days. I will die here, in my hexagonal prison, and I accept this.

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das einzig gute an sibstlp heutzutage ist das er uns das spiel gezeigt hat

Perhaps one of the weirdest games I've ever played, I really like the music, though.

truly a hellish experience

Once you complete the game it becomes so much better even though you never want to play it ever again

How much bullshit can you handle
Will you persevere
Do you have what it takes
Can you pass the threshold where the obfuscated becomes the simple
Where your eyes bleed and everything becomes slow motion for you
Or will you die like a dog

I still consider beating Hyper Hexagonest to be one of my proudest gaming achievements
(and then I did it again on the mobile port, on a moving school bus, with witnesses - feels good man)


dot line triangle square pentagon hexagon asdrfasafa fa sfas

i try not to too heavily factor my own (lack of) ability to perform in a game into my unscientific numerical rating of it, but HECK my brain cannot handle very much of this. that aside, it's... probably a nearly perfect game?

Literally the only game I've never deleted from my phone.

This game is a fun game to pick up once in a while and relearn. It's incredibly simple and doesn't take up too much time to play and it can become easily super addictive especially if you have friends and you're competing to see who has the higher score.

What's good about this game?

Stages are short being 1 minute total.

Stages are easy to learn, but hard to master.

The music is really good.

What's bad?

The game can become extremely disorientating at times making you lose focus on where you are.

The game has some randomisation to it when playing so you can't properly memorise stages, which doesn't always work in the games favour especially when I memorise a stage a certain way.

Overall, this game is fun and if you like rhythm and/or puzzle games you should check this out, but be wary it can get extremely difficult.

I can't play this anymore I developed a slight epilepsy

One of the simplest, yet most addictive arcade style games ever made. It takes a sec to get used to due to the initially shocking difficulty, but one you get into the groove of this game, you'll be seeing hexagons every time you close your eyes.

I know I played this one but I don't remember anything about it other than it was hard