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in the past

fantastic collectathon flow. feels great to zip around and collect things and be scanning the environment for more

It's short, it's cute, the vibes and music are nice, and it just feels good to zoom around the levels with the boost on. Overall I can't complain. Easily worth the low asking price.

For $3 (or $2 as I paid in the Steam Summer Sale), I think it's a fun little romp. Being made by the same creators of the Toree games, you can definitely find a lot of that 'style' here - where you get to play as a small bird in a cutesy but somewhat creepypasta-ish aesthetic that also has the 5th gen early 3D look to it, albeit this time mimicking the N64 style rather than the PS1 style in the Toree games.

And what's there I think is solid. The controls and movement overall feel good with some different abilities such as a glide, corkscrew-attacks and the ability to stick to walls to climb, and the levels are well designed. It's very comparable to something like Banjo-Kazooie or Glover but with the game design and presentation style of the Toree games. If you liked those, you'll probably enjoy this.

Though I will say this is more of a 'comfort food' type game. The game's rather short and can be beaten in less than an hour once you know what you're doing. For the price you're paying, it does do a fine job, especially if you're looking for a platformer or game in general to play through real fast while you think about what title you want to play through next, but I wouldn't go into it expecting anything amazing or full replay value. Even completing the game doesn't take much more than an hour at most and once you've done that I don't really feel like there's much for me to go back to aside for maybe potentially speedrunning the game.

To nitpick a bit too the game's pretty much completely lacking graphical settings of any sort, even on PC, and on that note... well, I do have some issues with the game's visuals. The game is kinda blurry, which I get is to pay homage to the N64 look but it kinda just comes off as if someone just used a bilinear filter to scale up a retro game, and on top of that I noticed some Steam reviews mentioning the lack of VSync resulting in screen tearing - which I didn't notice myself (playing on Linux Mint via Proton) but worth mentioning. It's not too game breaking, but I kinda wish there were some graphical settings at least available. To add to that too there isn't a "Return to Desktop"/Exit option in-game so you have to either ALT+F4 or Alt+Tab and close the game from your OS which, again, not game breaking but an odd move.

Overall though it's a good experience for what you're paying. Nothing spectacular or oozing in replay value, but it's definitely worth checking out if you just want a nice little platformer to play through, especially if you enjoyed Toree or just PS1/N64-esque indie games in general.

I don't have much nostalgia for the 32/64-bit era of platformers and so Super Kiwi 64 didn't really hit hard for me. The controls felt good, although the ability to infinitely jump up walls using the dash attack meant I ended up not doing as much actual platforming or stage exploration as I was probably supposed to.

It's super short, thankfully, so it ended around the time I was thinking of dropping it anyway.

Short but great, it would be nice to have these mechanics in a bigger game

Очень короткая игра с эстетикой игр с платформы N64.
Бегать и прыгать в этой игре одно удовольствие, но с ней что-то не так... В том плане, что тут и там лежат скелеты буддистов, а на некоторых стенах есть стрёмные лица. При том это не та игра, которая притворяется милой, а на самом деле является хоррором. Это полностью 3Д платформер, внутри которого находятся... Странные вещи.
Короче, рекомендую. Свою цену полностью отбивает.

I wish this game was a bit longer because what's here is great and a lot of fun. The Kiwi feels good to control and his moveset is fun.
Some levels have a very weird vibe i can only drscribe as "dead civilization" and "you shouldn't be here". It weird but i really liked that.

It would have been cool to have the usual speedrun trials for every stage, i know the game wasn't built around that but i think it could have worked with how "free" the Kiwi's moveset is.

Very fun little throwback to N64 classics!

What a charming little game! Super Kiwi, like all of Siactro's games, is very short, but I think it's easily the best one that I've played. A great way to have a chill hour just exploring some nicely made levels, with some honestly pretty smooth controls and basic platforming mechanics. Visually it's a little janky round the edges and the sound design could definitely use some work, but Super Kiwi 64 comes off as a sweet and earnest little title that deserves an hour of your time.

Kiwi does has a bit of weirdness in it; every now and again there will be some arcane symbols or a spooky skeleton sprite or a switch that looks like a fetus, generally just a sprinkling of weird slightly unsettling features that don't seem like they fit here. Siactro's other games do this too, but Kiwi cranks it up a notch by even letting it apply to the some of the level themes (e.g. a post-industrial hellscape, or an eldritch temple full of creepy faces and the aforementioned fetus-switches). I think going more all-in on the weird features made them stick out a little less than in Toree and Toree 2, but yeah, I still don't really understand why they're here. It doesn't detract from the game being relaxed and fun though, so whatever; I kinda consider this sort of thing to be Siactro's signature at this point.

Charming 3D platformer. It's a small experience that controls great and is really fun to explore.

N64 inspired game that doesn't really have an introduction, you're just thrown Into the game without explanation.

I usually try collecting everything In collect-a-thons on my first playthrough, and it took me only 33 minutes. It's still a fun game, I just wish there was more content.

This was a short but sweet 3D platformer with some fun traversal. I don't find time to game often, so I'm happy when I'm able to complete one. It took me about an hour to beat, only because I got stuck on the last stage - I didn't know you could swim, I always avoided deep water! The music and atmosphere is great and I'm looking forward to playing more of Siactro's games.

Apesar de cumprir o que propõe, minhas expectativas para Super Kiwi 64 eram outras e eu não pude deixar de me decepcionar.

No quesito mais técnico de um plataforma 3D, o jogo acerta muito. A movimentação é flúida, precisa e controlar esse kiwizinho é uma delícia. O level design também ajuda na fluidez dos movimentos. Com certeza é um jogo feito com speedruns em mente.

Mas nossa, falta muita substância nesse jogo... Falo com tranquilidade que o Kiwi 64 tem muito mais personalidade do que esse. Aqui você é jogado numa hub sem introdução nenhuma, existe apenas um personagem com diálogo, você vai encontrar no máximo uns dois NPCs por fase (e são inimigos) e em alguns momentos, por algum motivo, o jogo tenta ir pra um caminho meio creepypasta que não se encaixa muito bem. Estranhamente, em vários momentos me senti sozinho, triste e com medo.

O que tinha potencial pra ser algo divertido e wholesome como o próprio Banjo-Kazooie, virou uma experiência melancólica e desarranjada.

i beat this a couple weeks ago but never logged it. overall super cool n fun, has amazing vibes, i just wish it was a lil longer

This is my favorite game that I've played by Siactro so far. His style lends itself much better to a slower paced and relaxed collectathon platformer instead of incentivizing speediness like Toree (which was not for me). I greatly enjoyed exploring this game's eight levels, though I will say that I would've liked for some more unique secrets to be scattered through the levels. Exploring was fun, but the rewards for doing so were predictable after the first level. I don't mind the shortness of Siactro's games, but it would definitely be awesome to see a longer exploration of his concepts.

The answer to the question 'What if Banjo-Kazooie took one hour to 100% complete?'. A delightful experience and ideal palette cleanse between big titles.

Eu simplesmente to perplexo que eu gostei de um collectathon como o Super Kiwi. Um dos meus maiores problemas com o gênero é a perda de dificuldade em prol de coletável, mas esse tenta apenas ser um jogo wholesome e deixa as coisas fluírem, sem compromisso.

Talvez essa mitada do Siactro me faça dar outra chance pro gênero.

as always siactro delivers with a short sweet cheap retro platforming experience with extremely fun controls and really good level design!

I would easily play through something 5 times the length of this with an actual plot, a short ass Rareware-like collectathon that pays homage to the good ol’ days when cheery all-ages platformers would suddenly have these out of nowhere weird sections that just didn’t seem right. Nothing outright scary, just… off. Textures are different, colors are strange, things have… faces.

Loved the little kiwi dude and zipping around the stages. Please make sure to seek out the hidden secret level too, you’ll know it when you see it

I've always been a sucker for low-poly visuals and collect-a-thons/platformers. So when I saw this recommended to me on Steam for such a low price, I just had to get it. Needlessly to say I wish this game was a lot longer and story-driven. Lots of SM64 and Rareware inspiration, but has its own unique identity. Kiwi is such a fun character to explore as, and the music and environments are a delight and give me that nostalgic feel I always itch for time and time again.

bro this is something special

dont be fooled by the fact that i gave this one and toree the same score because really this is something of an entire different league if you ask me

if you had come up to me one day while i was probably drawing some gay furry stuff and told me hey pal check this abandonware they dug up from the n64 repertoire i wouldve believed you

i cannot overstate enough how this is such a great modern adaptation of what the n64 collectathon games used to be into such a fun and quirky platformer

you play as titular character kiwi armed with just a jetpack a beak and a suspicious yearning for jewels and yet this is some of the most solid movement in a 3d platformer ive ever seen

now now now hold on boys this is not super mario odyssey but what i meant is the usage of its unique moveset lets you explore the entirety of the levels to such an extent that you can get to a point of the map either jumping or gliding or climbing literally you can do whatever the fuck you want and the game will let you do it

theres 8 levels and some special content but i swear theyre so mindfully put together every single one is crafted to put the full moveset of the bird into motion while also making you look for collectibles and stuff to destroy along the way

the ost and the environments really do give a weird vibe that i cannot actually put into word its like this is a forbidden land and you should not trespass but you already did so whatever plus the hub world is a stinky sewer so

that being said this was such a great time and i dont remember 3d collectathons ever being so fun but i guess i should check more stuff out because this one UGHHHHHHHHH this one was such an elite time i cant wait for the developer to put more juicy stuff out in the wild for me to consume and revere

this game is like 30 minutes long and ive dropped 8 hours into it its so peak

Wow! This took me about an hour to 100%. It only costs $3! It was a fantastic 3D platformer collectathon. Highly recommend.

This game's kinda perfect for what it is. Feels like something I'd find on the 3DS E-Shop.

A very short, pleasant little game. Not anything particularly remarkable, but fun.

I will say, I got 100% in about a half hour. Not that I mind, I went in knowing it was small. But I can't help but wish that there were some additional elements here and there to give a bit more substance to the overall package. For example, achievements for beating the game under a certain time, or introducing modifiers that make a repeat playthrough a bit different. Something like that would be (relatively) easy to implement and could elevate the game a lot. Anyways now I'm just talking game design, which is a sign it's time to stop writing.

worth the money, very easy platformer with faithful visuals. You will finish it within an hour.

Very short, though cheap. Just wish it had more settings.

100% in one sitting.