Reviews from

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cock, penis even

The Witness getting a modern PYST style remake is truly the highest honor

i first saw this game in that dunkey video, totally didn't think it was an actual game and thought he had just thought up a funny title for a "the witness" video
nope its an actual game
i didnt really like the witness (i wrote a review about it!!!) but i took a peek at the steam reviews before downloading and one was like "if you like the witness, you'll like the looker; if you hate the witness, you'll love the looker" so i had a good feeling going into it
sure enough its a nice parody of the witness that doesn't overstay its welcome while delivering random interesting moments that had me playing til the end
much shorter, much much more bearable, and much much much more fun for me overall than the witness
one thing to note is that the developer seems to be looking for a job so if ur looking for a funny cool indie dev to hire...

"I don't know sir but it looks like a giant-"

I love someone who goes the full mile for a joke. Great commitment to art, and a fun little game, hidden under a big shitpost.

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Before I started this game I told my boyfriend that I hoped the game would have me draw a dick to solve a puzzle. 90 minutes later he heard me yell "HELL YEAAAAAA"

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Somewhere, the Tankmen are crying tears of joy while yelling "cock joke."

great game. actively bullies the original game while still scratching a bit of the itch the original provided. jokes won't land unless you have played The Witness to completion (or just looked up the ending lol)

unironically better than the witness

Entretenida parodia. Lo peor del juego es el portátil lleno de polvo jajaja

The fact that this has allegedly demotivated Jonathan Blow in the same way that Soulja Boy talking about Braid did already makes this praiseworthy. That both Bradley Lovell and Soulja Boy truly enjoyed Blow's works, and that Blow deliberately ignores that, makes The Looker as incredible as Soulja Boy's review. Fuck Blow.

Not as funny as people say, but if you played The Witness this will surely make you smile at least once.

To me, this feels like a collection of thoughts and feelings about Witness, aswell as how people talk
about and critisize it. The best thing is is that its a pretty decent time stand-alone with interesting puzzles and mechanics of itself, and even free. Don't regret playing it.

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oh wait that's a giant co-

The creator obviously understood what made The Witness a success, as both the puzzles and the audio recordings demonstrate the design principles behind The Witness, except Subcreation Studio put a funny spin on most of them. The game never really gets difficult like The Witness does, though there is one noteworthy puzzle near the end.

Which brings me to my next point: A lot of people will say, "This is a must-play for anyone who has played The Witness", and while I do agree, I would also add that you should play The Witness before playing this game, as it clearly expects you to understand the things which The Witness teaches you coming into the game, both in order to solve the puzzles, and (more importantly) to understand the humour. I could be wrong, of course, but as someone who has beaten The Witness, I feel that my experience with The Looker would have been considerably lessened had I not had the full experience of beating the original game coming into this one.

Overall, this game captures the pretty graphics of The Witness, and even manages to replicate a bit of the puzzle-solving brilliance of The Witness whilst poking fun at the whole thing. Would recommend.

Pretty funny, and has some genuinely fun puzzles for a parody.

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Hard to Say there's any fault in this. A great little satirical look at the somewhat prolific game "The Witness". Run time for me was approximately 1 hour, but kept me well entertained and engaged for that time. For friend or foe of "The Witness", and at a price of free, this is well well worth the play, but I can't give it higher than a 3.5 because it's little more than a big gamE.

This is a silly game that is essentially a tiny The Witness parody. I very much enjoyed it, especially since it's free. If you enjoyed The Witness this is definitely a game to try.

Made me laugh but also made me frustrated with very obtuse puzzle design. I get that this is a parody but it still was not fun part of the time. Ending was hilarious though.

A really well made parody of The Witness that manages to be funny and clever at the same time. It's a free game, so well worth checking out.

Bon clairement pas mal, spécial comme expérience mais si tu connais le jeu qu'il parodie (The Witness), c'est franchement super drôle. Bien jouable, juste la bonne durée pour que ça soit fun. Bref pas mal!

I just hate Jonathan Blow :)
Game was neat

Una parodia a The Witness, y a pesar de no haberlo jugado entendí bien la idea: burlarse de los juegos de puzles que a veces tienen puzles demasiado rebuscados.

En general divertido, aunque he de admitir que me atoré con algunos puzles(incluso tuve que buscar como hacerlos jaja), destacaría especialmente aquellos donde tenías que hacer lo opuesto a lo que te pedían, la parte donde te dan una escopeta fue un cague de risa.

Y el final es maravilloso jaja.

I had fun with some puzzles, hated and immediately looked up others. Honestly, while some of this was funny/clever, I feel like if you have this time/talent it would be cooler to just make something new. I mean, I paid zero for the game but there are some great ideas here that just get put towards a very weird and pretty big joke.