Reviews from

in the past

Uma obra-prima em narrativa em jogos. Não quero dizer nada que vá estragar a experiência de você que lê estas palavras.

If I don't play it for just 1.5 more years I get the achievement for not playing it for 5 years

tackles provocative and philosophical game design themes while being very humorous and entertaining, but in tearing down those walls reveals why we put them up in the first place.

the voice acting from that narrator is one of the best performances ive seen in a game though

levels really do be havin design tho, damb thats bloody mental innit

this is totally effective and successful at what it attempts and I'm all for metatextual-explorations of the friction between perceived player agency/inflexible game structures but I wasn't super impressed by the humor or smug tonality of this game in general--maybe because I personally find this style of droll Britishism kind of obnoxious?

I really feel like INSIDE explores many of these same notions in much more generous, affecting ways and has a lot more meat on its bones artistically and conceptually

Maybe the most clever writing that games have seen.

A really clever game with a great narrator. I tried to play it again recently and it feels a bit dated now but I still highly recommend it.

pretty good and witty writing but i could never really get into this one

It is really good, but unfortunately still kind of a relic of its time. The LineTM is still the most hilarious gag in games ever.

Ingenioso, divertido, "corto" y "rejugable" (realmente la idea es intentar sacar todos los finales posibles, algo que no estoy seguro de haber logrado), e incluso puede llegar a ponerse existencialista.

El narrador es un personajazo, y lo que le haréis a la cuarta pared entre los dos dejaría avergonzado a Deadpool.


a charlie kaufman le gusta esto

YES! Talk about something different AND GOOD at the same time.

Clever and funny. All it needs to be.

funny as hell and i wish it was longer

Strikingly funny, witty, and rather fun to play despite the very minimal interactions. I had a blast playing this by myself, but I also found it rewarding and fun to play this with my family all together, with everyone finding their own paths and handing the controller off to the next family member to see what secrets they can uncover. Honestly, the group experience is a fantastic way to experience The Stanley Parable, which will stay in my memory as one of the funniest and charming "walking simulators" I've played.

This game was a revelation for me, and to this day is very important to me.

It's kind of fun to waste a few hours but the meta aspects get tiring a bit quickly and it's not as endearing as some people would lead you believe tbh

Most accessible artsy game that knows not to take itself seriously but still has smart things to saw about the medium and about human experience

Not nearly as interesting as it thinks it is.

If you like to go meta, this is the game for you.

um excuse me did i just get dommed by a video game???

Indie game PERFECTION.

Bizarre, scary, existential, funny, fun, exciting, wonderful, whimsical, scary.

Uno de los juegos experimentales más interesantes en la narrativa