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If this was just a side story from Telltale to tide us over before the next main season, it probably would've fine. Sadly, this just feels like a weird frankenstein creation thanks to the bizarre insertion of Clementine. Reducing her to a side character was just a huge mistake and when all is said & done, this season just kinda feels unneeded. The characters are pretty one note and the time you spend with Clementine just feels really off. She has nothing to do here and the way Telltale handles the season 2 endings is absolutely shocking. They had the opportunity to push their narrative design to the absolute limit but they just more interested in telling a story that just doesn't need to be told. As a side story, it's fine at most and as a season 3, it's extremely underwhelming and a strong example of how soulless Telltale became in the midst of their success.

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Comienzo prometedor, pero se viene abajo rápido y empieza a dar vueltas sobre sí mismo como un trompo. Vergonzoso lo de David. Un personaje claramente villano en el que malgastan una temporada entera mareándote con flashbacks y conversaciones alrededor de eso. ¿Cómo de malo es? ¿Es muy malo? ¿Es poco malo? ¡A lo mejor es bueno!

El juego parece estar diseñado alrededor de permitirte dudar de él durante todo el juego o confiar en él, ¡pero no de forma exclusiva! El resultado es un pifostio narrativo en el que un personaje menciona algo bueno sobre él y al rato otro lo contradice diciendo algo malo. A veces te habla y parece un cabrón y otras veces un hombre arrepentido que trata de hacerlo lo mejor que puede.

Pero no, it's not that deep. Es es un cabrón y esa dicotomía es un peaje estúpido por el que el juego te hace pasar. Es frustrante más que en ningún otro juego de Telltale que recuerde como el juego quiere que hagas lo que él quiere a pesar de que tú tienes una opinión concreta sobre lo que quieres que pase.
Y eso en un juego de tomar decisiones... pues está feo al final.

So this is skippable. The low ratings are completely fair, I am definitely giving this one a bit more credit than it may deserve. You could really just look up a quick YouTube video explaining what happened to Clementine in between Season 2 and 4 based on the ending that you chose.

However, I liked this premise and Javier as a protagonist, so I wanted to play through it myself. I enjoyed myself and was engrossed in the story for a while, so that's really all I wanted.

Bien pero me gusta mas los anteriores

I was skeptical when it was an entirely new cast, but I remember liking them by the end

I get why people didn't like this season as much as the second one, but it makes a lot of sense in terms of context. Clementine is simply well off on her own, and the way she interacts with people outside your influence is refreshing. I do feel like some of the Clementine will help you because yes is super forced no matter how much you agree or disagree with her, but the choices made with your family is what helps make this season different and interesting. The brother dynamic is easily the best thing that happens throughout the whole season, and while the Kate X Javi stuff feels natural for a number of reasons, Gabe and Clemtine simply don't. The puzzles in this game feel unneeded, and while I appericate telltale trying to keep me engaged, it's simply better when it's telling a story over these super convenient puzzles. Overall I think telltale did a great job of extending a story by focusing on Javier rather than Clem, but it's clear this is more of a one and done thing, we won't seem them again next season. Still for the ride it was, it was interesting to see at least once.

Ninguém liga pros mexicano do krl deixa eu jogar com a clen!!!

The new art style was pretty welcome but I could barely make myself give a shit about this story or characters at all.

Jogo fraco demais, história e personagens muito desinteressantes. De longe o pior do arco da Clementine. Jogo dispensável!

THIS IS THE FUNNIEST GAME I'VE EVER PLAYED not really fuck this game

The third instalment of the TWD point and click games falls short of its predecessors, by taking the narrative away from Clementine and focusing it on boring characters where players have no stake in. It’s not awful but it’s mediocre at its heart.

I did enjoy it more towards the end but it was too little to late.

it's not as good as the first two seasons but i felt it still had some heart. i don't like how some mechanics from the first two seasons were removed, like it feels like they tried to make it easier. episodes also are too short, i preferred the longer style but it is what it is.

Everyone in your family sucks simulator.

Pra mim, o melhor da franquia

Yeah, I don't have a lot good to say here. The plot here is good standalone, but it doesn't tie in well with the first two seasons, and feels so far disconnected it's impressive.

Wasn't a big fan of this. The writing felt weak and more so than most of these games, It did a poor job of making me feel like my choices mattered in any significant way. The game pushes you in to doing certain things to the point you can confess to doing stuff you never did.

Yeah. Not the best or most investing story out of this series.

Not awful and the new characters work well, but the low point for the TWD Telltale series.

Javier was hot, thats all.

the third game in the series was by far the weakest with the removal of clementine for the majority it was hard to connect with any of the new protagonist .

Quality = 3 / 5
Gameplay = 4 / 5
Story = 3 / 5
Soundtrack = 3 / 5
Pacing = 3 / 5
Enjoyability = 2 / 5
Challenge = 2 / 5

Overall = 2.5 / 5

Good story, but completely filler to Clementine's overall story.

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This one was just alright. It was a bit frustrating to be someone almost completely disconnected from Clementine.

Los 2 anteriores ya tenían personajes insoportables pero al menos no ocupaban tanto tiempo en pantalla como los de esta temporada, encima no hay ningún personaje realmente memorable entre el elenco principal, no hay evolución jugable, y esta lleno de momentos ridículos, tantos que no puedo tomármelo enserio.

Enjoyed this a lot more than I expected to, especially considering it's poor reception. Definitely an interesting decision to wedge it between seasons 2 and 4, I'm glad Clementine was still in it but it would've been nice if her story was told separately to this one maybe.

The family dynamic was good though, Javi is no Lee or Clem but he's still a good protag. My biggest issue would have to be with the bias it suffers from, with new players like myself trusting Clem at first sight even though that doesn't really make sense in character. Overall it still stands on its own as a solid game.

Oooooffff this one just sucked huge ass. Not only did it really derail the story and characters they were working with, but it also shows off the depressing decline of quality Telltale was going through at the time.

I don't mind doing a game with new characters in this universe and intertwining it with the last two seasons but at the end of the day I don't think what we got here really payed off in the end. I think it started strong but didn't make the landing. It was also never going to escape the fact more people are just interested in Clem's story to care more about new characters. It's the worst in the series but I liked it enough for a single playthrough.

Platinum #81