Reviews from

in the past

i'll always be a huge advocate for Telltale. their style of game might not be traditional, or really even always work, but it's still a valuable interpretation of what this medium is capable of. telltale in their heyday gave us some of the most well written and charming narratives this industry has gotten.

and when people mention telltale's heyday, this is the second one they mention after Walking Dead. and considering the pure excellence of that story, that's high praise. The Wolf Among Us holds such a reputation for a good reason, too: the writing and style of it's strange noir fantasy world.

it may not have any character as three dimensional as Lee Everett but the characters that are here all have tons of characterization and nuance in what they say and how they act; the world of TWAU feels incredibly lived in.

as far as writing goes, i really only have one problem. when people criticize Telltale they usually say that "they should just make movies," and while that's an incredibly short-sighted argument there are some aspects of it that hold true. the player (at times) can feel like a bit of an afterthought. in The Walking Dead (season one) every choice the player made affected everything: from small things to who does and doesnt like Lee to even who is alive by the end, and they all changed the story drastically. there are still some heavy choices in this game, but some of them feel more inconsequential than others, which is a shame.

aside from that small complaint, this is still Telltale at their best. which is saying something, because their engine still sucks ass. like, the mouse cursor is a physical object that's moved around by the camera. what the fuck telltale

Definitely one of the best Telltale games. So glad the sequel is still happening.

bloody mary is so annoying i can't stand it

Su universo es apasionante (tengo que retomar los cómics de Fables algún día) y su tono está muy conseguido, especialmente gracias a la complicada naturaleza de su protagonista, que hace que cada decisión que tomas por él se sienta trascendental para su desarrollo.

Sigo soñando con la secuela.

bigby i know i'm a lesbian and you're a sexy werewolf man but we can work something out i promise

Everyone wants to get fucked by Bigby but the real heads know Mr. Toad had a hog in his slacks.

Nicely crafted original story with very good twists and turns

The Wolf Among Us is an enthralling adventure full of twists and turns portrayed in an eye-catching art style. The story telling is top notch with decisions having drastic consequences. Do you try and redeem the past deeds of Bigby or do you play into the character of the big bad wolf? Bigby is supported by, for the most part, a stellar cast of misfits who help make each episode feel fresh and distinct. The QTE gameplay itself is nothing to write home about, but the rest of this package more than makes up for it and I’m excited to see what the sequel has in store.

Noir is the genre of stylized rot. How perfect for videogames.

As with The Walking Dead, it’s our moral imagination being provoked here, though this time with a more withering focus on community. Its failures are familiar too: uneven episodes, stale adventure conventions, a terrible villain (Bloody Mary).

But The Wolf Among Us is also about something unseen. Its stylized rot has economic roots. And only in the last moments does it become clear just what the unseen had to do to get our attention.

Look at us.


And what were we doing the whole time? Playing the hero.

Another Telltale game with the same point-and-click adventure game in a Noir style of genre.

Compared to The Walking Dead, it's more original. With an interesting concept of down-the-mill storybook fairytale characters come to life in the real world whom struggle to adapt to the real world. Once again, Telltales downfall is shown within the writing. Episodes that can't balance on its own leg, and cause the ending of this experience to give creation with bad characters such as Beast and the villain's Bloody Mary. Bigby, on the other hand, is a main character I actually like next to Lee that the game has written out. He is a cool character who is supported by actual good misfit characters and I dare even say that he made the story an experience.
Your actions do not affect the story, and branch to a single path with the same conclusion to give frame to the illusion of choice Telltale loves to build in their modern point-and-click games. Is worth it for the story? Perhaps, in my case. Should you buy this game? If you want.
Do not come into this game expecting that your dialogue matters, but rather immerse yourself to the world and its character it sets out on the chessboard.

Best work Telltale has done.

The source material doesn't deserve a game this good and a game this good deserves better than its source material

Nothing was more exciting then to get up at midnight while having school the next day, to wait half an hour for the download to finish and then play though the next episode that just released. Boi this game is a pure gem and is often over looked by twd's big shadow.

The world you get put in feels just right and the story development and character development is top notch. Loved it.

This is so good it made me read the comic and cuz of that the game became 10x better

it was fine until that bloody mary bitch came in. she is so cringy holy shit


fuck yeah baby!!! sexy werewolf man!!!

Tiene todo lo que le pido a un juego: mecánicas interesantes de interacción, inmersión, una trama interesante y personajes aún más interesante.

A stylish fantasy adventure brilliantly written, with a compelling story.

Silly, but I have a soft spot for the Telltale formula. The detective story pairs well with the gameplay, which gives you a nagging sense of always missing out on something due to the choices you make. It's also a challenge to the player's God complex: playing as a cop (literally a lone wolf) who must adapt to his community, where there isn't yet an institution he can hide behind. Obviously hampered by some blatant telegraphing, stilted dialogue, and a terrible villain (Bloody Mary) - but intriguing enough to be sad that its original creative team never got to continue the story.

so........ werewolves are kinda hot ....haha im kidding... unless?

only played like the first chapter but i liked it

bicho eu juro eu devo ter zerado essa porra em uns 2 dias de tao no crack que eu tava por esse jogo

Telltale's best work... Wish they didn't get greedy with their licensing game.

Pensei que fosse uma DLC de Among US que trocava os impostores por lobos. De qualquer forma é um jogo legal.

Interesante título pero varios escalones por debajo de otros del mismo género como Life is Strange, LiS: Before the Storm o The Walking Dead (1st season).


- Ambientación es espectacular: presenta un decadente universo protagonizado por personajes de cuentos infantiles.
- Bueno haciéndonos creer que las decisiones importan.


- Tiene varios elementos de crítica politicosocial pero ejecutados horrendamente.