Reviews from

in the past

I really liked discovering all the alternate routes and secret endings that were in this game. Fun puzzles all throughout with a lot of interesting status effects to learn how to handle.

A more fleshed out and forgiving game when compared to the first Wario Land, and offers something I could only describe as 'slice of life' platforming in the early worlds of the game.

The addition of status effects and breakable secret walls opens so many doors when it comes to designing a game around exploration. This game rewards exploration by simply making it fun. With the amount of exploration possible, it would make you believe that it's only gratifying in a 100% runthrough but truthfully, the game was great even though I collected half of the treasures.

Also the minigames were cute too :)

The levels that are more tailored to Wario's unique moves than 1, but I couldn't stand the game's changes to progression and treasure collection. Cutting the main campaign in half makes the initial run feel really dry, and I didn't enjoy exploration enough to want to get all the treasures and map panels, and levels as a whole get too gimmicky to want to revisit. Even the side worlds kinda drag. It's a shame too, cause every other change to 1's formula is for the better and ups the ante on Wario's appeal. Hopefully 3 and 4 will be closer to my tastes.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm a good wario land game

It's a bizarre decision to make your platforming character literally immortal, but I am absolutely down with how well this change fits exploration and collection. This new approach makes it so much less frustrating to experiment with your surroundings when taking hits just means losing some coins instead of restarting a stage. The exploration itself feels so good as well, with Wario making the most of smashing walls and throwing enemies through bricks. I do wish that the collected treasure is used for a wider variety of mini-games, but both of them are pretty intense whenever they pop up. I couldn't think of a much better game to represent this superhuman schmuck and it's possibly the best Game Boy Color game I've played.

a platformer where you can't die and instead become flattened, or set on fire, or squished into a ball, or zombified or whatever is just so good a premise, and they do a really good job giving you puzzles to futz with that. great shit.

Really cool branching level system but moveset is a lot more limiting compared to 3.

wario land II stars lol

honestly wish wario just took damage because this immortality system proves only to be a big god damn waste of time. that paired with this game's honestly not that great controls makes this rough to play. maybe if i went for the super 120% mega gamer ending there'd be more to enjoy but fuck if im gonna deal with that shit

Okay so let's take Wario Land but now you're immortal and the game is slower.

That said I do like how Wario reacts to getting hit, makes things interesting.

At one point while playing this brilliant shit, I almost burst into tears because I got suddenly hit with a powerful memory of being 10 years old, on holiday in Gran Canaria. Playing a Game Boy Color I got from a dodgy shop for what must have been £30. A truly good and happy time in my life.

It wasn't even this I was playing back then. It was some 32-in-1 nonsense. But this smelly garlic man reached through time and brought joy from 22 years ago roaring back into me for just a moment. Thank you, you fat fuck.

I realllly wanted to like Wario Land II. I was fine with the first one and Wario Land: Shake It is one of my favorite games of all time. The problem is that this one is just so...tedious. Maybe Wario Land is supposed to be extremely aggravating and I happened to play the oddball of the series first. Fully willing to admit that I was constantly getting hit and never getting used to the way Wario moved, so I can say that part of my frustration came from just not playing the game well. But even when accounting for that, some of the levels (especially the later ones) just got boring to play after the amount of times I had to redo sections to either look for treasure or just simply complete them. The branching path system displayed at the end of the game definitely was a surprise, I didn't expect a Gameboy game to have such a vast amount of content, but with the previously mentioned flaws, I didn't feel any incentive to go back and look for the rest of the unlockables and levels. Am I bad at this game? Yeah, probably. Is that likely hindering me from enjoying the game to its fullest? Definitely. Is it still pretty dated and flawed? I would say so, yeah.

Some fun bits, mostly tedious. The invincibility /transformation mechanic is interesting but also makes the bosses more annoying than challenging.

Durch den Analogue Pocket wieder mit dem Sliel angefangen. Bis heute das beste Wario Land für mich mit seinen verschiedenen Pfaden und Levels.

A neat little platformer that's mainly geared for completionists, as most Wario games are. You can't die and instead lose coins upon getting hit, but coins are needed to collect all the items for 100% completion. There are branching paths in the main quest, and a level select opens up once you beat the final boss for the first time. The third game does this formula better, but this is still worth playing.

> me 6yo at a party with my parents
> there's this annoying kid 6yo around me
> yes I was 6yo and found other kids annoying already
> he asked me to play on my gameboy
> i was like "OK but only when I lose"
> you never lose on Warioland 2.
> fuck off kid.

Bem bacaninha. Se comparado ao antecessor, é bem mais focado na exploração do que na plataforma em si, dando ao jogo uma identidade próprio. Diria que foi aqui que Wario passou a ser seu próprio personagem, em vez de uma mera caricatura de Mario.

Definitely a turn in a new direction, however I believe that refinement is a bit lacking when considering the new direction.

This is unironically one of the greatest platformers ever made and should be seen as a prime example of good game design in not only 2D platformers, but video games in general.

This is a gigantic improvement over the already really good Wario Land. Yeah, sure, you can't die in this but that doesn't make it baby levels of easy. You lose coins when you're hit and you need the coins to be able to get all the treasures and 100% the game so it can be more challenging than you think when it comes to completion. And yeah, sure, the controls are a little weird compared to the first but the levels, while definitely pretty gimmicky, are so expertly designed around these controls that they make the controls feel natural, and they almost remind of puzzle platformers with how cleverly thought out they are. It's the kind of game that doesn't think the players are braindead morons, it uses the level design to make the player think and teaches the player how to play without saying anything and I think that's some awesome shit right there.

This game is a masterclass of good game design and I can't praise it enough. It might be designed with 100% completion in mind but that doesn't make it less stellar. From what I heard Wario Land 3 seems to be the fan favorite and I will be mind-blown if it ends up being better than Wario Land II. Can't wait to check that out!

Out of all the Wario Land games, II upsets me the least and honestly that's what I love about it. See Wario games tend to have a habit of not actually giving Wario lives, but rather puzzles, power ups, or other types of obstacle blocking to push you back to where you started and try again. A lot of the Wario games require to try and try and try again otherwise you can't unlock certain areas or power ups. Wario Land II however, opts to make each choice you make in this something that can affect the ending and route you take throughout the game. Instead of having to solve where to go, you simply find an exit and go to the next level, there are plenty of treasures to find throughout as well as earn at the end of a level, and the game makes it very aware that it should be played over and over again.

While I certainly understand that Wario Land 3 and 4 warped the series into the treasure hunting, puzzle solving, grind fest that we know Wario Land today, II still had a lot of ground work to make and honestly I prefer this compared to the frustration the other style gets me. Being able to simply go through a level without worrying about a path to take or explore is honestly very soothing to me, and then adding the complexity of different routes and story endings makes for a rather ambitious title.

In the end though, Wario Land II is the odd ball in the series, but something you can tell laid the ground work on what the rest of the series was going to be.

I'm a little shocked at how good these Wario Land games are, I didn't expect much with the first one and the Virtual Boy game but hot damn they were good ass games, this one is also pretty good but man I do not like these bosses, I like the no dying system but I would have liked it if they had found a way to make boss battes less tedious.
Other then that this game was pretty good.

this game features multiple timelines its like Virtue's Last Reward

What if Wario Land was actually fun to play?

A Game Boy platformer with like a billion different branching pathways. Love how unreasonably ambitious that concept is. Also, Wario is literally immortal for absolutely no reason. He just is. And you're just expected to roll with it. Great game

Hmm this was not a fun game, I'm not sure what happened but the first game had some decent music and charm as did the 3rd game and the VB game, soooo I'm not sure what happened here but even from the start the game couldn't tell what direction it wanted to go be it story or platforming so it kind of mixed it in a half-done style. The only good track was the early underwater in the 2nd story but that's about it. I'm not gonna bother with the extras at all, I beat it, that's enough. Gotta move on.