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in the past

Can't help but love this game. It's definitely nostalgia doing some of the talking, but I also love how different it is from WL1. There's more puzzles, more secrets, more exploration, multiple endings ---- WL2 helps Wario Land as a whole establish itself as its own thing out of the shadow of Mario Land. I can return to this game any time & enjoy it.

(zerei só a primeira rota, depois eu faço o resto)

depois de finalmente conquistar seu próprio castelo e se aventurar pela awazonia o Wario consegue seu primeiro descanso...

...até que a princesa Syrup chega e invade seu castelo.

Wario acorda e no primeiro contato com o controle eu penso "por que ele anda segurando as calças?" ao invés de "por que a movimentação é tão esquisita em relação aos anteriores?" mas aí eu paro pra pensar e porra, ele acabou de acordar, não tava nem um pouco preparado pra nada, fora que o começo dá a entender que ele nunca mais precisou fazer platforming porque é a primeira vez que o Wario consegue definir um status quo em sua vida.

e é daqui que parte a grande premissa de Wario Land II: definir o que é Wario Land. e isso soa meio estúpido vindo de mim que tá jogando pela primeira vez e não faz ideia de como os jogos posteriores funcionam, mas jogando o primeiro e o spinoff de virtual boy eu senti muito que o começo era a melhor parte do jogo pela sensação inicial de estar jogando "um mario só que com o Wario" e apesar do primeiro funcionar dessa forma e o virtual boy contornar isso com as gimmicks do console, eu nunca senti o Wario sendo caracterizado de uma maneira tão próxima ao game design do jogo quanto eu senti agora no Wario Land II

pela primeira vez, o objetivo do Wario não é mais uma grande jornada em busca de saciar algum desejo em específico e sim uma reação à situação em que ele é colocado: invadiram seu castelo e agora ele precisa recuperar seus tesouros. o primeiro capítulo é só ele consertando as merdas que fizeram no castelo dele (fechar a torneira que usaram pra inundar tudo, desligar o alarme gigante que ele tem e derrotar a cobra gigante que deixaram ali como armadilha) e o resto do jogo consiste em ir atrás da princesa Syrup e sua tropa.

foco no: "ir atrás" -- é basicamente esse o objetivo do jogo, e é basicamente essa a forma em que os desafios são estruturados: enquanto seus antecessores progridem de uma forma padrão de super mario com timer, múltiplas vidas, gameover e num geral, alterando só as mecânicas que diferenciam os personagens, Wario Land II se distancia disso: o Wario não tem "vida" pra perder e não tem "timer" pra se preocupar-- tudo o que ele tem é dinheiro. e gimmicks, MUITAS gimmicks.

eu honestamente considero isso a evolução natural da franquia, já que ele vai cada vez mais abandonando os signos originais de Mario e moldando um foco maior na busca pelo dinheiro (que é o grande ponto do personagem) -- mas e as gimmicks? como que funciona? -- basicamente, já que o Wario não pode perder vida e nem morrer, os inimigos tem dois tipos de ataque nesse jogo: um que faz ele perder moedas (igual as armadilhas) e outro que vai depender do inimigo, mas é um ataque especial que "transforma" o estado físico do Wario e as vezes isso é um malefício e na maioria das vezes é essencial pra progredir na fase. exemplos: um inimigo cospe fogo no Wario, ele sai correndo e você perde parte do controle, e só volta ao estado normal caso entre em contato com a água; ou, um inimigo que te transforma numa mola e você consegue pular pra alturas maiores do que o normal e explorar caminhos diversos pelas fases -- e essa é a gimmick principal do jogo. um kirby ao contrário.

a punição dos desafios na maioria das vezes consiste em "volte três casas" o tempo todo e apesar disso ser meio idiota eu particularmente achei bem divertido ficar raciocinando cada tarefa que eu precisava fazer em cada tela dos mapas e pensar que todas as forças externas do jogo queriam sempre atrapalhar meu passeio, me empurrar com todas as forças pra de volta pro meu castelo e me impedir de retomar o que é meu

Wario Land finalmente virou um jogo para viciados em catar moeda pelo mapa e sair andando por aí, mesmo que muita coisa do jogo faça o Wario de bolinha de ping-pong -- mas acho que, mesmo com os "power-downs" sendo limitados (a maioria serve só pra elevar a verticalidade das fases ou pra fazer você perder o controle do Wario por um tempo) e a IA dos inimigos sendo estúpida (pelo amor de deus, a detecção visual deles é muito psicopata), o level design do jogo é bem construído o suficiente pra ter valido a pena a jornada (e pra me fazer jogar mais horas disso)

This is a pretty fun game. A vast leap over the first Wario Land game from 1993. It's got a bit of a metroidvania thing going on that would be blow wide open with its sequel. First appearance of Captain Syrup, too. A few boss fights are annoying, but it's a fun time, and successfully proved that Wario could stand on his own as a character.

My least favorite one, had no desire to go for all the ending.

very cool ideas and a fun time, the boss fights are still a giant pain in the ass though. good ideas but flawed execution

That sure was a wario land game for the Nintendo game boy family of systems!

really solid improvement over the first game. wario moves really well in this game and has a lot of new forms he can take throughout the levels. while most of them are pretty shit watching Wario be brutally injured in many ways is quite entertaining. the game also has multiple routes through the story if that interests you. overall its not bad but nothing incredible either

My thoughts on the original Wario Land apply here, too: it's boring. There's not enough happening. Wario doesn't move fast enough.

Save your time. Play Wario Land 4 instead.

I love how charming this game is, it really wowed me when I first started going through it - unfortunately it all just ends up feeling a bit repetitive and too long for it's own good.

Very fun game, so much more fun that the first one. Sadly I'm lazy and did not play all of the secrets, which big part of the game.

Such an amazing improvement from the first Wario Land game, I really felt Wario Land becoming its own thing and moving away from the SML series in this game. Instead of having multiple lives, Wario is immortal and the only penalty to being attacked by enemies is losing money. Instead of power-ups coming out of blocks that Wario breaks, enemies can give the power-ups to Wario when attacking him, however these power-ups have pros and cons to them. This was such a cool and fun way to freshen up the series and give it so much life and personality.

My sister and I used to intentionally lose against the snake boss to see Wario get turned into a giant turd.

This is what you get when you put the Metroid devs to work on Mario. A charmful, if slightly flawed game that stablished one of the most interesting, yet criminally underexploited game systems in the 2D platforming scene.

Segunda parte de zerando todos os jogos de Game Boy Color, eu sei que falei que não ia fazer mais, mas mudei de ideia e vou fazer aos bem poucos.

Wario Land 2 é um plataforma bem divertidinho, a mecânica de empurrar com o Wario é boba, mas dá um gás diferente dos jogos do Mario e é bem legal, a maioria das fases não tem nada demais, são passíveis mas nada muito memoráveis, mas tem muitas fases com mecânicas adicionais que são muito chatas e irritantes. Os chefes são simples mas tem mecânicas melhores que a maioria dos jogos 2d do Mario pelo menos, mas a maioria é bem fácil e nenhum é muito memorável também.

As animações e indentidade do jogo são muito boas, os cenários são muito bem feitos e carismáticos, mas o principal são as animações do Wario, que são cheia de personalidade e diversão.

Jogo legal, mas nada demais.

Interesting game, but not really my personal jam for 2D platformin. Whereas Wario Land 1 was more of a straightforward level based platformer akin to the Mario Land games that it piggybacked on, with the extra gimmick of being graded based off of how many coins you were able to collect, this game abstracts itself even further from its parent(?) series.

Most notably is that in this game Wario must have eaten some crazy kind of garlic or something because he is invincible now. There aren't any bottomless pits, and no matter how many times Wario gets smacked, slapped, roasted, frozen, squashed, or stretched, he cannot die. While there are certainly benefits to immortality, Wario Land 2 taught me that such a blessing can really be a curse. The level and game design has been fundamentally changed as a result, and now things are much more slow and explorative. Finding secrets is the real aim of the game here, as trying to straight-shot through the levels will only let you access 25 out of the whopping 51 levels that this game contains. As there's no threat of failure or death, the game really wants you to take your time combing the levels to find secret treasures and exits by leaving no door unvisited, no coin ungrabbed, and no wall/floor tile unchecked.

That isn't to say that there's zero punishment or challenge in this game, as while getting hit won't diminish any of Wario's health or make him any less capable than he normally is, it will put him in a cardiac arrest state for a few seconds while launching him with knockback force that makes the Belmont clan look like they have iron boots. Some enemies will instead change Wario's state like flame guys that will turn him into a fireball that can break blocks, hammer guys that will smash him into a bouncy spring form which can jump higher, hydraulic presses that flatten the lad into a pancake that can flutter, penguin lookin mfers that can make Wario drunk, and so on and so forth. You really don't know which enemies will knock you on your ass and which ones are actually powerups until you get hit.

All of this comes together to just kinda make a game that felt really annoying to play tbh. Since there's no mechanical punishment for getting hit the game usually punishes mishaps by resetting your progress whether that be by putting Wario in a state where you'd have to go back and revert or just by knocking you back down to the ground where you gotta get back to where you were before. Obviously, even in platformers with health systems mistakes commonly get punished by resetting progress by way of like checkpoints if you die or whatnot, but that's usually an automated process whereas here in Wario Land there are points where if you fuck up, you gotta drag your ass back to the starting line before you can try again. This is most egregious in the bosses, as there are a lot of bosses that punish any hit by forcing you out of the boss chamber, resetting the fight from square one no matter how far you initially got. For a game with an invincible protagonist, there's a surprisingly low margin for error in some of these levels. It makes an already slowly designed game feel even more sluggish, and my goopy gamer brain already isn't the biggest fan of slower, more explorative 2D platformers.

It still has that goofy wario charm that's all in good fun, and Captain Syrup is a fun antagonist. Instead of your typical victory animation or whatever, Wario just front-faces to look directly at you upon clearing any level to let you know what you've done. While I did get most of the endings on this playthrough, if I had this as a kid I guarantee you I would only have seen the default 25-level ending and nothing else. Definitely not my favorite game out there, but I still respect its experimentation with the platformer genre and its quirky charm.

Didn't really like this one, thought that the controls felt pretty stiff and that the level design wasn't great. I do like Wario's moveset and the different forms are pretty cool though.

Então o jogo não é muioto dificil os inimigos são tranquilos, o problema é q o jogo prende vc por não te fazer entender pra que porta voce tem que ir ou que exatamente voce tem que fazer fora só matar os inimigos e vazar numa fase vc tem q fechar a agua da torneira (literamente) na outra tem uma esqueleto chato q te prende e não deixa passar fora que ele só te larga nas fases e te diz "se vira ai" tem umas portas ou entradas que dão para um minigame de memoria facilimo e outras que dão num bonus de fim de fase q eu não sei como funciona. enfim se eu descobrir como passa da fase da cobra verde eu zero essa bagaça porque não é como o warioland 4 q apela pra dificuldade. 3.5 Estrelas

Graficos: lindos pro portátil
Som: sem graça musicas muito vazias
efeitos: barulhentos cm sempre nada de mais
diversão: 4.0 estrelas

A lot of people don't seem to like this one and maybe it's because I haven't played the other Wario Land games but I found it pretty fun. It's cool to see how they built a game around you just not being able to die.

Un excelente juego, con mecánicas muy innovadoras y nucha rejugabilidad.

this game is one of the best games ever. the game starts by wario sleeping. and YOU can just not wake up and the level will end. i think about that constantly.

I've only beaten this game once, so I've never really checked out the whole branching paths thing the levels have going on. Wario continues to be a character with a fun moveset, though.

Meh. It's better than the first game, but that's kind of a low bar.

Wario Land 2, sequel to WARIO LAND: SUPER MARIO LAND 3, is a sequel that feels bigger in terms of a step forward and backwards for the franchise.

The steps it takes forwards are in terms of overall it's total length of time to complete, as well as the different branching paths that can be found depending on certain levels having different ending for different circumstances.

The game in general is fun however way too repetitive with it kind of having unique objects in certain levels, but all usually are:

- Get from Point A to Point B
- Defeat this Miniboss which is just an overgrown pirate enemy
- Defeat 4 Ducks
- Hit this Random Lever or Anchor

A big issue is treasure collecting and puzzle piece gathering.

Treasure collecting has Wario enter random entrances that may lead you into a minigame room with the entire minigame being a matching game all the time, the idea is you spend 50, 100, or 150 coins to allow you to see what the pictures are in which area for a little longer. If you choose 50 that's hard mode, meaning you get to see the images for 1 second, Medium 100 3 seconds, Easy 150 5 seconds. The treasure chest will have an image of the enemy and you will have to pick the matching enemy based on muscle memory of it's location, it's really simple to do, though if you don't pay attention you're on your own. The issue with this is it just seems like Nintendo missed the point of what a TREASURE should be, something hidden that has a lot of value and while these Treasures are found in chests, there was more grandiose in WARIO LAND: SUPER MARIO LAND 3 because they were in secluded rooms where all Wario had to do is smash the chest and collect the item.

The puzzle pieces are worse, the way the puzzle piece mini games work is through your adventure you'll collect a coins that add up, towards the end of every level you need to guess a number from 3 by 3 number tile based upon revealing tiles to make it easier to guess which number it is, the selection is 1-9, and while you can reveal more tiles to give you hints, you could still mess up, and if you mess up, unlike the treasures where you can go back and attempt to match the correct image, you would have to go back and play through the entire level again to try again, luckily I'm playing on my 2DS so I had save states when I messed up on guessing, but still doing it 50 times is a hassle, and it doesn't help that the minigame switches up when you go through a branching path.

In the branching path version, your total coins will start to reduce revealing more and more tiles, while causing you to lose coins, while it doesn't make it easier to see what the numbers might be, the cavoite is you're losing 50 coin per tile as it goes down in increasing increments.

Like I said, I played on my 2DS so my save states helped get through this so I can experience the full game and all it had to offer, but it can seriously be demoralizing if you were playing on a Gameboy, I assume this was done so it could extent the game lengths for little kids. All I know is I doubt kids were able to get to the TRUE FINAL LEVEL of Wario Land 2.

I put quotes over that because they aren't power up, more like power occurrences that happen when you touch certain enemies:

- Baker with Cake -> Obese Wario -> Allows Wario to barely jump but can destroy strong platforms

- Hammer Pirate -> Spring Wario -> Causes Wario to become a spring and jump like crazy, takes 10 seconds to wear off.

- Penguin with Bomb -> Drunk Wario -> Makes Wario get drunk and cause him to stumble like an idiot with no benefit other than he guess a breath attack, however when drunk he's uncontrollable.

- Fire Hedgehog -> Burning Wario -> Wario gets put on fire and runs around crazy until he burns in a great ball of fire, and during this he can destroy fire objects next to him or below him (fire platforms/obstacles) are marked with fire symbol)

- Zombie/Ghost -> Zombie Wario -> Infects and turns Wario into an actual putrid corpse, he can't jump and when he falls from heights he actually crumbles into pieces before regenerating a second later, sometimes in situations where there are no platforms below a floating platform, if Zombie Wario falls he will fall through said floating platform to the platform below that, not really beneficial more a hindrance that you have to use the sunlight to break free of.

- Bat with Anvil -> Smushed Wario -> Wario gets smushed by an anvil which reduces his jump but allows him to float down from far drops in a swaying motion to reach hidden/tight areas, can be finicky though.

- Magic Wizard Pirate -> Turns Wario into Mini Wario (looks like what Wario looks like when he's defeated in SUPER MARIO LAND 2: 6 GOLDEN COINS and when he takes damage and becomes small in WARIO LAND: SUPER MARIO LAND 3.) Allows Wario to jump higher but he can't pick up and throw enemies.

All "POWER-UPS"/ POWER OCCURANCES can be removed by jumping in Water, or for some, waiting around 10 seconds for the powers to deactivate.

Really a step back when it comes to comparing it to it's predecessor, it's WARIO LAND: SUPER MARIO LAND 3 had only 3 power ups but they were still unique and fun to use, sucks that they gave up on that in WARIO LAND 2 that occasionally benefit you, but in general hinder the player.

The game doesn't really have a punishment system in terms of losing lives, but instead losing coins, which can stop you from accessing treasures and puzzle pieces. Though I guess an aspect you could find repetitive is the format of some of the levels, as well as some music straight up being painful to listen to, though for the most part I was playing with video game music from my phone with headphones to ignore the ingame music.

The problem with repetitiveness in a game is it can start to feel like a chore doing the same thing over and over to complete said level, and in my opinion a big issue is while certain levels did introduce unique enemies/obstacles I feel like seeing the same pirate enemy in all levels was annoying, along with some minibosses amounting to: small enemy... BUT NOW BIG AND MULTIPLE HITS!

The final true level is a punishment as it's a time trial which wants the player to use tricks and tight navigation for getting to the end, and you can still mess up at the end since the final enemy is on a platform and you need to attack it with out it dropping to the second platform, just getting there is a pain in the ass, and I was lucky I was playing on my 2DS so it made reloads more bearable instead of having to go to the beginning of certain level segments.

For some reason, as great and fun yet repetitive this game is, it somehow still does something bad games do and that's putting all it's egg in 1 basket, all the difficult from the game is encapsulated within 1 level made to induce rage and piss the player off, I don't know why Nintendo thinks 1 level should represent difficulty instead of having harder yet reasonable to complete levels, they've done it so many times now, the most recent examples I can give are:


Please understand I AM NOT CALLING THESE GAMES BAD, THEY ARE FANTASTIC, I just find it stupid they decide to make 1 hard as hell level only experts/adults can get through, instead of having reasonably difficult levels in their base games.


I think the different ending branching paths are nice as it adds a reason to continue to replay old levels that have secret exits to reach these alternate endings as well as the normal ending, and True Ending:

- Normal Ending: Wario fights Captain Syrup with her floating in her mini ship and throws enemies and bombs at Wario, Wario uses the flame beneath him to defeat the Greedy Gold-digging Pirate and obtains all his money/treasure back.

- Alternate Path 1 - Wario sleeps over alarm and Captain Syrup takes over his Castle

- Alternate Path 2 - Wario goes to a sky temple or fortress and "saves" Captain Syrup from the Bubble monster but still kicks her ass sky high and takes back his money.

- Alternate Path 3 - Wario remains in the Haunted Mansion and "saves" Captain Syrup from the Stretchy Ghost but still kicks her ass out of the mansion sky high and takes back his money.

- Alternate Path 4 - Wario remains in the dangerous factory and fights Captain Syrup controlling a Giant Robot Pirate you use to take her down.

True Ending - After Collecting all 50 treasures (25 normal, 25 differing branches) and all 50 puzzle pieces, you get a map to Captain Syrup's grand treasure, in the final level Wario has a time trial to get to the treasure as fast as possible, at the end defeating a giant Pirate enemy and taking Syrups giant treaure... Wario is happy to be greedy and wealthy as ever... as he returns home... only to be followed by said Giant Pirate Enemy, as the game ends.
I think it does a lot of positives with featuring more levels and branching paths and different endings. It has a fun minigame when you 100% it that's essentially "SIMON SAYS" but it's a pirate duck giving the indication. I think the different final bosses are unique especially the one against the Bunny playing Basket Ball. The game does so many thing to make the WARIO LAND franchise it's own, but took away so many things/did them worse in this sequel. While it is cool having 50 levels, you need to essentially guess where the secret exits are if you're not using walkthrough. Another issue is that while WARIO LAND: SUPER MARIO LAND 3 had linearity there was freedom to tackle certain areas early depending on if you found certain secret exits. Power ups are more so occurrences that sometimes will benefit you, but other times won't. I think the main bosses are great, the minibosses are a joke especially because they're copy and paste.

I had fun with Wario Land 2 within the time I beat it, I think modern platforms for this game with Save States helps it be a great game, because it is. However I can see someone losing their patience with this game because of Trial and Error, and sometimes it being a chore to get through. More levels is fine, but you need to make the levels have quality as well so they don't feel repetitive and while adding a different objective can be seen as mixing it up. It can still feel like a lazy way of trying to mix things up instead of coming up with unique things.


I had a fun time with WARIO LAND 2 I think it has some flaws, but I think the positive thing to take from it is that it feels like Nintendo now know what they wanted the franchise to be, which is nice. I only hope that WARIO LAND 3 and 4 improve upon the issues I had with 2.

Overall I don't want to say it's better than WARIO LAND: SUPER MARIO LAND 3, I think honestly WARIO LAND 2 is either equal or slightly below the first game, still for what it does, it's a good game, that at the very least had nice esthetics to it.

I'm giving WARIO LAND 2 a 3.5 out of 5 STARS, i recommend it but I would recommend playing it on a device that has save states to truly enjoy it.

Thanks for reading. :D

Definitely a step in the right direction with Wario. The multiple endings is a cool concept that I enjoy and the game looks good finally.

But it's still just not landing for me for some reason. I think I respect this game more than I actually like it.

Not the best Wario game but still a damn good puzzle platformer when compared to other titles on the Game Boy. What I was really shocked about was the differences between the GBC version and GB version, I think I prefer the GB version because of the shading on the sprites. You can just tell that this game was designed with a monocrhome look first, as the GBC version is washed out and boring looking, even missing some details such as the skull on the flag in Chapter 3.

If that wasn't enough, you can't even use the same save if you decide to switch systems, which I've never heard of before. Why can the Pokemon games share saves when in GB mode, but not this game?

Gonna be honest I do not know how to Rank Wario Land 2 in comparison to the first game. Its highs are higher but its lows are lower too. It's one of THOSE games. In terms of the stuff I like, I think it's cool how THIS was the Wario Land that layed the foundation for the future of the series in terms of gameplay and strayed away from the Mario formula, and it's also neat that this game has a LOT more interesting and varied level design. As for the stuff I don't like, the new transformation gimmick feels extremely underused and underdeveloped, and with the exception of one really good one, the boss fights suck dick. It's a very back and forth experience, but I think I'll put it just a hair above the first game in my ranking just because the more I played it, the more fun I had with it