Reviews from

in the past

Pretty good! It is a pretty short game, most people finishing it in around 40 mins to an hour, I finished it in around an hour and 30 because I was messing around the place a bit

The story is definitely a highlight and maybe I was just a little slow to catch on, but the ending was quite unexpected, but in a good way. (I'm being vague about it to avoid spoilers, however there are already a couple Backloggd reviews on here that aren't tagged, so be weary of that I guess). This just gives the game a replayability factor of at least one more playthrough once you understand what's going on

I've seen some people on here describe this game as a walking sim, and they're kinda right? But not entirely... In terms of walking sims, it's more akin to something like Firewatch and less like Gone Home or Edith Finch. Like in Firewatch, you get to play through these "scenarios" where a majority of the gameplay really just consists of listening to two people talk to each other, there are a couple mini games sprinkled here and there, but overall, its very light on gameplay

In terms of gameplay, the most fun I had was trying to break some of the scenarios by screwing around and clipping into things. The funniest instance was when I was able to get on top of the dude's car while he was having a serious conversation with the farmer (the player)

There's really not much else to say tbh. The writing and voice acting are pretty stellar, but this game really could have used more memorable music. That's probably the only thing it was lacking-- experience-wise, anyway. Graphics were okay too

Overall, I'd say its well made, but just "okay" in the grand scheme of games similar to this. Still enjoyed it tho! I guess final thoughts are that this game is ridiculously easy to 100%. I don't even care about achievements all too much, but I got a good bulk of it in my first playthrough so I'd say go for this one, achievement hunters!

Small game, full with story. I do not have problem with graphics - they are OK. Music wasn't good enough. The gameplay is good.

Lo que más me ha impresionado de ADIOS es una sensación, la de cuando tu amigo mafioso se marcha, y te deja solo en la granja. Llevas cerca de una hora de partida, pero es un momento de soledad tan rotundo y silencioso que, ya conociendo al protagonista y su circunstancia, te desgarra por dentro.

Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked (1,000G). Very limited on "gameplay", but this story of a pig farmer ending his connection with the mob is an interesting, deeply personal tale of remorse. This takes the form of a day in which the player undertakes chores around his farm, accompanied by the mob hitman - who while a close friend, ultimately has been sent to kill him. The writing and voice acting is excellent, serving the sell the concept very effectively - and while it's not a game that I'd soon replay, it's been a worthwhile experience.

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The 10 or so minutes where you’re in your house cooking dinner and calling your neighbour and son are great, but everything else is underwhelming at best and grating at worst. The art style doesn’t suit the game, the gameplay elements feel too streamlined and absent from consequence, and the overall dialogue maybe is decent for video game standards but that’s a low standard. I’ve seen the same writing hundreds of times in films and shows and it’s not interesting anymore. For a game so enamored with its writing, you’d think it’d be more novel or expressive.

Games With Gold's swan song has given this hidden gem of indie gaming in recent years. You control a mysterious man who asks a favor to the person who takes care of the farm with him, and that's all you should know! It's a short experience with progressive tension as you try to figure out what's happening. I love games like this because they only serve the purpose of having good, deep writing.

Stellar writing and voice acting. LOVE this game

I would've just shot the guy.

PD: I like the concept of short games as in short films, neat.

made my jellies swelly, I wanna puke

Short little first-person narrative. Well written and acted (always great to hear D.C. Douglas) with a couple of powerful scenes that use the medium meaningfully. Not a whole lot to say beyond that.

more of a visual novel than a game. however great story and art direction. the main voice actors killed it so fucking hard. nice little game :)

Short game that i only played for achievements. Nothing much to garner from here, although i could tell that the writing was at least decent.

A short story that could do really well as a short film. Small interactive moments break up the dialogue between a farmer and an old friend as the farmer contemplates the mistakes in his life.

Beautiful and heartbreaking.

Non dovrebbe essere un gioco.

++ Story
++ Art style
++ Atmosphere

Too short to tell the story well and the game is a little crunchy overall. However, I love the story idea and the way it's portrayed isn't bad. I love the ending that you know is coming but is still kind of a shock.

Fantastic "walking sim"! The moment you realize why the farmer is making his decision hits you like a gut punch.

Adios is an short and sweet intriguing story driven game.

Characters - Good backstory around the 2 main characters, the other ones are not as fleshed out, but the job is well done for such a short game.
Sound - Nice, simple background music. Nature sounds and farming noise effects are very simplistic, I think it could have been better with a quiet background soundtrack to make the game scene feel less 'hollow'
Mechanics - Also very basic, the game is essentially one giant cutscene, there are a couple minigames in which you throw, shoot and have options on replying to your friend.
Visuals - Not incredible, but not awful, it feels like it is one level above low poly, however the aesthetic does fit with the game.
Gameplay - Basic, once again you just walk around doing a range of activities whilst you sit back and enjoy the cutscene between you and your friend.
World design - I like the path by the fishing pond and some areas around the farm but I feel that some areas inside the house and at points in the farm could have been fleshed out more.
Goal - Nothing specific, just to get to the end of the game and figure out an agreement with your friend.
Story - Amazing, intriguing storyline. This isn't something you will find anywhere else. You, the player are a farmer who has been feeding dead bodies to your pigs from a criminal gang to get money. However, you want out and your friend comes over to discuss this with you, he doesn't like your answers, and shoots you inside your own house.
Length - 1-2 hours
Rating - 5/10

One of the realest games out there, the character performances are so fucking fantastic and the dialogue exchanges feel so natural that it's a shame it's stuck in what's effectively a walking sim/visual novel. I would have enjoyed this much more if it was done in a non-interactive environment as I feel playing as the protagonist doesn't add anything to the experience. At an hour of playtime I feel Adios is worth experiencing just for the core performances of the actors, as I struggle to think of a game that hits the same kind of realism this small cast does.

I said adios to this game after 15 minutes

I like walking simulators, if the narrative is good. Sometimes, they feel like a movie in which you have some kind of control of the pace and the character's interactions.

'Adios' is one of these games: it has a good narrative, a compelling and emotional story with a couple of strong moments, but perhaps it lacks a little more exploration and interactions - or maybe it lacks the discovery of more narrative points or scenes through the exploration, you can examine items but this doesn't affect anything.

Despite of this, I enjoyed it and it's a very short game, so you can play it in one sit. Anenjoyable little experience, overall.

i don't mind it but you have to be in the right mood for it

solid, very short walking simulator with fairly minimal interactivity. Not sure this takes full advantage of the medium, as there's a lot of standing in place listening to dialogue, but the story is mostly compelling and it doesn't overstay its welcome


First and foremost, to my achievement hunters... this is a quick and easy 100%! I had just over three hours of game time, but that was more than likely closer to the low twos. Had a few pauses and interruptions during my play.

Anyway, this was an okay game. Honestly, if it weren't for the ending and then realizing why the game was called "Adios," I'd probably have completely forgotten about it by now. So bravo for making it memorable. Dark, but memorable.

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a nice short game (also pretty depressing) about a farmer who well doesn't want to be here anymore. (Aka kill himself I think) the game looks very good but sometimes would lag my Xbox one s. also got this when it was free with gold. other than that, lagging problem pretty good game.

Feels like a straight adaption of a short story to a first person game. The story itself is fairly engrossing. Trying to figure out what exactly is going on while the beautiful dialogue and voice acting carry you along. The actual interactive elements aren't much to write home about but for what it is at only an hour long, it's worth a playthrough.

I do like the audio drama here, but I don't think the first person adventure format serves this story well at all

very rough narrative experience. Short and interesting. Interesting premise and decent voice acting, which I found surprising. Really bad controls and no explanation. Kinda anticlimactic.