Reviews from

in the past

something keeps calling me back to this game. theres something in it i cant describe

The tetris of first person shooters? Sadly I don't like score attacks or running away.

I was #666 on the leaderboards at one point.

Me gusta mucho visualmente pero no es lo mio

Lo jugue por dayo

best achievement ever in a game

so damn hard but its fun to hop on every few days and play a round or two

Not for everyone...obviously.
Fast paced old style FPS against demonic foes. Clean and simple game design meets compelling gameplay. The leaderboard encourages you to play greedily in order to achieve better scores among your friends and globally.
Arm your dagger and begin the fight, player.

feels a little wrong to review this immediately after playing it for only about an hour but i kind of don't want to put myself through a whole lot more of this. the atmosphere is fantastic, it's fun to control, the visuals are tailor-made for me but i really do kinda feel like this just isn't the right genre to do a no-hit game. maybe it's a skill issue (it's almost definitely a skill issue) but this sort of just feels like moving around for a while until something that you couldn't see touches you from behind and you die. i really feel like a game like this would work so much better if it actually had room for error, even though that essentially goes against the game's primary design aspect. maybe if one day i end up getting good and capable of stringing together multiple minutes of gameplay like all those top players i kept seeing my opinion would change, but as it stands its just so much more fun watching someone else play this than playing it myself.

I like minimalism. I like arena first-person shooters. I even like when video games are intentionally obtuse (Getting Over It) or challenging (Sekiro, competitive Smash Bros).

My excuse then, is that I only play PC games on my steam deck and it's too hard on handheld! It would be better if it came with an easy mode -- just like Dark Souls.

200 segundos de récord y sudando como un cerdo... El único logro del juego se desbloquea a los 500.

Me queda un rato. Es como el síndrome de Estocolmo de la era digital.

antes d morir quiero hacer los 500sec

This game is so fucking intelligent but I hate playing it.
Welcome to hell featuring:
-your mistakes constantly adding up quick and presented to you in crystal detail
-where as you get better the downtime increases and you relive small annoyances
-surviving tooth and nail for seconds at a time while you fight with your nerves and maybe a panic attack or two (it gets fucking ridiculous)

Not for the faint of heart because it will compound into you. Devilishly addicting game, avoid at all costs, holy fuck how did i spend several hours already.
(Managed to time 231 seconds, #10 of my friends. That's the best I can do atm)

"Persecutory delusions"? WRONG. The skulls are chasing you.

They're coming to get you. You can fight back, but if they touch you, you die. How long can you last? That's the whole concept of the game. Simple, but unbelievably fun. Amazing atmosphere.

The devil is in the details

An anxiety-inducing little torture chamber of an FPS, where you restart every time you die and attempt to progress just a biiit further. No procedural generation here -- waves are set, so like many an arcade-style shooter it's all about managing spawning enemies quickly so as to not be overwhelmed. Easier said than done.

I will say, I don't love constantly dying to things that are behind me (I know I'm probably bad at the game and need to strafe better or whatever)... but man I sure do love almost everything else about this. You start out in a dark room, a lovecraftian tentacle pillar vomits skulls at you, and you're off to fun town for about 90-or-so-seconds before you get ravaged by some other shadowy monstrosity and have to start all over.

Devil Daggers is both simple in its premise as well as its presentation. It's the perennial "easy to pick up and play but hard to master" game coupled with a touch of "only one more run before I quit the game" addicting mechanic.

This is a first person shooter with twitch-based gunplay consisting in defeating endless spawning enemies from hell. New enemy types spawn as you progress. The game ends when you die and your kill-count acts as the game's scoring system which is recorded and posted in an online master leaderboard. The kick is that the game/enemies is brutally challenging and hard so it's fairly common to die quickly and the rinse and repeat the process. Overall, I enjoyed the simplicity in the concept of the game as well as the them and presentation.

A simple and fun arcade shooter with a global leaderboard to remind you how shit you are.

I really don't know how to review this game. It's clearly well made, does exactly what it sets out to do, but its an experience that only lasts for as long as you survive then its over. The ultimate "git gud" test, challenges you to survive as long as you can with little to no rewards other than seeing your name move up the leaderboard. Improving your time feels fantastic, but this is absolutely not a game for everyone.

i enjoy games that let me go fast. devil daggers is the epitome of a game that only cares about one thing, and does that thing extremely well.
super simple gameplay loop, excellent visuals, excellent soundscape, just plain fun.

No me siento cómodo, soy muy malo

Have no idea what I'm doing but feel compelled to keep doing it. 75 seconds is my best so far. What the h*ll is the strat for efficiently taking out the spiders?

I'm basically incredible at this. That centipede thing is the last boss, right? And then it just loops? Okay, yeah, then I beat this game. Like three or four times, actually. It's pretty good, I guess.