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in the past

it's peak. it's so peak. it's kind of like hollow knight meets iconoclasts with some celeste splashed in there. am i naming those games just because i like them and i also like this game? yes. is this game a hard recommend that i will be speedrunning? also yes.

How the fuck did I not notice this game when it came out?
The controls are inconsistent, and the unlockable weapons mostly felt underpowered, but those are my only complaints. This is a real treat for fans of Rain World, Rabi-Ribi and Hollow Knight.

Indie devs, Instead adding grappling hooks into your games, consider a bungee cord instead!

Has the trapings of a lot of metroidvania of not knowing what to do at certain points, but other then that I really enjoyed everything about it.

Great but comes just short of being amazing!
Rusted Moss is a metroidvania with a very open map, set at the end of the age of man with a melancholic vibe and a focus on shooting and grappling hook platforming.

Doesn't have much in the way of upgrades, but does a lot with what it gives the player and is much more skill oriented than other games of its genre.

The ability gating in Rusted Moss often means that you could get somewhere if you just mastered the grappling hook, sequence breaking is intended and encouraged and despite this, getting actually lost is a rare occasion since whichever direction you choose to go in you are making some progress towards your final goal. Hook platforming is overall really fun! The physics need some getting used to, but it's obvious the team spent a lot of time fine tuning them to behave "realistically" and therefore predictably.

Gunplay is pretty nice once you get really into it (and unlock some guns), the bosses are where it really shines and your abilty to juggle shooting and grappling is put to the test.

The setting and lore are really interesting and unique, the story is actually kinda nice too and doesn't get too in the way.

Where it comes just short of being amazing is, in my opinion, in the lack of map markers (except for shops, teleporters and save points), there are no custom map markers either, meaning that if you want to mark something (e.g. collectibles or sections you can't reach just yet) for later then you're just out of luck; this comes to the detriment of trying to 100%ing the game which is some of the most fun that comes with this genre.

I really recommend Rusted Moss to people that are looking for a metroidvania that features a map that is actually open, is heavy on challenging platforming, and is more about the player learning to use and master what little they get rather than constantly earning new abilities throughout the way.

Finally an indie metroid-vania that takes advantage of it's movement with interesting encounters and terrain.
The tether is very versatile and all upgrades all work towards giving you more freedom when using it.

The level design and bosses really makes you have to think about how the tether works and I feel like it was properly explored as a platforming mechanic which can be quite rare to see.

The map is truly open and doesn't give you an illusion of freedom like most metroid-vanias do.

really underrated, please give it a go

Fun little game, relies a lot on the grappling hook mechanic which didn't end up grabbing me, and made exploration a bit of a chore.

Rusted Moss is an amazing metroidvania, it's a game where you can reach the end immediately after starting with completely intentional sequence breaks. This game is all about movement and using that movement to explore which is so nice in an era of more combat based metroidvanias releasing.

I like it better with mouse and keyboard.

Un magnifique metroidvania tout pixelisé avec un grappin comme mécanique principale.

Le simple fait que la mécanique de grappin fonctionne aussi bien tient du miracle : c'est fun, facile à utiliser, versatile. Et les différentes améliorations finissent par rendre le jeu super facile à traverser. On sent vraiment la progression d'un point de vue mécanique et de la palette de mouvement disponible.

Le level design est pas en reste, et offre un monde interconnecté qui s'ouvre peu à peu, découpé en zone bien cool visuellement qui vient renforcer l'ambiance unique et la narration du titre. On se perd quasiment pas, et il y a toujours des choses à explorer.

Les boss sont aussi super cools, et l'histoire qui entoure chaque perso, ainsi que les quêtes annexes, rende le jeu vraiment super complet.

C'est dur de trouver de vrai défaut, en partie car le jeu est pile ce que j'attends des metroid vania indépendant, et avec une narration pile dans mon style préféré : éthérée, nébuleux, mais qui résout de nombreux "arcs" lorsqu'on approche de sa fin.

Vraiment un plaisir à découvrir et à jouer. Je recommande de fou !

Has a few weak/frustrating sections, but overall its quite good

rusted moss is a really great game bogged down by some bad moments/areas. certain platforming sections and enemies/encounters really dont play to the games strong suits. also feel that visual clarity is a really big issue in this game, whether its not knowing certain platforms are actually platforms and not background or enemies teleporting behind you with little warning. i may be ragging on the game a lot but the core gameplay here is really amazing, the movement is some of the best ive played and the shooting is also nice

Divertido pacas, amei o game design e os poderzinhos que você ganha pra progredir. A progressão é limpa e natural, e eu poucas vezes realmente me vi perdido e sem o que fazer.
Eu tinha uma critica no inicio que era que os bosses eram meio fáceis, mas ai eu fui me aproximando e eu fui sendo torado KKKKK

Ótimo jogo, recomendo de mais

Best hidden gem of the year, if not game of the year honestly. Everyone knows that if you want to make a good game, you put in a grappling hook. Both of rusted moss' platforming and combat sides are centered around one of the best feeling grappling hook mechanics in any game i've ever played. Swinging around never got old throughout the 12 or so hours it took me to complete this game in full. Big recommend, but only if you play with keyboard and mouse, it's not really made to be played with a controller.

Simply incredibly fun to simply play, doesn't need to have anything else and yet it does.

Que puta pasada de juego.

Lo probe para ver que tal y me acabo encantando. Los graficos, preciosamente cuidados hasta el mas minimo detalle.

La historia es interesante y con diversos finales. Y la mecanica del mooh es curiosa y divertida.

Si te gusta Hollow Knight, esto probablemente tambien.

comecei achando que seria mais um plataformer souless mas acabou se tornando uma das minhas melhores experiencias com jogos que tive nos ultimos tempo

I think there's a lot to love here, but I don't think everything really comes together that well.

I love the bungee cord and the platforming it provides, but once you get it, that's kind of it. I would've loved some upgrades or more unique uses for the bungee cord, but you're kind of doing the same thing with it 2 hours in as you were 5 minutes into the game. Not that this is a bad approach, but I think for something like a Metroidvania, that drip-feed of evolution is important, and this game feels like it lacks that. You'll mostly be collecting trinkets which modify the gameplay in minor ways, and I was looking for some full upheavals. I appreciate the dedication to the genre, but I can't help but feel that a different approach to the cord's development and level design was needed to really suit it properly.

The different guns are a nice addition, but for the most part, they're completely missable and don't feel that fleshed out. They don't really do that much in conjunction with the bungee cord, which feels like kind of a wasted opportunity. Shotgun boosts and rocket jumps are always welcome additions, but the game isn't built around EVERY player having found them, so they feel like toppings on the cake rather than ingredients in the batter.

The combat is honestly one of the game's stronger suits, though, and I appreciate that the guns add some variety to how you approach each encounter. Wasn't a huge fan of the story and how the world is presented, but I think it's serviceable enough for what this genre is.

Overall, a pretty good game that starts to lose steam after a while.

Probably my tied game of the year of 2023. There's some slight jank, but it's exhilarating to cut loose through its world. The writing isn't a main selling point but I think the banter is charming, there's a clear amount of effort to portray the fae which is cool since gaming doesn't tend to feature em much as a direct focus

Aside from that the main meat is movement. All of it feels snappy and just how you'd expect. The grapple is used in enough ways that it never wears out its welcome with more ways to use it always becoming apparent.

Overall it's just a fun as hell game with very little buts about it (plus it's gonna get more content soon to the time of making so that's kinda cool)

Smooth and fun to play through in long sittings, never too challening but also never feels easy, Rusted Moss takes Umihara Kawase's general use of puzzle-solving grappling hook levels and expands it to a proper, fast-paced metroidvania, and also gives her a gun. It sorta lives in the hell of comparisons, without any part of it reallt feeling too original; its plot feels akin to Dark Souls's use of the cycle of fire and applied with queer subtext between a race war between humans and Fae, its visual style taking cues from the detailed mixture between level and enemy like Rain World, so on and so forth. I have annoyances in some parts, such as the Ending D boss and the lack of much proper story context outside of some nudges to a wider story, but I do think it's such a quick and open-ended game that it's easy to reccomend to anyone without much problems.

No Fern and Maya kiss though, this shit is ASS.

I played the demo early last year thinking. Yeah that was pretty good. Wonder how it will do. Then I heard nothing about it really. Over the winter sale I decided that I wanted to check out the full release and see how it was. The answer is better!

The game is really all about movement, If you are familiar with Umihara Kawase, just like it the game uses moment from a grappling hook as the primary form of movement which doesn't stray too much from the path. But increases in complexity, which means that You are tested on what you learn, and any repeats will likely allow you to sequence break. The game looks great with some classic indie style graphics you'd find in momodora or cave story, and the story albeit tame is quite an interesting take for an area that is usually often in the limelight. at 10 hours long, for 95% completion. This feels like a great addition to any metroidvania library, maybe a must have, definitely my fav from the subgenre in 2023. And one I recommend to anyone want that spice of difference in the honestly pretty safe genre.

Il grado di sfida è normale, tranne che nelle fasi di platforming nel finale dove si alza l'asticella. Non ha lacune particolari e mi sono piaciuti abbastanza i design. Ho trovato molto figo l'utilizzo del rampino che crea a prescindere dalla difficoltà situazioni divertenti, piuttosto è il mirino che non mi ha fatto impazzire per tutta la durata

Story is interesting but could've been explored more, still good for what it is.

Gameplay is so much fun, the grapple takes a little getting used to but once you do it's the most satisfying thing ever.

Weapons feel under-explored, since 80% of them you need to REALLY go out of your way to find them, but all of them are fun to play with.

todo jogo que tem uma mecânica maneira de grappling hook q eu jogo me faz lembrar da incapacidade do neil druckman de dirigir um projeto que tenha uma corda com a física MUITO BOA. RIP corda do the last of us 2 eu sofro pelo que você não foi🙏

Heralding the new age of fairies by shooting a rocket launcher at my sister.

It takes a deft hand to design one of these so that having all your movement options available doesn't kill the challenge while giving you just enough room to wing some crazy shit with next to nothing.

im smoking that Rusted Moss with The Beloved Child

Once I learned rocket jumping was a thing, it was so over for the Age of Man.

After finishing this game, i still don't know how to feel about it. There are lot of things that i love in this game. First the artstyle and atmosphere are incredible, really loved the music (even if most of the bosses use the exact same soundtrack), and i really liked much more focus on challenging but fair platforming. When it comes to the exploration though this is where the game falls a little bit flat. Most of the time i found myself going through some difficult enemy encounters and very difficult platforming sections only for my reward to be some lore dumps, which isn't a bad thing by itself, but it felt really frustrating going out of my way to explore something only to find out that the reward is completely useless. Most of the enemies are really annoying to fight especially in one of the endgame areas. Bosses are a mix bag as well. Most of them are easy to defeat without thought. There are some bosses that are pretty difficult but their quality ranges from diffcult but fair to just absolute garbage to fight. I will say the final boss is probably the best (not the true final boss, he is kinda shit).
Overall while there are some flaws with this game, I think people should check it out for themselves.

Game was kind of fun I can imagine that anyone who likes movement platformers like celeste would enjoy this game. I however can not stand metroidvanias they suck the life out of me I dropped the game pretty quick