Reviews from

in the past

Finito in una sessione, forse a volte si cammina troppo ma il voice acting è superbo.

Meilleur jeu aussi (j'aime beaucoup de jeu) l'histoire est folle, j'adore la DA, les personnages, l'exploration, j'ai juste envie d'être un garde forestier

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Vibe relaxante, ambientação boa, um suspense foda

suspense pra que se no final acontece porra nenhuma

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Really nice narrative story game, voice acting was believable and the ending was bittersweet.

Short mystery game. It honestly left me quite confused after the reveal, still not sure it makes much sense, however it was nice to walk around and the musics good when it plays. I have a gripe with some of the movement mechanics, like having to press a button every time you want to walk up a small step/ledge of rock.
Regardless I think it is worth a playthrough. An alright exploration of grief, fear, and paranoia.

Great story and great visuals. If you want to start and finish something in one day than this is your game. I also now am both really terrified and interested in doing something like this for my own mid-life crisis

Cara que jogo bom. Tem uma narrativa sensacional, que te faz ficar preso com o mistério do jogo, saber o que está acontecendo e querer ir atrás de respostas.
A mecânica de você sempre estar conversando com a Delilah é simplesmente o que faz esse jogo brilhar, porque apesar de você estar sozinho no meio da floresta, sem ninguém, ela é a sua unica companhia durante todo esse tempo de gameplay. Reportar pra ela através do rádio tudo que você encontra pelo caminho, ver a amizade dos dois crescendo é simplesmente muito gostoso de ver, e as piadas que os dois vivem fazendo.
É um jogo curto e isso é um ponto positivo, não é todo jogo que precisa ter 50h de gameplay, as vezes um bom jogo curto com uma história envolvente é o que a gente precisa depois de tantos jogos AAA gigantescos sendo lançados.
E junta a gameplay gostosinha, com a história envolvente, personagens carismáticos e uma trilha sonora incrível, faz Firewatch ser um jogo obrigatório se você curte jogos indies, principalmente se você curte esses jogos mais "walking simulator".

nobody gets this fucking game like i do (deranged)

It was alright I just didn't really get into it like other people seemed to, and I thought the ending felt lazy rather than being "deep".

I am stunned. Life can be cruel sometimes and, this game shows that pretty well. You don't get a fairytale ending here. You get what life actually gives you. I know it is ironic because we play games to escape reality but, sometimes taking a different path or just being simple can make all the difference.
If you can see eye to eye with this, then you are gonna enjoy the game and the ending too.

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La introducción es un texto, contandote cosas de la esposa del protagonista y dandote contexto de como se llegó a donde se llegó. Desde ahí supe que esto iba a ser bueno.

La atmosfera que logra generar este juego es increíblemente inmersiva, desde la iluminación y sombras, el mismo mapeado con sus vegetación y arboles de colores sumado con sus animaciones detalladas en primera persona.

En un momento las sombras se hicieron duras, la luz disminuyó, la música paró, tenía las sospecha de que no solo alguien en el bosque estaba escuchando y registrando nuestras conversaciones, sino que estaba siguiendome a mí en particular. Me encantó.

I haven't finished a game in 1 seating in a while
firewatch its more like a movie than a game , the core gameplay mechanics are not very sophisticated pretty basic fp stuff
the best part of the game is the dialogue between Henry (you) and ur boss
im not tryn to spoil anything
ik people don't really f with the ending I think it fits really well
I love how u just get lost in the forrest that's just lovely imo
the more u play the more crazier the plot gets which again I love that
I wish this game was a bit longer although imo its way better to feel like this towards a game/movie then to pray 4 it to end sooner
I really recommend on playn this game in 1 seating cuz it really isn't a long one
in the end I really like this game it makes u think about ur life I think I ll replay this game when I ll be in my 30s or 40s (or maybe im just glazin crazy man in forest idk check it out tho)

C'est chill mais j'pense en tant qu'homme avec des testicules et de la testosterone et des poiles au torse et des gros muscles et un zizi j'ai besoin que ça bouge un peu plus parce que sinon je m'endors un peu

Firewatch was a game with a beautiful artstyle that depicted the Wyoming wilderness, and involved an emotional and suspenseful story about isolation and the psychological effects it can have on a person. The voice acting was fantastic, and I really liked the dynamic of the two characters; their relationship was integral to the whole experience, so there was a lot of dialogue to keep on top of.

Other than that, there were some lulls in gameplay, especially with having to backtrack across the map, but overall it was short and non-challenging. Notably, I got creeped out a bit at one point—this was related to isolation and how thoroughly the game explored it.

Um jogo incrível, n conseguia parar d jogar cada vez ficava mais instigado com a história

A ending deixa a desejar mas o jogo é belo o suficiente e o storytelling é intrigante, então vale a pena

Hey, so I guess this is my first backloggd review.

This game was truly breathtaking. It's rare for an open world game to have a story that flows this well. Because often with the freedom of an open world game comes the downside that the player could be lost in the world and forgets about the main story of the game. I know some people think that's what the fun is about in open world games but I prefer a more focussed story. Seriously, this story was better paced than most linear games I've played.
But yeah the gameplay itself is nothing too special, but that's not really the point of this game either. Most of the time you're just walking around looking for things, doing simple chores, which sounds boring, but it are the things that happen while you're traversing this beautiful world that make it interesting.

Una breve experiencia que muestra como escapar del pasado es imposible, tarde o temprano volvera de alguna forma para recordarte donde estuviste y hacia donde podes (o tenes) que ir. Porque nada hara que tus responsabilidades desaparezcan.

the definition of disappointing. "oh, but it's meant to be disappointing, that's the point!" you cry. I do not care. i came out of this game frustrated and wanting my damn money back. fuck you, firewatch.

very good story and also short, fun game to play in a day

I genuinely enjoyed this. The ending felt like it could've been a little stronger, but I'm not sure if I or someone else could offer a better alternate ending. Overall, the recurring themes had me really emotional, and I loved the story overall. The map they used for the forest was really well-made, better than some open world maps made by AAA games.

I also was really glad we go to adopt a turtle.

The most depressing part is that we all need to experience some form of firewatch at some point in our lifes... But not all of us want to come back to reality.

A wonderful story, great visuals and atmosphere. I quite liked just hiking around, doing small tasks, orienteering etc. The ending is a bit lackluster.

Firewatch lured me in with its engaging and realistic dialogue from two great performances that immediately won me over. I was stunned by the quiet moments, and I felt that this would become a favorite about 30 minutes in.

The Beginning montage was interesting, with text intercepting the introduction to the tower, and giving insight into the main character's life. I was spoiled the main message it was setting up for which made it not affect me whatsoever. I gave it a pass though because of all the beautiful images and things I see relating to this game.

Delilah and Henry are wonderful characters, if this game was simply about them bonding over having no human interaction and tackling their problems together over images of fire and routine it would have been for sure a much more beautiful experience. I was not a fan of how it attempted to become a conspiracy thriller in the middle, revealing the father and son story which does not add anything to the themes explored between Henry and Delilah. The ending could have been the greatest quiet moment in gaming, but the tension building in the middle was unnecessary and a cowardly move from the writers. I'm very disappointed in this game. (It was really buggy too btw)

Immediately goes on Airbnb to find a little Cabin in Wyoming