Reviews from

in the past

A very unique, self-driven mystery game. Its use of FMV in the modern day is an interesting decision that makes the game what it is, and the simple mechanic (really the ONLY mechanic) drives the entire game. Worth playing.

it's complicated. and it takes a while to fully get. even after it's over you're not entirely sure of the outcome, you can only speculate. the mechanics are unique though, and definitely work well for the type of story you're going through. i enjoy it

After really enjoying Immortality a while back, I'd been meaning to try Sam Barlow's other games. I finally got around to slotting in Her Story this afternoon and it was a good time.

Her Story doesn't have the scope or flashiness of Immortality, but it was a solid experience. Since the two games are so similar in structure and content, my thoughts about this game are largely in comparison to Immortality. That's a bit unfair and I can imagine I may have reviewed Her Story a bit higher if I'd played it at launch, but it is what it is.

Much like Immortality, Her Story is an FMV game where you search for clips to put together the story. In particular, you are piecing together sections of a police interview with a woman whose husband has died. Viva Seifert is the only actor in Her Story, and luckily she was up to the task, delivering strong performances throughout. She did a great job of capturing different moods and emotional states. I can't I can't really say everything I want about her acting without spoiling things, so I'll leave it at that.

You search for new clips to watch via key words in a databse. While this doesn't have the wow factor that the object matching in Immortality did, it was a bit more natural to use. Searching for a keyword only returns the 5 earliest results, so generic words usually only get you early pieces of the interview. It's structured well so that you are constantly getting little bits to move forward, but not too far forward. Well, except that I guessed a keyword based on a context clue that led to me solving the game much quicker than howlongtobeat suggests (1.5 hours vs 2.5), but that mostly just made me feel like a super sleuth haha.

The story itself was interesting and kept me focused until credits rolled. The twist was fun, though maybe not the most original. More than Immortality, this mostly felt like watching an experimental movie. That's cool and I had fun with it, so time well spent.

this was a trip and a half and i loved it

A very fun little game about going through videos of a case file and putting together all the pieces of the situation. The story is very interesting and it pulls you in like a detective case as you do get an option to leave, but you can stay and continue to try and put all the pieces together and understand what happened.

Gameplay is quite minimal by going through the search engine to find various videos that give you clues to the next few videos and you can continue to branch on and discover the truth. It was a very satisfying experience and some great acting too.

A quem quiser passar pela experiência de ser um detetive real sem tirar a bunda da cadeira, ‘Her Story’ é exatamente o que está procurando.

Nunca experienciei nada igual; o jogo simula um computador de tubo com mais de 250 clipes de uma interrogação policial, todos fora de contexto, mas envolvendo a mesma mulher, no mesmo caso. A única ferramenta a seu dispor é uma barra de pesquisas, que por meio de palavras-chave te dá acesso a até 5 videos em que estas foram mencionadas.

De forma intuitiva e orgânica, sem tutoriais, ‘Her Story’ convida o jogador (ou expectador?) a adentrar em um profundo buraco de minhoca, repleto de relevações, simbolismos e socos no estômago. A combinação do filtro de tela de tubo, com a interface retrô e a atuação maravilhosa de Viva Seifert (inclusive premiada no The Game Awards 2015), em meio a uma apresentação vaga que permite a interpretação e conexão dos fatos pelo próprio jogador, fez com que Her Story me fornecesse uma das experiência mais imersivas que já tive.

Cool concept, though I wish the whole point of the game wasn't just trying to find all of the videos, but rather trying to create a chain of events and put it all together. While the story was interesting, I found myself not really caring towards the end when I had to find like ten more videos and couldn't find what to enter to get them.

Not a game for anyone, but incredibly interesting with a twisted ending, very subtle hints throughout the entire game, very well done, requires very good attention to detail

I liked it but I found the important clips VERY early so I clicked on pointless videos for a long time and then the final text thing happened. Cool concept but the mystery isn’t mind blowing and that’s kind of its main drawing point. I had the situation figured out for the most part but a few things were quite confusing. Overall a fine game but nothing great. Appreciate the innovation though.

Played this one when it came out at 2015.
It was a nice and fresh experience.

Utter brilliance compiled into such a small scale game. You get an actress who is only known for her music and yet the performance on display is career defining.

The premise and mechanics are bizarre on paper yet work perfectly and create one of the most unique gaming experiences of all time: a story that can be viewed in basically any order, and it maintains the mystery despite that. How many games do you know where you can start at any point and still have a great experience?

This is a must play if you have any love for mysteries.

It's okey, nothing more, nothing less.

What a weird narrative experience. Extremely worth it but probably wouldn't play it again. I don't like the developers other again (Telling lies) either.

This one though. Just the simple concept of putting words in a database and seeing what you can find to figure out the story and mysteries is really fun. Made me feel smart. Not a lot of games do that.

Best FMV I ever played by a landslide, I need to test Immortality tho.

Antes de experienciar Her Story eu ouvia algumas pessoas conversar sobre os jogos de Sam Barlow os julgando como peças acima de tudo criativas e após jogar, afirmo que esse é um adjetivo justo de se dar a obra.

O jogo não te entrega muito além de um software que busca vídeos em um banco de dados através de palavras chaves. A palavra sugerida no inicio é “MURDER” que nos entrega pequenos clipes que de cara revelam os fundamentos basicos para iniciarmos essa grande investigação: Houve o assassinato de um homem, marido da mulher que está sendo interrogada nos videos, e está claro que ela é uma das suspeitas.

O jogo não te entrega os clipes em ordem cronológica e isso é faz parte da experiência, pois é se expondo a essa quantidade massiva de informações que vai se criando em nossas cabeças uma série de teorias que vão se confirmando certas ou erradas durante todo o processo. Mas o que parece ser pouco intuitivo no começo logo passa a fluir de maneira surpreendentemente bem, as peças vão se encaixando e quando pensa que não, somos fisgados por uma excelente escrita e investidos numa trama instigante, admirando os detalhes, entendo as alegorias e se empolgando com os plot twists.

Finalizando o jogo, me peguei perplexo ao olhar o relógio e ver que já era quase quatro horas da manhã, vendo os créditos e admirando, sobretudo após entender a história, o quão bem trabalhado são as personagens do jogo e as atuações que lhes dão vida, além do quão elaborado são os detalhes e minuciosidades que o ao fim fazem todo sentido.

A unique puzzle adventure, really enjoyable!

Great concept, the story unveils in a very unique way

It's one of the most unique games I've played, I can't recommend it enough. If you can play 100% blind do it.

Play it now and thank me later.

El juego hasta que saltan los créditos es magistral. Es diferente a todo lo demás y te cuenta de forma cautivadora una historia magnífica y que me sigue haciendo pensar y teorizar sobre ella. Eso es todo a lo que un juego de detectives debe aspirar.

Sin embargo, si deseas ver el puzle completo, debes ir al 100%, y eso es un proceso horroroso. Tres de mi cuatro horas de juego han sido buscando esas últimas y sueltas grabaciones. Algunas se me habían pasado por alto, sí, pero otras pedían hacer deducciones lógicas prácticamente a ciegas. Pero sobre todo, el interrogatorio del último día tiene diez grabaciones seguidas que necesitas descubrir escribiendo algo muy específico. Sabía perfectamente que se encontraba en ellas, pero siendo incapaz de hacer que aparecieran, tuve que buscarlo en Internet.

Y no sé cuál podría ser la solución sin cargarte su mecánica principal por completo, pero tal y como está, creo que hubiese sido una mejor experiencia si hubiese dejado el juego con el gran sabor de boca tras los créditos y haber buscado la historia completa en Youtube.

Sam Barlow's best game. A very interesting FMV story, but can be frustrating if you can't think of what to search.

Very surprising plot. The game mechanic is very original. Short game, can be played in one sitting. The only bad thing is that there is the risk of unveiling the whole plot in seconds if you are lucky/unlucky depending on how you see it.

This game surpassed my expectations before I even finished the entire thing. This might possibly be one of, if not, the most unique and creative games I've ever played, and its mechanics and fascinating story cement its status for me as an absolute favorite.

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Despite not connecting with this game, it's definitely an interesting one. It's committed presentation and unique approach to detective games and murder mysteries provide an experience I haven't quite encountered anywhere else (except maybe Return of the Obra Dinn, but apples and oranges).

i won't say that i was impressed by the plot (the more you think about it, the more it becomes like a cheesy lifetime thriller), but the mechanic made this game a wonderful experience. two hours of research and theories that are likely to be more interesting than the real twist? yes, sir!

It's rough around the edges but you can see someone developing some serious skills for mixed-media storytelling

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é maneiro de ficar teorizando dps mas... kd meio paia vc saber tudo nao ter nada ao mesmo tempo no final. nao é sla zerar the witness e ter um video do dev derrubando mijo nele msm tlgd

Uma forma de narrativa única, executada com excelência e impulsionada por uma performance incrível. O resultado é uma experiência inesquecível,

Had pretty high expectations based on the critical reception of this game and was left just a bit disappointed. Although it was really cool to uncover the narrative through the clips you watch and you really feel like a detective when you first start playing, I was expecting more on the interactivity side of things - this game really is just you searching for and watching a bunch of clips in a database and that's it. Simple, but it was a nice ride nonetheless.