Reviews from

in the past

didn't really keep me engaged, felt really slow at the start

Much like overcooked, I almost lost my friends to this.

Chaotic cooking fun with friends. Definitely an Overcooked ripoff. But that's okay.

Pretty fun and unique. The presentation's a bit bland.

Presentation could be a lot better, but the gameplay does make up for it a lot. It's gameplay from Overcooked mixed in a little roguelike/management bundle.
The controls could use some tidying up, but this game is a lot of fun with a friend. Opening up a fish restaurant as Freddy Fazbear in a maid custome was surprisingly fun.

I kind of cant get over the very very sloppy presentation, my short playtime was riddled with graphical and gameplay bugs. It feels like a worse Overcooked.

‣ 8/10 – This game should be called heart rate up.

‣ Thoughts: Stressful, relaxing, and addictive emotions meshed into a chaotic mess of culinary masterpieces will rush through you while playing PlateUp. If you have ever heard of overcooked, then you will know what to expect from this title.

When I first started playing PlateUp, I didn’t expect to keep going as long as I did. It creates an addictive gameplay loop that pushes you to strive for a better run every time you end a previous one. I would say that this game is straight up impossible alone and heavily lacks some sort of AI stand ins to players. But with a couple of friends this will quickly turn into a real kitchen. You’ll be shouting at each other, begging for the food to be delivered to the right table and cry when it all falls apart. Every player will have a designated role they will need to fill for an operation such as this to go as smoothly as it can. Some players will cook, other will do the dishes etc.

PlateUp naturally guides you into making up strategies that work best with your buddies without even telling you how to do it. All you get are these cards that you can buy which unlock extra items for you to use that can help progress the days in the kitchen. Sometimes you strategize with waiters if they need extra tables, or just stay selfish and buy yourself a new hob. It all boils down to pre-planning and then everyone manning their stations and doing their best.

Overall, the game is rather poorly paced, and it can take quite a few runs to unlock new dishes to cook and progress the game to its ultimate end. Even after 20 hours we felt like we’ve barely scratched the surface and just got tired of the repetitive days. But as quick one hour session this was a fun party game to have in your library in case there’s nothing serious you want to play.

so so so so so fun with friends!!!

Entretenido pero le falta content

I only played this one or two times with my friends but it was genuinely fun! Would recommend for a few hours of delightful chaos with your buddies

good game but i will yell at you..

fun to play with friends... need one friend who is a pro at the game tho LOLOLOL

its like irl, you wish that all your customers would drop dead

It's a fun concept for a game, I just didn't find it extremely engaging. The start of every restaurant is very slow and it gets frustrating seeing an extreme difficulty spike on a particular day after having it extremely easy beforehand.

Overcooked, but with roguelike elements. Adds a lot of replayability.

if u cant handle the heat...

My husband and I absolutely love this game.

I found the idea interesting, but I think the progression made me lose interest quickly.

Attempts, if successful, take a long time to complete (survive for 15 days).

And when the result is failure, I didn't feel like the game gave me something that could really help me survive longer, and at the same time, when I lost, the feeling of "I did my best, I probably lost because the game wants it since I don't have many upgrades" combined, leading me to realize that the Roguelite stimulus is very slow, and attempts become easier, yes, but at a very slow pace.

The gameplay isn't something that's wonderful, but it's far from being bad.

A game that is probably more fun with friends and takes some time, it's a cool game to spend a few hours on but it didn't grip me as I expected, it lacks a clearer and more enjoyable progression.

certainly better than both of the overcooked games but this game has trouble keeping my attention for more than like 45 minutes

Like Overcooked, but with more stuff to do, and better controls. I still think Overcooked is better as a party game for people to quickly jump in to, but this game has way more replay value and requires more planning and thinking and less throwing raw meat across the room onto the floor.

Fun with friends, much like almost everything. The Factorio-esque automation is a unique design choice that meshes quite well with the ramping progression of a roguelite Overcooked.
Pretty slow in the early game. Also doesn't have nearly as much character as Overcooked.
You really need to use mods for this game to speed it up a bit.

Este juego es el overcooked version dulce. O sea, en vez de matar a tus compañeros porque no te pasan la ensalada, matas al chef por no tener a listo el filete.

Very fun game to play with friends!
As long as they aren't the type of people to make you feel horrible for messing up once...

a worse Overcooked and a worse Spacelines From Far Out. Still fun enough though