Reviews from

in the past

Well KH 1 is a Solid game From Start to Finish, There are Some Parts that I find a Little unfair, But just a Little Practice and That solves The problem... And what a Beautiful Ending, Oh my God...

amazing game that is only held back because it is the first one so it has to set the groundwork that future ones expand upon

Um jogo sobre amadurecimento que fala sem fazer careta que a única maneira que uma criança pode crescer é entender que a vida tem todas as chances, capacidades e probabilidades de ser uma merda e que o único jeito de passar por isso e criar coragem o suficiente pra confiar nos outros.

Eu podia botar um paragrafo engracadinho aqui falando “tudo isso enquanto você tá visitando os cenários do filme Aladdin™” mas eu me reservo a não fazer isso pelos motivos de; 1) já fiz essa piada e 2) o jogo honestamente sabe trabalhar bem com isso. É doido o maior ponto de discussão dessa franquia ser esse embate de arquétipos entre Disney e Square quando meio que o jogo sabe disso, e faz um esforço de tentar ressignificar cada passagem desse meio como algo que funcione na trama central. Claro, isso tem níveis de sucesso diferentes, tanto no aspecto narrativo/tematico, quanto de design em si. Mundos como Atlântida e a selva do Tarzan tem sérios problemas em encontrar alguma ponta mecânica que consiga engajar dentro de sua duração e a baleia do pinoquio é a mais pura definição de “tapa buraco”. Porém no plano geral, tudo funciona e volta atrás na história dessas crianças conhecendo e lutando contra forças fora da compreensão delas na medida que tem que se confrontar com suas próprias inseguranças.

E quanto mais a narrativa avança pra esse clímax emancipatório, mas o design se abre também. Eu realmente não colocava fé no que o combate do jogo tava tentando fazer (até me perguntando se eu gostaria mais dele se o jogo optasse por combate de turnos no geral) até chegar na casa das 10 horas, e ver que tudo que tá sendo feito aqui é uma das leituras fundamentais que a gente tem de Action RPG atualmente.

Mas isso, como todo resto do jogo, é construído ao longo da obra. Kingdom Hearts 1 talvez seja A Porta de Entrada prum gênero pela forma que ele quer crescer junto com o jogador. Fazer ele sentir esse amadurecimento de forma temática e mecânica.

E esse amadurecimento parte dessa ideia de que só é possível crescer na medida que se compreende que esse processo parte de eternos encontros e desencontros e vindas e despedidas. O que sobra são essas três crianças entendendo a importância de suas vidas na importância da relação delas entre si. E, que mesmo na liminar ente universo e abismo, elas ainda vão lembrar do que se prometeram

Great game to start the series

Bizarramente subestimado, tem suas falhas, é um tanto quebrado, mas ainda sim foram 50 horas de muita diversão

Oyunun başları acayip sıkıcı ve boş gelsede ilerleyen süreçlerde ilgimi hafif de çekmedi diyemem.Kamera açısı benim için çok kötü oldu baya oynamamı zorlaştırdı ama yani.Biraz düşman çeşitliliğini az buldum ve ŞU amk düşmanları sürekli spawn olmasa çok daha güzel olucak.Hikaye güzel disney referansı falan olayları umurumda değil ama tatlış oyunda demem asla.ULAN NASILL ÇOCUK OYUNU BEN TRAVERSE TOWNDA TEK BAŞIMA GEZİP 2,3 DISTIRICT İLERLEYİNCE ALTIMA SIÇTIM ÇOCUK HALİM OLSA ÖLÜRDÜ BÜYÜK İHTİMAL ama çocuk yönü daha ağır basıyor denilebilir.Ayrıca Sora nın karakter gelişiminini de beğendim .

Haven’t played this game in over a decade and outside of a few gameplay choices it is no where the unplayable mess people swear it is.

Dive into a game of so much charm and wonder that draws you in w different FF and Disney characters, but then gives you deeper thematics of the battle between light n dark and even the meaning of friendship.

No matter what people say about you, I’ll always hold a special place in my heart KH1 cuz w/o you i would’ve never got into my favorite game series.

Some of the bosses were really bad but overall it's a good game

I don't know why this game is this good but it just is. Only reason why it's not a 5/5 is because of Atlantica.


if your favorite jrpg is a fine cheese fondue, and your favorite disney movie is a delicious chocolate souffle, then kingdom hearts is what happens when you slather a bar of chocolate in cheese sauce, it's the most indulgent series ever in all the right ways

i hate the beginning of the game due to multiple item hunts and backtracking design of the first locations, but overall game is interesting and sure is great for 2002 standarts. glad i finished the game

Playing this game at 12 was something else jesus

Super chill and charming game. Even if the complexity of the rest of the series intimidates you, I can’t recommend playing this one enough at the very least.

Me da mucha pena escribir esto pero el Kingdom Hearts no me ha gustado.
No digo que sea malo. ¿Tengo mis problemas con él? Sí, pero no considero que sea mal juego.

El inicio es muy fuerte. Te atrae con todo el misterio, la mezcla de personajes y los escenarios del principio. Tiene momentos muy deslumbrantes como cuando llegas a Bastión Hueco, pero la mayoría pasan sin pena ni gloria. Creo que alrededor de la mitad del juego tirando al final se desinfla, aunque luego en el final final remonte.
Los mundos son bastante cortos y el ritmo es muy atropellado en general. Y aunque el juego me haya durado casi 40 horas no ha mitigado esa sensación de que va a trompicones.

El combate es muy interesante, un poco tosco quizás y a la vez muy preciso. Sin embargo, las hitboxes se sienten muy aleatorias. A veces te comes una hostia que no sabes de dónde te ha venido y otras veces el golpe del enemigo en vez de hacerte daño, te mueve.

No quiero hablar de los gráficos porque esto es un remake de un juego que tiene 22 putos años pero el uncanny valley de los personajes originales del juego da grima. No obstante las zonas, con excepciones como el mundo de Tarzán, está muy bien diseñadas. Y bastante bonitas además, hay cariño ahí.

Tenía muchas ganas de que me gustase e igual ese ha sido el problema.
Dicho esto, creo que es un buen juego con el que no he podido conectar o no me ha dejado conectar con él.

This is the only game in the franchise to actually make me feel something. Its the only one that seems to care about atmosphere, and to a lesser extent, exploration and discovery. The rest of the franchise falls into the trap of foregrounding new and exciting gameplay mechanics and fan favorite characters, which really don't add up to much without a compelling atmosphere or mysterious exciting environments to explore.

It baffles me that this game is even real, and that it turned out GOOD somehow. A lot of bosses are pure cancer for some reason.

This game is a masterpiece. Except Atlantica, the part is annoying.

this game feels like magic when given to the right person, hasnt aged as well as the other games but has a very clear charm to its visual style and gameplay that was enhanced with almost every title going forward.

Kingdom Hearts è sicuramente un gioco propositivo, che fornisce al giocatore una grande quantità di attività, principali e secondarie, atte a variare il flusso di gameplay con idee interessanti, una su tutte la personalizzazione della propria navicella spaziale e il sistema di abilità.
In teoria, dunque, non ci dovrebbe essere alcun problema... purché anche tutto ciò che le concretizzi sia stato progettato con cura.

No, non è così.

Forse è semplicemente invecchiato male nel 2024, forse è la mia scarsa attrazione verso il mondo Disney a parlare, o magari sto fraintendendo il target di riferimento, ma più ci penso più non mi capacito di come, in 22 anni, KH abbia riscosso un successo tra pubblico e critica tale da arrivare ad essere una delle saghe più impattanti nella cultura popolare e nei cuori dei giocatori.
Registicamente è inguardabile, filmati e dialoghi sembrano andare ognuno per una propria direzione, il sistema di combattimento è legnoso, ripetitivo e con un targeting ingestibile, le fasi di esplorazione sono ingessate a causa dei salti schizzati ed imprevedibili e a causa di una telecamera che esiste per il solo scopo di metterci i bastoni tra le ruote, le sezioni di nuoto o di volo sono ingiocabili, la storia è più infantile, retorica e stupida di un gioco di Super Mario e i personaggi sono perlopiù stereotipati. Potrei continuare ancora a lungo, ma ho reso il concetto; l'unico elemento che non ha colpe, anche perché si poggia su basi già consolidate negli anni, è la colonna sonora di Yoko Shimomura, apprezzabile anche nel materiale originale.

Se l'avessi giocato da piccolo mi sarebbe sicuramente piaciuto di più, ma non sarei stato obiettivo, perché avrei colpevolmente sorvolato su diversi problemi dai quali è impossibile voltare lo sguardo.

Personalmente non lo consiglierei a nessuno, se non agli amanti dei classici Disney e a chi vuole aumentare il proprio bagaglio culturale videoludico, giocandosi un pezzo di (a mio parere "sopravvalutata") storia videoludica.

I swear some of these worlds are so shit and others are amazing

Such an odd concept combining silly Disney characters with the edge of 2000s final fantasy, yet it works so well. Once this game grabs ahold of you, it does not let go , until it engraves itself into the back of your mind. A humble beginning that leans more towards the familiarity of DIsney's property. Exploring magical Disney worlds alongside our favorite characters. As we explore these worlds we get a better understanding of Sora, and learn to love his goofy personality. The main trio bounce off each other so well, Sora's love for his friends is touching and seeing the extent of how far he would go for them, and vice versa, leaves a tear in your eye. Such an amazing climax aswell with a secret ending that sets up future entries amazingly. The combat & RPG mechanics are so well done, and unique to this game. As the series continue they build up and improve on it, but the platform/actionrpg mix helps it stand out amongst the rest of the crowd. A fantastic beginning for a series that only gets better from here.

kingdom hearts is probably the most controversial JRPG franchise of all time. it's very common to see non-fans say they can't take it seriously and it's influence ruined franchises they prefer, and it is equally common to see fans say it changed their life and brings them to tears to think about. i think i come somewhere in the middle; kingdom hearts 1 is a pretty moving and cute story for it's target demographic, but it has a lot of clear growing pains that i feel could have been better addressed. the story is probably what i'd single out as the biggest strong point of kh1, it's a very pleasant little story preaching self-belief and perseverance with a lot of fun character moments. the disney stuff, for me, doesn't exactly help but doesn't really hurt. donald and goofy are enjoyable party members that don't really feel too far off from your standard comic relief party members in final fantasy games such as rikku or cait sith. i'm not sure if i'd say the friendship of the party feels especially believable by the end, but it works for the type of story kh1is trying to get across. the original characters are all also pretty fun; i'm not much of a fan of sora, since he feels very stock shonen protagonist, but riku and kairi are both fairly interesting characters. the (unintentional?) gay subtext with sora and riku is definitely the most interesting part of the character interactions in this game, it really oozes out of almost everything riku says and makes things between him and sora a bit more complicated than it initially seems. i felt that the big weakness of kh1's story came down largely to it's focus on the disney elements. many of the worlds are very stripped down versions of movie plots, which aren't really satisfying on their own and aren't really great fanservice, imo. several of my favorite disney movies actually are in kh1, but the only one i felt really happy with the representation for was nightmare before christmas. the good part of this is that the worlds are pretty short and breezy, with very little story, so if you aren't much of a disney fan they aren't tedious or anything. the bad part of this is that the overarching plot still does involve a lot of disney elements up until the last quarter or so, so if you want more meat you're going to be waiting for a while.
where i'm more mixed on kh1 is the gameplay. i played on proud mode, because i wanted to fully engage with the combat and uh... that was a mistake! not because i had too much trouble with the combat, but because kh1 has pretty minimal depth to it's combat, and the boss design can get downright atrocious. the pot centipede, giant ursula, genie jafar, chernabog, basically all of the final bosses, dragon maleficent.. there's so many fights in this game that i wouldn't call hard necessarily but would really call cheesy or boring. for most of the larger bosses the recommended strategy from experienced players is to just mash on them with aero/ra/ga and spam heals when you can with leaf bracer. i only really struggled with a handful of fights, but i would have a lot of trouble naming fights that i struggled on where the difference maker ended up being my skill rather than missing a specific spell or not using a specific summon that trivialized it. things reach a head after the first visit to hollow bastion, because beyond that point kh1 really loves throwing bosses with inflated health bars at you, and in the worst cases, those bosses have a vulnerability window of maybe 2-3 attacks if you're playing fair with them. if that sounds obnoxious and boring, that's because it is, so the recommended strategy for most of these bosses is to make sure to get aeroga and curaga and just wail on them. the room of waves of heartless being spawned on you is also just atrocious, pure chaos with very little counterplay beyond tanking. smart, aggressive play simply does not feel well-incentivized in kh1. i'd say the real peak of the game feeling challenging in a fun way would be the mid-game before you get leaf bracer, and the last fight on the first visit to hollow bastion. that fight kicked my ass a good 4 or 5 times, but it was engaging, fast, lethal, and made me want to get better. i can only hope that future kh games follow that precedent.

the ff characters in this game, imo, often didn't really act like themselves. squall, i mean leon, especially felt mischaracterized. not a big deal because the story isn't focused on them or anything but as a big fan of 8 i found it a little sad.
music is incredible, i'd mention the heartless theme, kairi's theme, the main theme, and obviously simple and clean as highlights. yoko shimomura is a great fit here, since she's experienced in music for kid's games from the mario rpg series but also has the range for more serious and heartfelt tracks.
the animation is surprisingly very high quality and emotive for a ps2 game, it seems like they really wanted to lean into disney animation principles. genie donald and goofy are all highlights in that regard

imo the best this franchise ever was. the story is out there and a little bit on the kiddie side but it's charming and honest the way disney was in their peak, plus the gameplay and combat is endlessly satisfying and expressive and makes the game worth sitting down and playing through in an afternoon.

Fun game that doesn’t overstay its welcome. Nice cast of characters even if the Disney characters were just surface level versions of their film counterparts, except for Donald and Goofy. These Disney worlds were mostly shorted down retellings of their original stories and were mostly fun to go through (mainly some gameplay moments weren’t good) as stepping stones for the greater plot of the game, which were the highlights.

Combat was simple and clean and it never felt too janky at all but a lot of the fights did boil down to how fast I could click X. This time around however it was more engaging than a certain other game I said this about as it is an action game and some bosses do require you to think and were quite fun to fight like some specific endgame bosses. Offensive spells didn’t ever feel like they did much even with magic oriented Keyblades and I would rarely use the skills as I’d be saving MP for Curaga and Aeroga. Overall the combat never got dull however.

Gummi Ship was fine. It wasn’t all that engaging and normally I don’t mind on rail shooters but this was just a bit boring. It’s not like I didn’t mess around with the Gummi Ship garage either I did customise my ship with better parts but it really didn’t make it all that more interesting.

I know this is the first entry In quite a big series but I was intrigued enough by the main characters and world that it’s made me interested in the rest of the series. After I got over the fact that Donald and Goofy are inherently very silly characters and the fact that the game fully sends it with how seriously they take these characters and don’t just disregard them as comic relief I ended up really enjoying them as apart of the main party.

Overall Kingdom Hearts 1 is an inoffensive and fun experience, considering I’ve only heard it gets better from here I’m excited to see what they do.


Didn't expect to enjoy this one as much as I did. really reminds me of all the games I used to enjoy as a kid and really brought me back to that period of time where games like these were like the peak of gaming to me, and this would've easily been at the top if I had played it back when I was like 10.

The combat of KH1 feels so fun and was a surprise to me when I started playing. Despite my button masher self, I still found it super engaging and satisfying to just hit enemies, and definitely ended up with me grinding a bit just cause I find it fun to hit stuff. The mix of magic also was done perfectly, as usually in hack and slashes I end up not caring about buffs or magic or anything of the sort and try to be as barebones as possible, but utilizing things like thunder and aero were fun as all hell and somehow got me to go out of my comfort zone. Its crazy how well they got it back in 2002.

Yoko Shimomura's compositions are so fucking incredible, and each song I hear is just entrancing or mood setting or just plain fun to listen to. "Dearly Beloved" might be one of my new favorite title tracks ever with how beautiful it is. Easily my favorite part of the game.

Thematically, KH1 connects to me personally through just the process of growing, and being thrown into a world and trusted to just figure it out, which definitely has reflected my current transition into adulthood. Connecting with the media I loved as a kid, and going beyond it and letting them stay in their bubbles and not interfere with those memories I had or the lessons I was taught, but rather enjoy those moments and apply said lessons was something I found reflected directly in the general structure of the game, and I love it for this. Might've been unintended, but I still find it such a personal and impactful theme that I think was presented excellently here, as I continue moving through adulthood, and as Sora learns how to live with these new friends in this new world. Even if some characters like Kairi lack character, the story was solid, and those themes it got to portray did really get to me personally. This game makes me wanna be a kid again, but like Sora, I have to move on and grow up.

Kingdom Hearts was a wonderful experience, revisiting childhood favorites and getting caught in this joyous area of fun and nostalgia was a welcome experience in this transitory period of my life, and I really appreciate it for that.

Rough but imaginative, I have a slight soft spot for it. It's just a bit hard to recommend to people.

minor spoilers from early game

it’s common to read people saying that Kingdom Hearts changed their lives; how the game is chained to their tough, good or formative moments. Sora, a fictional character, being like a friend to them in childhood and growing up with him as time passes for both. almost everyone who likes KH has something to say about it. and because of this, i write and rewrite this a few times. among all those special stories from many people, i felt like i had anything meaningful to add. why should i write something that’s so well-known within the canon of Kingdom Hearts players?

i questioned myself about having some kinda special thing to say and not just being one among the others. since yeah, i owe KH one. and when i noticed that thought of mine, i realized that for a brief moment, i lost the point of the game. Kingdom Hearts is not about surpassing other people in such an egocentric way.

Kingdom Hearts invites us to grow up with Sora. it’s a journey about growing up. Sora is the kind of person who cares more about other people than himself, and allied with that, the Disney Worlds aren’t fillers at all; instead, they’re the perfect opportunity to develop the core characters. the Wonderland World is the key moment that demonstrates not just to Donald and Goofy, but also to us, the link between the narrative themes to its progression design.

we cross through space with an awkward ship that seems to be over-complicated and more of a hindrance than anything else. yeah, this idea is half right, but i prefer to look at it from another perspective that contributes more to the game’s substance. the Gummi Ship sections are like a game within the game, a childhood game. in Destiny Islands, the game establishes a strong desire of Sora, Riku, and Kairi to adventure and discover new worlds. the manner in which they have to reach the skies is by using the Highwind, a raft, for which we have to collect items to craft it. it wouldn’t make sense for the Gummi Ship sequences not to exist, because it, which is also named Highwind, was born from their desire to travel to other worlds, it’s the same thing in essence as the raft. Kingdom hearts’ core progression is fundamentally the materialization of a kid’s creativity.

it wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t have a fully moddable cool spaceship that traverses wormholes and destroys meteors with big guns and lasers before we land in the worlds.

the principle of the game’s core is fragmentarily divided; traveling through space with the Gummi Ship or giving up their time to help people in other worlds, but there’s a particular segment that unifies both elements in a good – yes, good – way: the Deep Jungle World. while in space, before they land, once again Donald’s ideals conflict with Sora’s ones. find King Mickey or find Riku and Kairi? as a consequence of the verbal fight, the Gummi Ship accidentally falls into a maze-like jungle.

people hate this level because it’s obtuse and stressful, but that’s exactly the point of this place. they didn’t want to be there in that unfortunate situation, temporarily divided in such a hostile place. a parallel can be drawn between what happened to Sora and Riku in Destiny Islands. the game uses Deep Jungle World segment for Donald and Sora to recognize that being egocentric about their feelings and objectives would put them in different places, both physically and emotionally. Sora is far from home, getting lost is fair not just because it’s a jungle, but also a crucial part for the characters to recognize the way they acted, mature and bond their hearts.

the long-awaited dream adventure was illusory; abstract – because that’s how life works. it will not wait for us to prepare ourselves for what we think will happen. we will not have the needed time to mature, rather we’ll have to shield our souls, slash the regrets and cast the light that will guide us through the dark path. regardless of the unknown path, don’t let the future scare you at all; there are people who will need you, and you’ll have to be the Sora of their lives.

Destiny Islands is where it all begins, ends, and where all promises are made. here, a new chapter of their lives closes so that a new page can be written. Sora is walking toward an unknown, uncertain, and harder path; he will face the faceless, but this time there’s someone waiting for him to fulfill his promise, and he grew up as a person during the journey. no matter how hard things will be from now on, he is no longer the same. i’m not the same as when i started writing this. i’m fine not writing with all the affection i owe to this game; i can take the opportunity to replay the game and write down more of the things i’ve been keeping with me. i’m fine with being one, among all those special stories.