Reviews from

in the past

This coming from the makers of Prey is so disappointing.

uma boa ideia que foi executada da maneira mais porca possível. Redfall é uma espécie de fila de banco.

o anthony bennet dos jogos recentes.

I won't lie; this game was insanely un-polished, and not ready for release. However, credit where credit's due. they did do one thing right and thats making the game A LITERAL FUCKING NIGHTMARE TO PLAY WITH FRIENDS. I MEAN REALLY IT TAKES 30 YEARS TO CONNECT, THEN YOU NEED TO PRAY YOU DONT CRASH. if it ever comes back from this though I will try and change my review.

This game is barely functional. The greatest satisfaction I received from this game was freeing up 76.5gb of space on my XBOX.

red fall? more like red fail haha gotem

Aburrido, repetitivo, desbalanceado. No ha sido reto el ningún momento, ni divertido más allá de buscar los Bugs que a 18 de junio del 23 (parche mediante) son muchísimos.

La ciudad está bastante chula, y la estética mola. Pero está llena de loot que pasada la primera hora ya no necesitas porque la economía del juego también está rota. Los enemigos son débiles y al final todo se convierte en un paseo.


bits and pieces of arkane shine through, but ultimately a game that needed more time in the oven, and to not be a multiplayer number go up looter shooter. didnt hate my time with it, more so just frustrated at the squandered potential.

Not as bad as people want it to be. Poor AI, UI and runs like trash. Still fun somehow.

Esse jogo é uma ofensa para tudo que a própria Arkane já fez.
Nunca mais encosto nesse jogo

New Release Review:
Redfall was a game that I really wanted to be fun but unfortunately was disappointed with the end product. I spent roughly 2 hours with it and during those 2 hours, it couldn't keep me engaged. I had played by myself on my pc and the game had a rough time running, with mostly low frame rates being my main issue. I’ll start with some pros, I do actually like the intro to the game. I like the setting of Redfall, a town full of vampires that trap the locals and now you and 3 other characters have to fight the vampires head-on and free the town. It reminds me of Far Cry 5 and funny enough some of the open world feels like Far Cry which is something that I liked. It also helped that the game itself has that familiar art style that was used in previous games like Dishonored, Prey, and Deathloop so it gives the game a sort of aesthetic. Overall the world is very cool but sadly there are too many negatives to be able to enjoy it.
Now with the negatives, some of the writing in this game is just atrocious. I am not gonna attack anyone who wrote it or say that I could’ve done better but writing is just bad. Some of the characters have dialogue that reminds me of the remake of Saints Row which was just cringy. I played Layla, the college student, and as a college student, this character was the most stereotypical college student ever written in games. I liked her powers and thought she looked so cool but her writing is some of the worst, especially when she repeats lines in the open world after staking a vampire. The story had that strong start giving you sort of the lore on how the town got taken over but after that intro, the story just takes a huge backseat. There’s still a “story” but it's not engaging at all. I got to a part in a mansion where you learn some more backstory but by then I was so bored I didn’t want to pay attention and was just trying to rush the mission. The gameplay itself is alright, it can be fun at first but then gets really boring an hour in. It plays very similar to Far Cry but watered down a ton. Finally, as mentioned before, the game did not run well. I was just playing on the most basic setting but the low frame rate and pop-in texture was so bad that it sometimes would affect my actual combat.
I truly didn’t want this game to fail, I loved Arkane’s previous games and I was hopeful that Xbox would have a nice turnaround and lead Xbox down a bright future but unfortunately, this game is just not good. Maybe it's better if you play with friends but I don’t see that helping a bit. Thankfully I didn't buy the game and played it on Game Pass but even for free I was still really disappointed. Maybe it might have a redemption story later on but right now it's a 5/10 for me

i lasted 45 minutes playing this before i just gave up

only played like 7 hours of it ran into so many glitches, even without the glitches this game would be MADDDDDDDD boring

Can't believe this garbage came from the same team that made Prey.

Utterly horrific game, nuff said.

What in the shit.
The only 0.5 star i will give, exclusively for this kino.

Redfall feels like the most progressive and considerate person you know making a holocaust joke, for not only is it horribly offensive, but also profoundly out of character. Arkane are one of the finest triple A studios in history putting out some of the best games that I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing, as you have heard by now this is not one of them. A comment made by one Yahtzee Croshaw comically speculated that Redfall was "an act of passive aggression" by Arkane to the publishers, holding a tendency of a "resentful spouse" towards them in response to the demand for something so cynical, what makes this so funny is that, as Schreier unveiled in his exposé, this was entirely true. Nobody wanted to make this game, a quality very apparent well before we were properly informed outside the experience, which is why I pity Redfall rather than be disgusted by it. Yet again, an oafish publisher gets a studio with the skill set to make single player projects and rips them to shreds in the name of making something with broader appeal and easily monetised multiplayer, yet again, another sickened example of what industrialisation does to art. A moderately interesting plot drowned out by repetitive missions and poor presentation, an utterly meaningless loot system which serves only to remind us that still nobody has grasped why Destiny ever worked, and an endless tyranny from technical problems. I can not in good conscience give this a positive score even if I had fun with it for most of the time I spent. You read that right, there is fun to be had here, the shooting does feel good even if the AI prevents the combat from engaging much beyond a surface level, but that is really all Redfall can offer. Shallow fun, so tragically shallow. The first hour will be the last you see of any elements of emergent gameplay, expect none of the immersive sim philosophy which has defined Arkane games for so long, in its place stands only a hollow co-op looter plagued by crashes. My friend and I tried so hard to meet this game half way, but in the end we were left exhausted before even getting to the end. I pity Arkane, and I want to waste no more time regurgitating everything other people have already said. If only Prey (2017) sold better we wouldn't be here, but unfortunately, gamers are mostly stupid creatures who don't engage with experiences like that, and so games of that sophistication will never emerge from the triple A sector again! The agony of Redfall is just eating what we ordered.

This is not fun bad. It's just awful, miserable, depressing, piece of crap, unfinished bad.

why did I put myself through this

Oq falar desse polemico jogo? Bugs, bugs e mais bugs pra todos os lados. Desde crashes aleátorios, problemas de conexão no coop, texturas estranhas e IA totalmente quebrada.

A história no papel é "interessante", mas na pratica tive a sensação de que rusharam ela deixando confusa. Com "pontas soltas" (principalmente o final).

Personagens que mesmo sendo carismáticos, não são aprofundados. Tem um plano de fundo MUITO raso na história. Fora uns diálogos entre si, eles tão ali para serem os heróis e ponto, nada mais. O jeito que a história é contada também da preguiça de acompanhar.

Chefes nada memoráveis, fáceis e com mecânicas preguiçosas. Por outro lado temos uma grande variedade de inimigos "comuns".

O jogo não é FEIO, mas não traz visuais deslumbrantes. O mundo aberto é "capado" visualmente, com texturas estranhas e mal acabadas em algumas partes, vegetação não tão polida, até rodas de veículos literalmente hexagonais. Mas o jogo entrega qualidade em ambientes internos. Desde lugares escuros, enigmáticos e sombrios até interiores de casas muito bem feitos.

A gunplay é muito gostosa. As diferentes habilidades de cada 1 dos 4 personagens são legais, mas não muito importantes ou decisivas na gameplay.

O ponto alto é trilha sonora que é ótima. Desde ambientação, efeitos sonoros das habilidades e do carregamento de armas.
Outro ponto vai também para a dublagem dos personagens tanto principais quantos NPCs secundários e inimigos, é simplesmente perfeita. Todas as vozes e diálogos combinam perfeitamente com cada personagem.

Redfall prometeu muito desde o inicio e não entregou metade. Claramente o jogo não estava pronto. Mesmo com a pressa em terminar a historia ainda ficaram pontas soltas e claramente viria DLCs de historia se não fosse o flop gigantesco.

I've been playing this with friends on game pass and man, it's just so hollow and empty and boring. I'll give a star for James Urbaniak's voice acting though, since he clearly put some effort in

Bad game, bad story, bad combat loop, extremely buggy/poorly running, bad UI, bad open world, bad missions, bad design, bad guns, bad stealth, bad everything except MAYBE the feeling of shooting guns. Just. Bad.

Vamos esquecer esse jogo e fingir que a Arkane nunca fez esta merda

playing this game on my super outdated pc is like watching a screen through an old timey looking glass

It was so bad I actually forgot I played this game.
Great "Scooby-Doo meets Skrillex" OSTs though, total headbangers.

Unless the make a big overhaul of the game, is better to stay away for the time being.

The most 7th gen ass game I've ever played. The more I played this game, the angrier I got. The final boss is just a boss from fucking Fuse. There's potential for like a 6 or maybe a 7 in here, but fuckin whatever man. You can tell no one wanted to make it.

To be honest, struggle to think of much good about Redfall. It doesn't have that 'compulsively nothing' nature to it that Ubisoft open worlds have. However, I did complete it with a friend, so there must be something, right... Right?!