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in the past

I appreciate a AA game with jank if the core gameplay is good and refined and a mess everywhere else but Wanted: Dead is a mess everywhere from top to bottom.

I can not even remotely see why some like this gameplay. It feels stiff and restrictive. There is little combo variety and feels like a complete chore to play. I love the idea of a character action game mixed with third person shooter gameplay but the game doesn't do any of these two elements well.

Guns seem to be the easiest way to dispatch enemies. The problem is that, the zoom in so so bad in that you can't even see what your aiming at as the game moves so fast. Then when i get the cursor to be where i want the damn auto aim refuses to let me move to aim for a headshot. Fine I'll turn it off. Now it's incredibly hard to just move the reticle as it either moves too fast or super slow. Then to top it off enemies take an insane amount of bullets to take down. Some will take over two damn clips. So you would think you would have a massive amount of ammo but i constantly ran out when leaning on the shooting side of combat. And this is just the shooting mechanics, the sword combat isn't any better.

When engaging in sword combat. You instinctly want to go in to the enemy and slash away. This is counter intuitive to Wanted: Dead wants you to play it. Enemies take many slashes to take down. Almost comical levels. What the game wants you to do is stand next to an enemy and wait for him to attack and then counter it with either your sword or handgun depending on the attack. Then the enemy will instantly stagger where you can kill them instantly. This isn't very exciting or satisfying to pull off. Even when I successfuly parry and land a stun the follow up will just not register my button press and I'll just stand there. I'm a person who loves counter heavy games like Onimusha or Sekiro but there is a balance to it which Wanted does not get. Regualar attacks in those games are not worthless. Also the whole time there are a million enemies that are constantly spray and praying bullets that make many encounters feel like the cheaply chip away at my health little by little without much i can do. If you pull of a finisher you can regain some chip damage health back but again, the game is forcing me to play in this one style. It's bad.

Speaking of bad this game is badly optimized. Wanted: Dead crashed on me constantly on my PS5. Granted the game auto saves on checkpoints but it still doen't excuse it. Plus the game is quite tough and checkpoints are rather spaced out so going back to a previous one becuase the game crashed sucks big time. It's not even a preformance things. Even with a ton of enemies and slowdown a peak preformance it doesn't crash. It seems to just crash entirely randomly. Like in a cutscene or when your just standing there. It's weird.

As for the story and presentation of the game it might be even jankier than the gameplay. The voice acting is bad, like holy shit this is worse than RE1 or house of the dead bad. Heck I said Daymare was bad this might be just as bad if not worse. I swear some scenes, acting and lines are so muted and stiff with little sense it feels like a scene out of samurai cop. The main character is so bad with a voice so deep and dead pan it doesn't jive with the character at all. Is this intentional? I don't know but it's not good and not in so bad it's good kinda way. It's like the line reads were all one take and no one wanted to be there.

Scenes come and go with what seems like no connection to each other. I can't even tell what I'm supposed to be doing in missions or what my damn goal even is. Then after a stage it's like it never happened and the game moves on to something else that has little context or meaning. There are so many pointless scenes that do nothing. Add nothing to the characters or what's going on. The game has a certain style to it I'll give it that but they do not pull it off in anyway whatsoever. Like for example sometimes the cutscens will shit to straight up animation for no reason. Like there was a animated scene of a character staring at a mirror and looking around a room for like a minute and then it cuts to something else completly unrelated with in game visuals. WTF why put the effort in, I just don't understand. I did not finish this game but from what I read it doesn't get any better. I remember before I bought this game there was this mini trailer/short movie about the waitress in the diner the characters go to and I thought it was pretty charming but context or even this scene isn't even in the game as far as i know and the character was only in like one scene for a brief moment. I just don't get it.

The game also has a bunch of side minigames you can play inbetween stages to break up the tedium of the combat. They are actually decent with games like a crane game full of collectibles, a space shooter arcade game, kareoke and target practice and so forth. The kinda feel good with a decent amount of effort put into them. I wouldn't play them ever outside the game but it does help brake the pace and set the mood it's going for. Side note though FUCK that ramen eating music ddr style minigame. That shit is so hard and you tie an achievment to it that you can't miss a single beat. Shit a song is like 6-7 min long and not easy. I could never do that and it's really annoying to me becuase even if I loved this game to tie a trophy to perfecting guitar hero on the hard mode when the gameplay of the main game is a whole different genre is extremely grating. Rant over.

I struggle real hard to see want some people say about this game. The game didn't get great reviews but there was a small minority that said this game was a hidden gem and had great combat and that to me is as baffling of a thing is as crazy as this game thinks it is but is not. To think this launched at 50 bucks lol.

Some endearing moments in here but they’re just a glimpse. It’s a buggy mess filled with enemies that scream like Mr Blobby when you kill them.

This game is really cool in a janky PS2 Grasshopper-esque action game sorta way, and much like the best janky action games out there I got extremely filtered towards the end of the game and dropped it out of frustration. Need more games with this much dedication to visceral combat and weird aesthetics even if they don't pan out 100%

Every time I try to love this game, it throws some hot coffee in my face and reminds me how much I don't like playing it.
There is a lot going on here that I appreciate but in its current state, I'm good on leaving it unfinished lmao.

My most anticipated game of the year, Not because I expected something of a high quality or groundbreaking, But mainly it stems from the fact that this game seems to be like a spiritual successor to the infamous 2015's Wii U exclusive, Devil's third (Which I did play in preparation at the start of the year), up to my knowledge, the concept of merging hack n slash and shooter elements isn't particularly all that fresh with games like Konami's NeverDead and already mentioned Devil third attempting and failing to blend these 2 genres in single package, So will Wanted: Dead be the one to finally nail it? The answer is a simple NO!... But it doesn't necessarily mean there isn't fun to be had, unlike Devil's Third, Wanted: Dead isn't a terrible game, Just delightful mess of game...

My first issue is that the level design doesn't contribute much to the gunplay which already feels like an afterthought element, the Gunplay plays like your modern cover shooter of taking cover and waiting for the enemy to pop out of their cover spot and kill them, yet you're not given much ammo to begin with and the only way to replenish it are the occasional enemy drops or the checkpoints, many of the areas you traverse tend to be more designed for hack n slash than a cover shooter with frequent appearances of tight corridor or paths, while secondary guns are useful against taking out some range enemies, the Grenade launcher, frag grenade and flame grenade can easily deal you a massive damage if you launch them in close proximity or in tight spots which makes them feel more like a liability.

You're left with the melee which does seem to be go to option and where the game can shines imo, especially when it receive its own dedicated tutorial, you're given a limited sets of combos with more promised later on with the skill tree unlockables, combos mainly consist of mixing up the Kitana and Pistol attacks, Overall I found it more useful to keep rushing and mashing melee attacks on the enemies instead of taking cover and shoot, slashing enemies also replenishes some health that's been lost briefly during the skirmish, the context sensitive finishing blows that can be performed on enemy at staggered or near-death state enemies and many look cathartic, While I Found the frag grenade to be practically useless with how fast the enemy AI can react and escapes it's impact, the flame grenades are good way to exploit the melee enemies and bosses as the flame keeps staggering them while you keep landing slashes on the other side, The levels try to maintain some originality with unique enemy variety is nice.

Unbalanced difficulty can also major problem with enemies even under Normal mode can be bullet sponges that barely stagger when taken damage, the melee enemies specially can take entire magazine to be killed off and the way they spawn in the levels tend to be very nonsensical, the checkpoints often tend to stretched far beyond reason which only leaves you more anxious to run out of health pickups due to the aggressive melee enemies but I will praise the game for not going with regenerating health route, the game certainly wants you to understand it mechanics more which promotes careful and good play so props on that front, The bosses are unremarkable and even in many cases are laughable considering their pattern tend to be the same as the strong melee foes where it boils down to properly reacting and parrying their attacks, the aggressive goons in groups were more intimidating than big bads themselves.

Unfortunately the storytelling tend to suffer from poor presentation, many story cutscenes that can go on with bad voice acting direction that leaves the character with not much vocal emotions, the characters facial expressions don't animate well either with some having the characters stare at the void, Although it's worth noting that the world building and characters were entertaining and interesting enough to keep my attention, Stone and her teammates are well fleshed out with defined personality traits and clear position on the bigger picture, Cortez being my personally favorite, sadly the moment I got interested in Stone's background and some of the story implications, the game decides to end with it barely feeling like an first act to a full story, ending with massive sequel bait that I'm not sure of the developers will be interested on doing after the game's poor reception.

Which now only leaves us with the side content which is very good, The Hub Police station is also quite fleshed out with unique character interactions and collectibles to keep you exploring the building passed on your story progress, The Mini-Games were also quite entertaining like the shooting practice range presents neat challenge for the players to part take in and even of the cast characters excessively challenges you in the leaderboards for a promised reward, The Crane serving as neat collectible figures for your room's diorama figures and music records and finally The arcade game, Space runaway is underrated gem that kept me addicted enough to score high first in leaderboard, but the rhythm based games like Karaoke and Ramen were bad due to the Screen tearing and Frame rate drops that occur consistently while playing them.

I won't say Wanted: Dead is a hidden gem and I do tend to have personal soft spots and bias towards jank games that try to be experimental at expense of its own quality, My recommendation only extends to those who shared same curiosity as mine and If you desire to play something that's flawed yet different from what today's major AAA market tend to offer, Please grab it at sale instead of full asking price!

This game is really weird.
The story is super strangely paced and the dialogue often feels Lynchian. And occasionally there are the strange minigames. It's very weird but honestly really enjoyable.
The combat is less enjoyable, mixing a cover shooter where the enemies are damage spongy and your ammo runs out immediatly with a hack and slash game and it doesn't really work. Also the game is way too hard, even on easy mode, but that difficulty mostly comes from atrition which as I said before is not something I like.

Wanted: Dead is another game unfairly thrown under the bus or ignored by main stream videogame reviewers. Things have been like this for a long time now but it’s still sad to see and getting worse. Mainstream videogame reviews are hurting games, the gaming industry and gamers. The importance placed on game review scores and the metacritic number is not a good thing as it causes developers to create safe games that appeal to the mainstream game reviewers. And we all know how good the big game reviewers opinions are – weak, ignorant, shallow first impressions, pushed out quickly to get clicks, written by people that didn’t pay for it, didn’t have enough time to learn to play it properly, or didn’t care and are in a position where they can’t be too critical as it may affect their access to the industry, advertising spending and connections with their peers. So then along comes a game like Wanted: Dead that they can ‘safely’ shit on or ignore or do a really bad job reviewing and most people won’t care but it hurts the game, the developers, the industry and gamers. (Obviously this is a generalisation and gamers aren’t much better.)

Wanted: Dead is not a 4 out of 10 or worse. Wanted: Dead is lower budget and rough around the edges but it is a really solid action game with plenty of personality. I honestly think it is an enjoyable, charismatic game made by developers earnestly trying to make something fun and challenging in their own style.

First let’s get the bad out of the way. The two big negatives I see in reviews are low production values/ lack of polish and difficulty. There is plenty of truth to the first point. The graphics are not the best and the frame rate does drop at times. Objects and environments are not super detailed and the character models look dated. The enemies pass though surfaces they shouldn’t occasionally and the camera doesn’t always do a perfect job. During my second play through I had multiple crashes and I think one of the trophies may not be unlocking. However none of this is bad enough to make me stop playing or dislike the game but of course it does lower my opinion and I wish the experience was smoother and better looking. The difficulty on the other hand is a deliberate part of the game. If you don’t want to learn how to play and you don’t give yourself some time to get decent at it then you’re in for a frustrating time. Once you get the hang of things and unlock some skills the game becomes pretty great. Don’t get me wrong the game still throws some really hard sections your way, especially in the final stage, but the only part of the game that feels bulls**t hard is those damn minigames, which are generally optional.

The story and characters of Wanted: Dead was something I didn’t think I was going to care for at first but overtime I got more into it. Especially the quirky cast of characters, they grew on me so much and by the end I was left wanting more. What helps a lot is that the game doesn’t take itself too seriously and has you regularly changing from one thing to another. One minute you’re watching a cutscene, then some ultra violent gameplay, then to the crane game, then an anime cutscene, then karaoke, then live action cooking lessons, etc. It’s a fun, wild time but the humour and style won’t be for everyone. Wanted: Dead may not have a ‘good’ story or ‘deep’ characters but that isn’t a problem. It is totally fine to make something that is just kind of cool and fun.

Visually as I already said Wanted: Dead is not very technically impressive. I still like the look of it though because of the style, direction and character designs. The soundtrack was pretty cool and l liked the voice acting. It suited the characters and tone of the game.

Now we’re at the meat of the game, the excellent hack n slash/third person shooter hybrid combat. The problem with this is you don’t get the depth of a hack n slash or a TPS but you do gain the fun, interesting gameplay of mixing the two. Your main gun, second gun, grenades and cover work like a TPS. Your pistol is for counters, light hits and interrupting enemies. Your sword is for heavier hits, basic combos and charge attacks. You also have a block, parry, counter hit, side step, dodge roll, sprint, slide and sometimes a chainsaw. On top of that you have executions, slow mo and slow mo handgun attack all earned by playing well. You gain health back by hurting enemies too so it’s the type of game that rewards good play and encourages aggressive play. These elements mix so well together and once you get good and are in the zone it is a blast that looks so freaking cool. There is depth here or you can just get good enough to enjoy and finish it. Yeah it’s hard but worth it.

Wanted: Dead’s flaws are not enough to drag down the fun too much. I was swearing and laughing throughout and it will be a cult classic, if it’s not already. If it were slightly longer, had higher production values and was more highly polished it would be a game of the year contender for me. It is really important to support games like this. If people didn’t buy and appreciate King’s field, Lost kingdoms and Demon’s souls we wouldn’t have Elden Ring and Bloodborne. I would strongly recommend Wanted: Dead to anyone that enjoys Japanese action games.


Just wanted to add a little extra to this:

Since I first typed up this review I have played it two more times, including on Japanese hard mode and I fell more in love with it. I also didn’t give the story enough credit in my review. It’s still not something super deep or anything but there are obviously very deliberate choices that went into the this and are there for a reason. I’ll have to pull things apart or just get lazy and look for a good YouTube video on it. Part of me wants to raise this score even higher but I can’t ignore those flaws.

A guy wakes up, massive hangover

So, massive hangover

He's about to throw up and shit

He notices that he's naked, like no jeans, no undies. He reaches his dick and finds out he has four balls

So, he immediately grabs his phone and dials his old man

Dad, dad, I woke up the morning after and suddenly I have four balls!

His dad goes: get out of there, son, you're being fucked!

Written and directed by Quentin Tarantino

this is a special kind of game I like to dub "funsufferable", while at times it's kinda fun and makes me say "hey this is actually kinda fu-" and assault me before I even get my thoughts out, anally fucking me with a bombardment of annoying enemies, making me feel SO fucking tempted to snap my controller in two! I tried to dig really hard to try and find something resembling fun here but the amount of frustration is just not worth it, also side note a game that costs 40$ should not crash three different times, two back to
back in the same session, gotta have some pretty big balls in order to do that I suppose, and also I'm labeling as abandoned I might come back to it in a year or three because holy shit I'm more than willing to push this game as far back as possible, in conclusion I'd rather play Mighty No. 9 and Balan Wonderworld than this shit, at least then I can scrounge some legitimate unironic enjoyment from those, unlike this, and you have to fuck up majorly for me to prefer those over anything else, honestly I'm more pissed off I spent 40$ on this more than anything,

"Comment tu as le droit de prendre une vie, alors que tu prends pas la tienne ?" (Jean-Claude Van Damme)

This is a B series game. Not polished, shit voice acting, sometimes unfair but entertaining at times

Es el típico hack and slash doble A de corta duración de la época de PS2 y PS3 que venían genial para jugar entre otros juegos mas grandes y largos pero por desgracia este no está tan a la altura. Todo bien hasta llegar a la penúltima misión dónde aparecen un montón de enemigos tremendamente injustos lo que hace que la dificultad aumente una barbaridad, sumado a que los checkpoints están mal colocados lo vuelve un juego muy frustrante desde ese punto. Una pena. [6/10]

Depuis que j'ai découvert Sifu, je pensais m'être trouvé un nouveau genre de prédilection : le jeu d'action 3D qui emmène directement le joueur au coeur de l'action. Alors quand j'ai entendu parler de ce Wanted: Dead, il a immédiatement fini dans ma wishlist.
Ce qui m'a choqué dès les premières secondes, c'est à quel point le jeu est cheap dans sa réalisation. Même si on pouvait deviner via les trailers que ce ne serait pas un jeu à gros budget, on est quand même loin de la réalité, la réalisation est vraiment tristoune.
M'enfin, vous me direz qu'on n'est pas là pour se toucher sur des graphismes quand on joue à un jeu réalisés par d'anciens de la team Ninja. Malheureusement, il y a un élément dont j'avais négligé l'impact avant d'acheter ce jeu : je déteste le gameplay TPS. Et comme les combats de Wanted: Dead sont un mix de TPS et de corps à corps, et bien je n'ai pas réussi à accrocher à ce jeu.

I love this game. It fuckin' blows mega dong!

An absolute disaster. Every aspect of this game is a complete mess, to the point where there's no point in even criticizing anything.

It also is, I should add, absolutely hilarious. Everything is so incompetently made that it kind of circles back around to being enjoyable. It's like a bad Bruce Willis action movie in video game form.

So, my verdict is I absolutely recommend this, 2/10.

Bafflingly compelling.

Why does the gameplay feel like it stepped out a 2000's bargain bin, complete with explosive barrels and hilariously conspicuous invisible walls?

Why is the protagonist 7 feet tall?

Who though casting all the characters in central Europe was a good idea?

Who thought it a good idea to cast a lead whose English makes her sound like she's basically doing a female Tommy Wiseau?

Why does every cutscene end in the most abrupt fashion and seemingly half way through?

Why do they show your character taking a shower after every mission.

Why does this have the goofiest cutscene blood splatter carryover since Dragon Age: Origins.

Why is there a single East Asian character in HONG KONG?

Why is said character introduced in an early cutscene and then vanishes outside some dialogue in the Hub?

Why does said character have a Sex Slave that is mentioned in files and in dialogue that never actually appears?

Why are there 80s covers?

Why bother with highly compressed FMVs in 2023?

Why are Australians narrating about Ramen?

Who thought a crane game with no shadow casting was a good idea?

Why does only the Ramen game have unlockable additional modes?

Were the people who agreed to fund this on all the drugs?

Why am I giving this a positive score despite it not being something I would ever recommend except to other weirdos like me?

anacrônico de um jeito eterno, usa o tempo como roupa mesmo.

escrevi mais a respeito (em inglês) aqui:

I feel like I can either write pages about this or nothing, it's such a weird collection of ideas packed into such a short time and most of them get a response of "what". John Wick's been brought up a few times in relation to this as if it's sort of a knockoff but I did like that it captured that first film's weird tone which I missed in the sequels. It's really difficult to tell, in some areas, what the creators think is genuinely cool and what is played ironically, there's little nudging to the audience and it makes you ask "what" even more. Too tired to write more, see me in a day when this turns into an essay longer than war and peace.

como que alguém solta o projeto mais inspirado, interessante e apaixonado que eu tive o prazer de jogar no ano de lançamento de 2023 assim como quem não quer nada.
jogo intenso em todos os aspectos - ele não vai te pedir pra você engajar com os mini games de ramen, arcade, cantar 99 luftballons com a joosten (o melhor karaoke, yakuza sonha), nem com os flashbacks de anime, ou os checkpoints de 40 minutos que tem uns 5 mini chefes pra voce enfrentar com recursos limitados. ele vai jogar tudo isso na sua cara. isso com uma confiança infinita, chega a ser de invejar, os audaciosos responsáveis por criarem essas fases com vários momentos que diversas analises chamariam de injustos, essas coreografias de lutas lindas (eu adoro quando a hannah finaliza um segundo inimigo com um tiro na cabeça dele), ou o fato desse ser o jogo de ação-espadinha que mais se disfarça de tiro em terceira pessoa. não senti que os artistas responsáveis por isso fraquejaram uma vez sequer.
é bastante intrusivo, similar as memórias (implantadas? apagadas?) da protagonista. mas wanted:dead é uma obra que também te acalenta, lembrando que mesmo sendo uma policial, policiais de verdade não vestiriam sneakers.

I can't believe I spent 40$ dollars on this,

Wanted: Dead is a suped-up 2005 Lamborghini Murciélago Roadster seconds away from a head-on collision with a tall oak tree. It’s fun while it lasts but it will crash.

From a glance it's an exciting action throwback to the PS2/PS3 era of janky Japanese hack n slash.

The actual product is a clumsy, clunky often tortuous experience in either bad or just plain stupid game design. Frustrating in ways that feel incongruous to the propulsive momentum the gameplay promises, with no real intrinsic reward other than relief from not having to battle the same nauseating wave of enemies again and again for an hour.

Still. The wrapping is okay and every few minutes I'd exclaim, "that's sick" to my lonely room.

Abysmal enemy design, with brain dead opponents that do nothing more interesting than rushing you or waiting around; lacking player's kit with moves that don't affect enemy state in any meaningful way locked behind a poorly thought out upgrade system. Adding to this the game also has pace-breaking rhythm mini games that consist of terrible tracks that repeat on loop most of the time.
If this wasn't enough the game is also buggy and broken, with audio and visual issues, enemies voice lines layering on top of each other, frequent crashing and freezes.

I'm convinced it's just an elaborate money laundering scheme at this point.

yes, wanted dead is mediocre but special one with fun weird ideas, u should try it if u enjoy character action games and wanna try something different. But like i said its mediocre at best

Pretencioso en exceso y con problemas de rendimiento que consigue que la experiencia se vea muy lastrada.

This is what happens when you let them cook.

This review contains spoilers

Pretty ok game, started out really boring and picked up later on. There's stuff to enjoy but there's also stuff that might rub others the wrong way. Nice blend of shooter and melee gameplay tho, even if it didn't feel necessarily great to control but at least i enjoyed unlocking/using all the other moves, parrying the mechninjas is pretty fun (fuck yalls skill tree tho!). Meh soundtrack and level design. Story was ehm fine? This game tonally... i was confused, it was hard to tell if it was being quirky or serious. Some fun bosses in there as well (Sniper chick and Richter were my favs). That being said, holy hell is the XB1 port quite messy, had 5 close to 6 crashes in total (didn't make it to 10 crashes though, sad!), cutscenes glitch/sync out if you pause, voices being cut off etc etc. Since the game loves to be quirky and funny, i'm going to be quirky as well and rate it 6 hard game crashes out of 10. Oh well shame, this'll never get patched and best i'll get it from now on is some memes in the game/dev's Twitter page

Recentemente joguei o jogo Wanted: Dead, um game que estava na minha lista de desejos há tempos e sempre me chamou a atenção pelo seu visual, e também pela sua capa, que é bem atraente. Esse game em questão é um jogo de ação que mistura tiroteio e combate corpo a corpo em um cenário cyberpunk. O jogo é desenvolvido pela Soleil Ltd., a mesma empresa que fez Ninja Gaiden e Dead or Alive, então temos aí um histórico bem legal para o game. O jogo segue uma semana na vida da Zombie Unit, uma unidade policial de elite de Hong Kong que está em uma missão para desvendar uma grande conspiração corporativa.

De maneira geral, Wanted: Dead até que é um game mais ou menos divertido. O jogo tem um estilo visual meio cyberpunk e puxa vários elementos dos anos 90... porém, eu acredito que é somente nisso mesmo; esse jogo, de maneira geral, é horrível e frustrante. A jogabilidade está completamente travada e desbalanceada.

O jogo oferece duas formas de combate: tiroteio e corpo a corpo. O tiroteio é baseado em cobertura, e permite ao jogador usar diferentes tipos de armas, como pistolas, escopetas, rifles, e lançadores de granada. O corpo a corpo é baseado em combos, e permite ao jogador usar diferentes tipos de golpes, como socos, chutes, arremessos, e finalizações. Você pode alternar entre os dois modos de combate a qualquer momento, e usar o ambiente a seu favor, como explodir barris, derrubar andaimes, e atirar em objetos.

No início, essa jogabilidade até parece ter uma certa fluidez e é divertido em certos pontos, porém como dito anteriormente, isso fica somente na nossa ilusão. Mesmo eu, particularmentejogando o game e zerando, eu não gostei nem um pouco da jogabilidade, pois achei ela completamente travada e totalmente frustrante e lixosa. Existem dezenas de problemas em Wanted: Dead na sua jogabilidade, mas o que mais me deixou frustrado foi em relação à precisão das armas, a dificuldade em realizar combos e finalizações que simplesmente parece que o jogo não tem física, parece que você está batendo em um boneco de madeira, sem falar claro das dezenas de bugs e glitches que o jogo possui como inimigos burros, inimigos presos em paredes, inimigos se matando com granadas, animações falhas e entre outros milhares de bugs que estão presentes no game.

Essa questão dos inimigos burros é uma faca de dois gumes, afinal, ao mesmo tempo que em certos momentos as coisas parecem ridiculamente fáceis devido a eles serem burros, existem certos momentos que os bichos vão te pegar, porém apesar da minha experiência ter sido algo digamos "negativa", esse jogo está na minha lista de desejos porque foi recomendado por pessoas que genuinamente gostaram desse game, então ele ser bom ou ruim, isso tudo depende da sua preferência ou tolerância a esse tipo de jogo.

Os gráficos de são outro aspecto que dividiu minha opinião. O jogo usa a Unreal Engine 4, e tenta criar uma atmosfera cyberpunk. O jogo também tem um estilo retrô, com uma paleta de cores vibrantes e uma estética inspirada nos anos 90. De uma certa maneira, como eu disse para vocês, ele me chamou muita atenção antes de seu lançamento, antes de eu de fato jogar, isso porque de certa maneira ele tem um certo charme e tem sim sua própria personalidade, o que é muito legal e certamente é um ponto muito positivo ao game com seu visual único e bem criativo.

Porém, pulando essa parte de estética visual e partindo para a parte técnica, aí sim que o negócio fica triste, a começar pelos gráficos em si e também pelo desempenho dele. Os gráficos do game, apesar de terem uma estética legal por trás, são muito datados e mal feitos em vários sentidos como texturas borradas, modelos de personagens tirando os principais da história, são todos mal feitos, iluminação estranha, e etc.

Portanto, os gráficos de Wanted: Dead são um ponto forte e fraco ao mesmo tempo, dependendo da sua preferência e expectativa. Se você gosta de jogos cyberpunk com um estilo retrô e um charme próprio, talvez você aprecie os gráficos. Se você prefere jogos cyberpunk com um estilo mais realista e um polimento maior, talvez você se decepcione com os gráficos.

Wanted: Dead é um jogo que tentou inovar ao combinar dois gêneros consagrados: hack n’ slash e tiro em terceira pessoa. No entanto, o resultado final foi decepcionante, pois o jogo apresentou vários problemas de jogabilidade, como movimentos duros, câmera confusa, inimigos duros e gráficos inferiores ao prometido. Além disso, a história e os personagens não conseguiram nem um pouco mexer comigo, tornando a minha experiência repetitiva e frustrante. O jogo certamente não é recomendado por mim.

Pontos Positivos:
- Conceito do game legal.

Pontos Negativos:
- Toda a jogabilidade é terrível.
- História Fraquíssima.
- Repetitivo e MEGA enjoativo.

Versão utilizada para análise: XBOX SS.

surprising amount of heart
the combat is very reactive with a heavy emphasis on the two types of parries over combos while mixing in third person shooter gameplay. It can be a challenge to get the hang of at first, but use the built-in combat practice to get the hang of it. The story is almost hitting on some legit themes about dehumanizing ourselves to corporations for money though it's not quite at the forefront enough to fully land but I'm surprised it was aiming that high. it does feel like it could have used one or two more levels before the endgame though