Reviews from

in the past

loved the stylized gameplay. great boomer shooter entry.

Decent Wolfenstein-like with a huge arsenal and really fun upgrades.

Maps are short and sweet, weapons are mostly pretty punchy and enemies have a lot of visual variety (although actual types don't change too much).

The magic and spell system was interesting, but can be largely ignored in favor of guns, same goes for the RPG-level system, where most of the points can be ideally put into max-health or ammo capacity.

Overall a nice game to grab on sale for its low, low price.

Project Warlock is a fairly unique Boomer Shooter in that it takes after Wolfenstein 3D more than its successors.

The levels are short and take about 5 minutes to complete, and there are a ton of them: from 2 to 5 per act, 5 acts per episode, 5 episodes in total.

The game is focused on collecting secrets and has light RPG elements where exp gives you the ability to level up your stats, 5 levels give you a unique perk, and special collectibles give you ability to buy new spell or upgrade your arsenal.

The weapons are insanely fun and there are a ton of it, and locations are varied. From The Thing's inspired antarctic levels to modern cityscapes, every episode has unique enemies and details.

The game suffers a bit at the end, with Hell episode being a retread of earlier episodes (but spookier!) and featuring some really tanky enemies. The game is really easy, at least on Normal, and provides enough opportunities to upgrade your ammo cap as well as spells that give you ammo, so by the end I was just running around with what's effectively an infinite rocket launcher. Fun, but gets a little stale after your 10th room of tanky enemies who have three forms.

Despite that, most of the game is incredible: the music is fantastic, the visuals are always a treat, and the length of levels for something inspired by shooters of old is perfect for quick secret hunts and "one more level" type of gaming that doesn't let you go for hours.

it's a lot easier for me to settle with this one since a lot of indie shooters I've played, I kinda accidentally keep comparing them to how DUSK and Ultrakill feel in terms of mechanics. Which is more on me.

that said this is more Doom/Hexen than Quake and honestly it's a really good vibe. Lots of great enemy variety and level design with interesting bosses at the end of each episode. I think what makes it interesting is that you have an upgrade system for your character and weapons which makes it interesting and fun to play around with, especially some of the spells and how useful they can be during combat.

I think my biggest issue is the visuals though, and not so much the art style cause that rocks but more so just how the screen changes from being damaged. I'm not at risk of having a seizure but it does bother my eyes more often than I'd prefer. But I was able to get through the game with ease.

Project Warlock is the holy grail of boomer shooters. It takes everything good about classic FPS games like Doom and Wolfenstein and turns it up to 11. Better level design, more diverse enemies, and a whole lot more guns make every level feel like a wonderful and chaotic puzzle to solve as you blast your way through hundreds of enemies in every level. Not once was I bored playing this game, and the final boss had me fighting for my life constantly. It was a satisfying challenge from start to finish that is an absolute must play for anyone who enjoys classic FPS games.

A tight, enjoyable entry into the retro-shooter genre that is surprisingly accessible for someone who can't usually play these for too long. I only rarely get lost and I usually find 1-2 secrets per level, which are things I am not often able to say about retro shooters. Unfortunately, it takes a bit too long to get any variety of spells, and most of the weapon upgrades are not useful. Similarly, I've found the stat-buffs and perks to lacklustre. But, meta-progression aside, I've had a great time so far.

(I didn’t finish this game)
Project Warlock is a classic FPS similar to Wolfenstein 3D. This means that there is no need to look up or down as everything will be on one axis. All verticality is purely visual. Although it has some amazing pixel art and satisfying weapons, the lack of differentiation between level design and its length holds it back. I would recommend it if you simply want to mindlessly shoot at monsters.
You have to kill multiple evils so that you can fight and kill the great evil. This is not a game to play for the story.
Just like in older games like Wolfenstein 3D, only the x-axis matters. It allows you to look up and down but it serves no practical function. This also extends to the level design – you are never above or below enemies, and you never move up or down. Another similarity between Project Warlock and its predecessors is its overreliance on key hunts, which in this game is almost every level. All of this leads to the levels blending in together and becoming forgettable. The weapons are at least an upgrade. There is wide variety of them and each one can upgraded to one of two better versions. Don’t expect much interaction between them and also the only reason you have for using weaker guns is if run out of ammo. There is also magic that you can use to deal extra damage and level up system in which you can invest points to increase your stats. Enemies have plenty of variety in them but again no y-axis. Bosses are mostly just bullet sponges.
Graphics and artstyle
Project Warlock has amazing pixel art. Everything from the walls to the guns and foes is beautifully illustrated. There is also great particle effect and lighting.
Whatever atmosphere that it tries to build is crushed by its simplicity.
This game has a 5 HOUR soundtrack. It’s alright.
Final Thoughts
Could be better.

Well-made, does a good job of making it feel different from other boomer shooters, just that what it does different i am not really a fan of. The skill trees and upgrades makes combat feel meatslammy. I never feel like i won because i was skilled, but because my health stat was bigger than the enemies or i spammed the grenade spell. Encounters just add more and more enemies the further you get. I don't think it's bad, i just wasn't that into this. It's not you, it's me.

Also for some reason there is a life system which is just dumb. You can play without it, but only on easy or hard, not my beloved medium difficulty for games like these.

Inspirado nos fps antigos e com uma arte incrivel, project warlok é um bom game, mas talvez para um público nichado, no fim sendo um pouco cansativo e com um boss final com um nível de dificuldade acima do normal.

We gotta stop making indie pixelshit Wolf3D clones


Doom but you're a warlock. No, not Heretic.

Also it's more like Wolfenstein.

A decent throwback shooter with everything you would expect - fast-paced gameplay, weapons and enemies variety and secrets to uncover. It differentiates from others with weapons upgrades, spells and a life system.

All complaints are negated by the fact it's a cheap retro-inspired FPS, developed by a small Polish-German studio and the project was created by an 18-year-old Polе while still attending high school.

It's good. Buy it!

Feedback on what can be improved:
• I managed to beat it on Nightmare difficulty without much trouble and was kinda disappointed. You would expect a bigger challenge especially when the game saves only after you finish a level.
• The game doesn't force you to use your full arsenal. I used only the knife, shotgun and the lightning spell.
• Having mods support and community maps would have been a great way to increase the longevity and I don't understand why it's not an option.

A retro shooter with a cool weapons upgrade system. I hated the lives system at the time, but now you don’t really need to engage with it after a patch, so it’s fine. Just remember to upgrade speed, you need it for the final boss.

The game is a nice shooter with good graphics stylized for retro. Guns feel nice. Enemies are mostly fair. I liked the weapon upgrade system. I'd say that level structure reminds me of Mario games. Like there are some worlds that consist of different enviroments and like 5 levels in them. I played on difficulty above normal, and only thing that felt hard is the final boss.
Overall, this game was a pleasant experience for me. Not replaying.

One of the better Boomer Shooter retro games I’ve played but I find this genre of new boomer shooters to be kinda cheap.

Solid boomer shooter fun. Not an overly long game, nor should it be, but the 5 1/2 hours it took me to beat the campaign were filled with fun levels, classic secret finding, and mostly fun boss fights. I think the game starts getting a bit spammy at the end, but it doesn't last too long thankfully. I think swapping weapons could be a bit less clunky, and getting stuck on enemies and environments is really annoying, but the gunplay and art design are cool enough to get it to the finish line for me.

Not a bad Doom clone at all. The weapons are quite varied and besides that, you can upgrade weapons to make them even more varied. For example, the iconic weapon of Doom II, the Super Shotgun, is also available in this game, and you can upgrade the Super Shotgun from double barrel to quad barrel. Levels differ in texture and theme. My favourite levels were the ones belonging to the chapter set in an industrial environment. There is a boss battle at the end of each chapter and they are quite easy to fight on normal difficulty. But I distinguish the last boss from the others. Unless you pay attention to ammunition management, it is completely by chance that you fight and win against this boss consisting of 5 phases. I'm quite satisfied with this little Doom clone and I'll try the 2nd game when it's on sale.

A perfectly playable, solid "boomer shooter" that falls apart a bit in the final acts. You start to see signs of a rush job as you reach the fifth episode, like secret rooms that show up on the map, enemies with pathing glitches, and a softlock on a particular waterfront stage.

Even so, I get the itch at regular intervals to play '90s-style shooters, and Project Warlock is a perfectly decent example. It's not too long, it's nicely varied, it's got some creepy monsters, and the weapon "upgrade" system just gives you a ton of potential variety in your arsenal. It's worth picking up.

There's a shell of a fun game buried here under really annoying boomer shooter trends like hidden walls, loads of hitscan, and obscene damage intake. The limited lives mechanic is just dumb and I DONT LIKE IT. I also glitched out and died multiple times with the interactible terrain towards the end of the game by just falling through the floor. There's some cool weapons like the Claymore and shotgun, but this game took me multiple sessions to finish what shouldn't feel like it lasts so long.

HARD AS HELL, even on EASY. Back to the Future? Nope, but we certainly went forward to the past.

Неплохой ретро шутер с возможностью прокачки персонажа

the prequel to the eternally in early access more popular sequel, this is probably the best someone could do with the wolf 3d framework but also it's got the lowest skill ceiling in boomer shooter history and i fell through the floor more times than is acceptable for a game without a jump

A very competent indie shooter from a team who, if I remember correctly, had not done anything prior. The game has a lot more polish than you'd expect most of the games in the indie boomer shooter sphere to have. There are a handful of gripes, including the inclusion of some really bland filler levels sprinkled in occasionally, and I personally wasn't very hot on the inclusion of rpg-lite elements which seemed unnecessary and made the game feel somewhat bloated. A very respectable addition to the boomer shooter genre however, and shows a load of promise from a group of young developers.

Давно не получал столько удовольствия от ретро-шутера.
Арсенал внушителен, фауна разнообразна, а у каждого уровня свой собственный саундтрек. К каждой пушке можно даже организовать улучшение, которое чуть ли не полностью меняет суть этого оружия. Прокачка и заклинания немного скудноваты, но это не мешает игре быть веселой.
Стоит отметить, что игра больше похожа на Wolfenstein 3D и Hexen, поэтому ожидайте запутанные уровни, но отличный геймплей.

Not bad but kinda repetitive, it gets better by the end. Some of the designs are cool too. For the people who enjoy the original Wolfenstein.