14 Reviews liked by 333

For the first time in history, a video game would be better if it was a visual novel instead of the actual game. Mishmash of all of your favorite parts of other video games except far worse. For a difficulty measure, I got infinite money by level 3

Your favorite wholesome Japanese auteur definitely likes this game and if you're in denial you're just coping

Extremely enjoyable, definitely a once-in-a-lifetime type of game, and not really repayable. But the one time you have is truly unlike anything else. I've done a lot of time analysing NMH on a more thematic level and once you do that you realise that the game is quite meta and insightful with its themes centred on how much ultra-violence desensitised an era of people because of video games, how people can get so caught up with their ego and escapism that they lose the will to help others or even care others. A game against individualism at an extreme level. It's a truly great game with some fun gameplay to back it especially for the wii. Controls are surprisingly intuitive as well it really compliments it.

This review is specifically discussing the Separate Ways scenario of RE4. Spoilers Warning for those who did not play this yet.

So, I started this scenario about a month ago but got distracted by my CAG Marathon, so I decided to finish it off within the past two days.

Separate Ways sees you playing as Ada Wong as you arrive slightly before Leon and explore different parts of the map at adjacent times to the man himself.

Ada controls basically the same as Leon, though she cannot Suplex enemies, and she cannot upgrade her weapons at the Merchant. To compensate, her weapons have higher ammo counts than Leon's by default, and she has weapons unique to her like a Pump Action Shotgun and a Crossbow that fires explosive arrow rounds.

Unlike Leon who has several individual chapters per section, Ada has 5 missions which cover from the Village, Castle, and Island respectively. They are also far shorter than Leon's campaign, but also have Ada going through different routes.

I think the coolest aspect of this campaign is how you can see how it ties to the main one not just in story but in effects. Let's say a treasure item you get early in Leon's campaign, that little gem behind the Church that you can pick up. In Ada's campaign, you put that gem in there in order to pick up another item.

This is something that occurs multiple times, but every time it did I perked up because it showed that my actions had active consequences on the world around me, and that's cool.

Back to Ada's arsenal, among the various weapons you can utilize, she also has a Hookshot that can take her to higher areas be it to escape an enemy to get a safe distance, or to traverse the level. It's a cool visual but I wish it could have been utilized more as a combat option. Imagine hookshotting fallen enemies to you to get a quick stab, or using it to grab an enemy in the distance and use it to pull down other enemies for crowd control. I think it's a bit of a missed opportunity we didn't get it but it's not game ruining that it's not there.

Ada doesn't have too many boss fights, but she does have a couple unique ones, like one with Krauser who apparently survived his explosive demise after the fight with Leon. He's piss easy with Ada though because of the explosive arrows, there's also a fight with Saddler... this fight kind of sucks because it lasts quite a while unless you manage to land consecutive bowshots on him to get the Stab prompt.

The end of the game is heat though, a countdown sequence to give Leon the rocket launcher as you make a mad dash and hookshot towards it, with the scenario ending with smooth jazz befitting our illusive lady protagonist.

I think the additions to the story are neat, and gives a different perspective on Ada's actions towards Leon throughout the game that feel pretty natural. Also love the inclusion of Wesker, with his hammy British Bond Villain accent taking the cake in this game's sense of humor.

Outside of that, it's more Resident Evil 4, a game I already enjoyed quite a lot, so it's just more fun for me to have.

It also unlocks Ashley's Suit of Armor outfit that makes her unable to be grabbed or injured by enemies which means next playthrough is gonna be very fun for me.

I definitely recommend giving it a shot, after all, Ada Wong is a part of this game that just can't be let go.

Fun Fact: for every 3 Japanese porn games, 2 include rape in it, why is everyone shocked by this one? Like I understand hentai not being your thing, or if you find fetish's like this disgusting, fair enough even, but you saw an article or Youtube video saying this game was "controversial", then proceeded to play a fucking hentai game with RAPE on the title and then got shocked by the content inside it, not even knowing it was pretty common thing in the genre. What are you, a fucking sheep with no brain?

Vergil has motivated me. Thank you Vergil.

I have never played a game that is as crisp as Devil May Cry 5, it just feels so GOOD to play. Easily the best game in the storied DMC franchise for just about every reason. Playing as three different characters is a great way to break up any monotony and each character is vastly different from the others which makes it even more appreciated. The music is fantastic of course, and the character design is jaw-droppingly gorgeous (I mean LOOK at Lady's model in this game.) Capcom is seriously winning in graphic design in the past few years.

The same DMC humour is involved as well, which is best showcased when Dante is gifted the hat Faust by Nico, I couldn't stop laughing!

Play DMCV if you like fast paced action, or even if you don't because it's that good.

Obra-prima, pessoalmente meu jogo favorito e acho que vai ficar por um tempo aí, a Rockstar sempre é criticada por usar a mesma jogabilidade mas isso é papo de quem é chato, até porque aqui ela tá ainda melhor e realista, a história é perfeita, os gráficos são lindos e pra mim são os melhores da geração, a trilha sonora desse jogo me marcou bastante e com certeza vai continuar me fazendo escutar, além de claro o protagonista (que tem o mesmo nome que o meuKK) virou meu protagonista favorito dos jogos.

The culture around this is really starting to get aggressively unfunny and cringe

Can the "this game=sex" joke die now before it goes any further

Most people who have played Elden Ring are experiencing what I'd call a "honeymoon effect", in which they are so dazzled by it that they are uncapable of recognizing its many, MANY glaring, even colossal flaws (it does some things worse than Demon's Souls dear god).
That is to say, just as a normal honeymoon, I think in a few years many people will lose the pink colored glasses and stop holding it in such high regard.

After years of playing Fromsoft games, I gotta say, Elden Ring has been the straw that broke the camel's back; I no longer hold FromSoftware as good artists.
I wonder were is the studio that made Demon and Dark Souls, games so strange and innovative, so willing to take risks even if it meant not making good decisions, that revolutionazed the entire medium.
Even in their DS2-bloodborne-DS3 phase, which one would argue that they were too similar for their own good, you could find some consolation in the possible future; "I bet now that they have perfected this type of game Miyazaki will start experimenting again", oh, how hopelessly naive I was.

Now, after Sekiro, a game that while good still feels like another iteration on the same concept; Elden Ring, so reliant on a set of ideas that were alredy feeling repetitive in 2016 with DS3, so molded to fit modern videogame conventions that feels kind of insulting; and the announcement that their new game will be a sixth Armored Core, I'm sure that the risky and daring Fromsoft has been long dead.
And what is way worse, I'm beggining to think that maybe it never even existed.

Como experto puedo certificar que en efecto el del juego es " el espiderman"

"One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back."

Max Payne is one of the grittiest games I've played. All the way throughout, you feel like you're carrying the burden of the restless streets of New York City, cleaning out the criminal underworld. Every single thing that comes out of Payne's mouth is a quotable one liner that is seemingly iconic every time. It's honestly surprising how gripping the story is, as I expected this game to be more of a "amazing gameplay flawed story" type deals. Instead, both of them blend together very well. The gameplay is more layered then just "click on this guy and activate bullet time every fight" and has a few times where you'll find yourself switching weapons and tactics multiple times throughout a battle just to get out alive. The combat is brutal, and you die very quickly with a not very high level of healing items scattered about. This all sounds great, but there's just one flaw that hurts the game pretty noticeably. The enemy placements. In the first part of the game, it's usually fine. But as you progress, it gets more and more unfair. There's many times in this game where you'll just get one hit killed by a guy who just appeared on your screen, and you cant do anything about it until you come back. While very annoying, I got used to it and counteracted it by being a lot more careful and saving my game more often. If not for this flaw, this game would likely be perfect. Overall, a very good game with one critical flaw that would kill it if everything else wasn't so badass.

High school me was obsessed with this game. He gave up sleep to play this. I think we all should take notes from grown up me and let this game go.