The end credits cracked me up

Best metroid I've ever played. I've always liked the metroid franchise but one thing that I really didn't like about metroid games was their level design. "Sure, I would know I had to drop a bomb in that specific pixel in order to proceed the game." Everyone who has played previous metroid games knows what im talking about. When this happens, just cut me off. I immediately lose all my desire to continue playing that game. That happened with all metroid games I've tried. NES, SNES, Fusion and the one for the 3DS (that one was actually OK but I didn't finish it).
Now, Metroid Dread just cuts this bullshit in half with that scan mechanic where you can find the blocks you need to blow up. That's all I really needed. And not only that, the game is really fun to play. Sometimes I would be a little lost in the game not sure where to go but hey, it was nice just to explore the labyrinthic maps and jump around and shoot monsters. Cool game. 8/10

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Idk why this one is so underrated.
I'm playing this for the second time. First time I was like "oh ok, maybe I'll go like stealthy action and try to pass unnoticed" and obviously that shit ain't possible with this game so you have to go guns blazing. At some point in the game you find the fort where you first find the mutants and I was like "nah, no way, I didn't sign up for this shit, I wanted stealthy action and now you got mercenaries fighting mutants fighting me". And the mutants were too much.
Now in the second time around I had already the mutants in mind and that this isn't a stealthy action game at all, so I'm going all balls out on everyone. Including the mutants. And damn this is fun af.
High nostalgia factor as well for this game, I remember being like 10 yo and playing a demo of this on my PC. Amazing times.

Metroid being metroid always has its bs moments

When mom doesn't know what game to give me, she plays it safe and buys me super mario. She clever.

I had to buy this game. For some reason I wanted to play crash so much and this was on sale on nintendo switch eshop. Nostalgia <3

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I was completely blown away when I found out Saito was "switching bodies". At that point it was pretty obvious to me that Date was in his body.
Anyway, great plot. Looking forward for the sequel :)

Absolute amazing plot, character development and concept. Astounding game.

Another pokemon game not developed by gamefreak, brilliant! :D But, in all seriousness, I was very sceptic at first about this game and turned out to be one of the best and most rewarding pokemon experiences I've ever had.

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Played the remastered version on the switch. Great game, the plot kinda brings up some aspects of corrupted society that we can relate to our own world (Yevon lies, discrimination of Al Bhed, etc...).
The plot is great. Some downsides: 7 people party and idk what to do with 2 of them. Hard to find usefulness for everyone and grind them enough imo. I was kinda of expecting something more to it, storywise, maybe that's why they've made X-2, which i'm playing rn :)

Don't really understand the mixed up rewies from everyone about this game. IMO this game kicked ass. Outlast2 is more terror than horror comparing to the first game, but still pretty scary. Kinda reminded me of silent hill in some parts, with the villages and stuff.

Sandbox mode is the best imo

I loved this game when I was a kid. Nostalgic.