REALLY good in all aspects EXCEPT the last 2 bossfights in the maingame. Fuck the last 2 fights. Fuck them.

Play this game with a guide for the puzzles. Really good, has everything BUT the gameplay making it a REALLY fucking good experience (maybe not a good "game" though).

This is a special game, in the fact that it has a unique concept, and unlike some other games, said concept is done EXTREMELY well and combines to make an absolutely amazing game when you add on everything else.

The plan is simple: You tap on the 7th beat. That's it. You do that for the entire song, and you win! But then, it gets ever so slightly more complex. Suddenly, you have to deal with two heartbeats at once, given the rhythm is extremely simple. And then, speed changes are added into the mix. And then, it introduces a concept so fucking kino that it should be ILLEGAL. (I won't leak it so anyone reading can experience it for themselves: but it is AMAZING.)

This has been about the gameplay so far, but everything else about the game cannot go un-noticed.

There is an extremely good story under the hood that, while VERY simple, is extremely well written and has some genuinely emotional moments on both ends of the spectrum. Every character has depth and feel like actual characters.

The game does not falter in the visual aspect OR the musical aspect either, having some shots that are actual eye-candy and some moments in the OST that are genuine, whole-hearted bangers.

Did I forget to mention that this game has one of the best level editors, and by proxy one of the coolest online level communities out there? I could talk for hours about this game's custom levels, but any search for "Rhythm Doctor Custom Levels" will find you some extremely cool shit.

Anyways, I love this game with my whole heart, and it's so fucked that it's still early access with how much shit there is in this game right now. Buy this game. Buy it now. Buy it now. Buy it now.

It has really, really good art. But the gameplay for me was running around, stealing EVERYTHING because the weapons and ore you get in crates are absolutely ridiculous. I don't think I went underground the entirety of my playthrough (other than the beginning): I was just a bandit from the jump. Long story short, play this game with mods. This game is WAY worse without mods to help it out.

This is one of my favorite games, mainly because it's not anything that complex. It's an RPG with silly stickfigure characters, gameplay that's good enough to keep you engaged, and most importantly, AMAZING (and I mean this, AMAZING) writing.

I've beaten this game a few times since I first played it in 2017, including getting The Really Hard Way, and it's nice to play every once in a while. There's tons of shit to discover with every subsequent playthrough: the map is much, MUCH more vast than you'd think.

Worth your money!

I don't think it was as good as West of Loathing, but good LORD did they bump up the aesthetics with this one.

Good game, lore was a little weird but the gameplay is top notch.

Short game, but it was cool at least.

Sick ass monster-collector with probably one of the most in-depth combat and party-building systems I have ever seen.

I had no idea this game was popular enough to get TWO more games. Core gameplay is cool, but I don't really think it was anything that crazy.

i had like easily 210k floors and then my laptop got cooked and i lost all of my progress. rip 544 hours. still good game tho.

More of the same as Soda Dungeon 1, but... ohmygod that fucking FINAL BOSS THEME goes unnecessarily hard.