The piss filter on this game changed me as a person

This series desperately needs an overhaul on how they approach storytelling

This game twerks all over the original in every conceivable way possible.

Same shit different toilet, but unfortunately this toilet is not as good as the others

This review contains spoilers

After seeing my friend finally finish their review of this game I felt the need to redo my original review which was mostly just a rant where I sounded like an old man screaming at kids, this was because of irl stuff happening with this game, and my friend group which caused more animosity towards this game than it deserved. Now onto this review

Playing TWEWY was one of the most painful gaming experiences I ever had, not only was the gameplay completely and utterly atrocious, the story of week 1 was really bad.

The week starts off with Neku being your typical asshole to Shiki, how they should team up and how being a loner will get you nowhere/killed. Your typical character arc. What I dislike is Neku almost killing Shiki and him getting away practically scot free. The only thing he gets is a slap on the wrist which really irked me, Shiki should not have forgiven him or trusted him as quickly as she did. I get it, it’s the theme of the game, but come on! He almost fucking killed you.

Moving on to the next big scene which was Rhyme’s death, the dialogue here feels like the game was just regurgitating the themes and message it wants to tell without any nuance. Plus are you really expecting me to care about Rhyme when they have 3 lines of dialogue? I hate when games kill off a character that was not built up for us to care about and this scene is exactly that. Yes the purpose of the scene was to show how socially isolated Neku is, but again the dialogue here is written like it’s slapping you in the face going “DO YOU GET IT, HE HATES PEOPLE”

The straw that broke the camel’s back for me on week 1 was the Shiki and Eri day. It feels like the writers prioritized the idea of individuality and added her inferiority complex as a side thing. So her final scene with Eri was more them resolving the story of this singular day in the most convenient way possible. Think about it, Shiki is in a city with god knows how many people, and not only does she run into the person that all her issues stem from, but she also hears the exact words she needed to hear from her. If this was like a kick-starter for her arc I’d be fine, but it isn’t. With Shiki, it was literally her conclusion and the game just goes “bye-bye lol”

These days plus the horrible gameplay of the switch version is why I decided to drop the game and probably never come back to it.

I’m gonna keep my old review up just because the comments are funny, but it’s not a good review. It just sounds like an old grandma malding

A game that constantly undermines its main themes by belittling the characters that most represent this theme.
A game that has the worst character designs in the series so far.
A game that has the worst comedic moments in the entire series.
A game that has dungeons designed like garbage with gameplay that is cookie cutter JRPG with nothing interesting going on.
How is this the most beloved entry in the franchise so far? (Dojima and Nanako good doe)

Edit: this review sucks, why does it have so many likes

After a couple of months of thinking about this game, it still feels so weird to me. Do I love this game? Absolutely, the ending is probably my favorite ending to any game I've seen. Do I think the cast is solidly written? I think it's the best persona cast (not including EP and P1 as I haven't played those) I also believe it's one of the best games I've ever seen at handling serious and comedic moments, there isn't a single comedic moment that feels out of place or a serious moment that gets undercut by something else. But for some inexplicable reason, I can't form a solid enough opinion on this game. I feel like I'm missing something. It is a great game don't get me wrong I highly recommend it. I just hope this feeling of missing something gets resolved after playing eternal punishment.

This game feels like the culmination of everything wrong with mainline SMT, and instead of tackling the issues of the narrative design of SMT it just sidesteps it completely. It is a good game in spite of being an SMT game not because. Mainline SMT needs to learn to be more active, going hours without a single line of dialogue from the MC, companion, characters of the world is not good storytelling for a game focused on its story. When the game ignores mainline SMT's troupes it's phenomenal but when it's time to incorporate them into the story is falls flat

I played this game at a really shitty time, it was after discovering the series with P5R so my expectations were sky high. I also streamed the game in a VC which was an awful decision as that definitely lessened the experience from friends being annoying (thank you mid and eladio). Anyways I'm far enough in my replay to solidly say that this is a good game (probably gonna end at either a 8.5 or a 9). Just that my first experience was tainted

The only worthwhile thing about this game is the gameplay, if it wasn’t for that I would’ve dropped the game. The story presents itself like a children's tale, the narrator kills any attachment I would’ve developed from these characters. Instead of trying to give the characters screen time or development the game disconnects itself from them and just narrates their journey. The story (what little there is) is just boring and a chore to go through

This game desperately needs a remaster

“You know what would be a good idea? Let’s have the same format for the first 3 jails, that won’t get boring quick at all” seriously those first 3 jails were a chore to get through, they offered nothing more than to retread previous character arcs the characters had in the base game, well except for the third one and Haru (they still used the same format but at least they gave her a uniquish character arc in comparison) after that you get the 4th and 5th jail which honestly is the peak of the game but they’re so short that they might as well be equated to 2 mini jails instead of a full new one. The last 2 jails just retread base 5’s ending and the 6th one especially being just the 3rd semester but bad lmfao. The 7th is just Yaldabaoth again which I didn’t even like Yaldabaoth in the base game let alone a second one that’s retreading the exact same themes as the first one

Extremely flawed narrative along with extremely flawed gameplay, the game is either way too easy or way too hard (I beat the game both on maddening and hard so I’m not ass at the game) the narrative is extremely lacking on both the GD and SS routes. The narrative is good in BE and BL tho, unfortunately even those have their own set of issues. Having to replay the first 12 chapters every single time you want to play a new route is also not fun, even then most of the post time skip maps are reused between routes so you’re more likely to be replaying 18-19 chapters if not more each time you play GD, SS, and BL. Which is honestly an insane blow for the game for me. Game feels like a chore at that point and would rather play another FE game by the point I finished my last route.

The 3 powers idea was nice on paper but 90% of them is just the same shit but with just different colors. Infamous 2 did this idea better