I'm still playing this game from 2019 I had a lot of fun alone and with friends but Riot really kill the fun but I have hopes this year I really do
But if you are new player don't try if you don't have friends to enjoy with it and teach you a thing or two

I love this game my childhood when i was litte i used to play these games and when i saw is getting a ENDING i was so happy

Okay okay listen this game may be terrible at first the two zones are just awful he almost made me quit this game but the most part made me was the poor control this game had I was so mad when I could have my settings that im used to but after all the change i made the game felt okay and was fun i didn't except that

Don't just Don't play is awful bad Alpha was better then full game is really sad

Just don't play rank is not worth is really not play anyting else gamemodes anyting that is not ranked the normal games is annyoing that you can get tryhards in enemy or toxic teammates in your team

Damn it I still have to finish this game at some point I really love this game is amazing

This game is classic and I love it very good game

Same like the first one but more option to escape

I saw many people hate this game and I didn't understand but I saw the flaw to much grid to get a "TRUE ENDING" but I did enjoy this game was a blast wish we could get remake of this game without the grid for the ending

Okay this game was good but the story gets boring after a while and most important the online is just grind and i hate it

I miss this game I just miss the good old days of my childhood

Well this game was suffering of the poor launch but i play with that and enjoy I love it to break this game apart i really enjoy it
I understand people that could not play this game
With the new patchs the game works pretty well and Im happy that is more people can play it

the combat of this game feels so good bosses are amazing everyting is good , yes is hard at the start but when it clicks then the mega fun really beings

Why game about Sand can be so good