I love this game so much , is amazing perfection you can even call masterpice for me , this game really got me into Dark Souls games , I suggest almost to all new player to start with Dark Souls 1 and then go with Dark Souls 3 , Dark Souls 2 will be pain for many new players so better play these two games and then 2


Gun is one of my childhood games , I played so much when i was a child I love this game

I love this game so much , the gameplay is amazing you can play for hours without getting bored at all 10/10
Menkind is dead
Blood is fuel
Hell is full

This game is just a masterpice like Dark Souls 3 these 2 games are just the best from software (for me) I love the feeling of the game just pure joy

the combat of this game feels so good bosses are amazing everyting is good , yes is hard at the start but when it clicks then the mega fun really beings

I'm still playing this game from 2019 I had a lot of fun alone and with friends but Riot really kill the fun but I have hopes this year I really do
But if you are new player don't try if you don't have friends to enjoy with it and teach you a thing or two

I love so much MGR is just amazing from the combat ,bosses to memes
Unlike everyone one of my friends tell me about this game and I try it out and love it, then I saw Max0r video that i love it more

Listen this game is just masterpice
The map is amazing so good love it
The combot is just slow and is okay im okay with that
The lore is just amazing and heart-broken to read

I love the open world FromSoftware did amazing good job the game has good bosses some very fast some a bit slower but im okay with it , I like to push my limits as gamer

Well this game was suffering of the poor launch but i play with that and enjoy I love it to break this game apart i really enjoy it
I understand people that could not play this game
With the new patchs the game works pretty well and Im happy that is more people can play it

I love this game my childhood when i was litte i used to play these games and when i saw is getting a ENDING i was so happy

This game is classic and I love it very good game

Same like the first one but more option to escape

I love this game , just amazing i wish we could have more games like this one

I miss this game I just miss the good old days of my childhood