49 reviews liked by Aestid

decent game but his name is "Bartz" the the zimpsons character, awkwaaard

Someone called this "Undertale for RPG fans" once

Listen here Hammer Bros. of 8-3. I am coming for you and your families. There will be no mercy.

Everyone's always asking for Twilight Princess on Switch, wouldn't it be hilarious if we ported this one instead

If it didn't have a control scheme that's kinda uncomfortable, this would genuinely be a perfect game

My feelings on this game are so incredibly complex that I really struggle putting this into a review so i'll just say that this game gets better the more I think about it.

I found my original Game Boy Advance cartridge of this game...hidden inside a secret compartment of a drawer-thing that sat on top of my desk. It was absolutely covered in dust, and I'd literally thought I sold it fifteen years prior. I'm so glad I (still) own my original copy of this game, because it's one of my favorite Zeldas ever. Top 5 for sure, since games like Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom don't personally appeal to me. Give me top-down and linear stuff any day of the week, tbh.

Look at what console i completed this on

3 lists liked by Aestid