might be the most boring game I've ever played

Easily one of my favourite games of all time. This recent replay has only heightened my love for it. Story, gameplay, characters, setting, I really don't have any major problems with any of it. I'm glad I was able to replay this game and fall in love with all over again.

Man after returning to this game years after my disastrous first playthrough I have learned that this game is still... insanely rough. While there are things about the game I enjoyed more this time (mostly the improvements portable brought to the combat) this game still has huge problems. A very mediocre story with half backed sometimes annoying characters. Gameplay design that makes me question the sanity of those behind the game. And just overall design choices that make the game hard to sit through at times. The game starts off well and is actually pretty well paces for the first months. But the game quickly falls apart ESPECIALLY during the later months where things feel like they slow to an agonizing crawl and just go on way to long. This game is only getting a 6 now instead the original 3 i gave to fes because portable actual made some decent design changes that make the game way better and easily makes it the definitive version of the game. Like no joke whoever thought it was OK idea to have an AI controlled party in a heavily strategy based turn based rpg should be shot in the streets. Portable giving you control of your party along with some other design changes (like a reworked stamina system) easily makes it the best option to play this game regardless of the somewhat downgraded presentation. But really if you're going to play a persona pleas do yourself a favor and just play persona 4 golden or persona 5 royal. With all 3 games being available on modern consoles now and with p4g being the same price I just don't think this is a good choice for your time and money where there are better experiences available for the same price.

If sonic colors had a shift from being a game people enjoyed and loved to suddenly getting a lot of ridicule. Can this game get the same treatment? Please? I'm on my hands and knees begging.

A fun if not simple rpg. Just a very comfortable experience all around. Game has lot of fun elements with the biggest issue being that it doesn't really expand upon any of them much which can leave to less then satisfying experience for some. For me i don't mind a bit of simplicity sometimes I'd rather just unwind with a game that doesn't ask the world of me.

I am someone who is not a big fan of open world games and I also have not jived with the two souls games I've played in the past (dark souls II and bloodborne) so when elden ring came about and promised to be both those things you'd probably wonder why I even gave this game a chance? Well I'm someone who things every game deserves at least one chance and unfortunately that chance that I gave to elden ring played out exactly as I would expect. An open world game with little to no direction on where I need to go and the normal souls games combat system. I know that a lot of people like those two things but for me? It's about as opposite to what I find fun about games as it can get. So unfortunately I am putting yet another fromsoft game on my abandoned game list with a 5/10.

I hate metroidvanias. Metroid dread is a 10/10

Well after trying for several years I've finally managed to complete a playthrough of super metroid and as i expected this one does unfortunately rank at the bottom of my metroid list. Which currently consists of it, fusion, zero mission, and dread. Super metroid was the first metroid game I attempted to play and it unfortunately left a sour taste in mouth and made me steer away from the metroid series as whole for several years until finally giving zero mission a shot last year. And after enjoying it and especially enjoying dread I thought I'd finally go back and give super a chance now that I had more experience under my belt and I can at least say I did enjoy this game a lot of my second visit with my prior experience with the series. However this is still easily my last favourite of the 4 I've played. I'm not a fan of being completely lost and when you combine that with how samus controls like a wet sock in this game the constant back and forth gets very tiring after awhile and despite my playtime only be about 4-5 hours it still took me several days to finish super due to the fact I had to take constant breaks. The boss fights in this game are also a low point with ridley in particular just not being a fun or interesting fight. But I am glad to say while it still ranks low on the totem pole for me I can now at least enjoy super for the things it does do right.

Game was a lot of fun. Already enjoyed 2018 quite a bit and this game has quite a few improvements over that game. Is it perfect? No, after all no game is, but it was a good time and had plenty of things to enjoy about. Despite giving it a 10 (for now might change it to a 9 later down the line) I'm not sure I would call it "genre defining" like I've been seeing a lot of people saying. The game just knows what it wants to do and it does it well, I don't see any reason to give it a bunch of high words. A good game is a good game regardless of whether it is some collossus of its genre or if it breaks some new ground. A game can play it safe and stick to what works and still be an amazingly good time. Anyways I got side tracked ragnarok was a good time if you enjoyed GoW 2018 chances are you're gonna like this game.

Idk what the fuck the sudden dislike bandwagon is about for this game but I ain't for it. Game is still a lot of fun to play and looks great for the console it was released on. I'm guessing ultimate ruined this game rep a bit and the people who are suddenly disliking are probably the same people who think 06 and forces have hidden missed potential.

This game is a lot of fun.......... when it actually God damn works. I don't know what the hell happened but the servers and just general framework around the game just doesn't work half the time and everytime they "update" or perform "maintenance" on the game they somehow manage to break literally everything. Also monetization shit but that's already been discussed at nauseum. Although I will say I think people have blown the whole unlocking characters thing out of proportion, everything else sucks though. The game itself? Yeah it's basically overwatch 1 again but there are a lot of small changes that I still think make the game a fun time and makes the game a lot faster paced than the 1st one. 5 queuing with friends is a lot of fun and I honestly think the game hasn't been better on the gameplay side. This is an example of a good game surrounded by all kinds of dumb and stupid decisions. But hey at least this one is f2p so you don't have to give ActivisionBlizzard a single dime for it.

I've been trying to get myself to finish this game since it came out but I've decided to just go ahead and rate it now and just give on ever finishing the game for now. This is a perfectly serviceable remake that does enough right to make it much better than the orignal diamond and pearl.... but only diamond and pearl. I think platinum, despite still it still having the issues of being very slow is still an overall better way to experience the sinnoh region. These remakes while improving on a lot of things stick to close to DP's formula which was a flawed formula. Not enough of platinum's fixes were carried over to these games and even when they were... they were strange. Like having all the pokemon that were made available in platinum only available in the underground and keeping trainers, gym leaders, and boss's teams restricted to the OG DP dex... which sucked. Another strange issue is while these games are faster i.e. faster battle speed, walking, etc. They are also just as slow as the originals as the game's overall pace of progression meaning you still have the same big gaps between badge 2 and 3, another strange gap with 4 and 6, and then another thing with 7 and 8. Which platinum fixed at least 2 of those gaps. If for some reason you want to play diamond and pearl over platinum then play these remakes but if you want to just experience gen 4 and the sinnoh region i still think platinum is going to be the better overall experience.