A fun sometimes frustrating experience. So fat my favorite out of the sprite based FF games. Job system would interesting although I didn't quite go super in depth with it (mastered about 2 jobs on each character). I played the pixel remaster version and overall the game looked fine and sounded great. Some boss fights were a bit annoying and some normal enemies were just HP sponges which made some areas drag with how long some encounters would take. But overall a pretty good time. Between the two FF games that focus on the job system this game and 3 I think both still have their place especially nowadays with 3's pixel remaster. This game is good for those who really want to get down and dirty with the job system while 3 I think is a much easier pick up and play version of this game. So if you want a more casual time play 3 and if you want a more advanced game play this one. I would also reccomend 3 first if you're new to FF or just rpgs with job systems as this game might throw into the deep end with it.

Well I've finished my stint through the HD devil may cry games and luckily my time with these were much better than my time with ps2 games. With dmc5 being the best our of them I feel. This game did a lot right and was a pretty enjoyable experience overall with only a few hang ups mostly being V not being all that interesting to play as especially when compared to both Nero and dante and few design choices that the series just seems to keep around that I'm not a fan of. But overall dmc5 was my favorite out of the devil may cry series and I'm glad to say that. After not really enjoying what I played of 3 I was worried this series just wasn't going to jive with me at all. But after playing 4 I was more hopeful and now with both the reboot and 5 under my belt I now have 2 very enjoyable action games that I can go back to whenever I feel like kicking some demon ass.

Oof I'm gonna be killed for this one. Yeah as of right now this is my favorite dmc game (have yet to play 5) definitely not gonna make any friends with this one but this game was just hitting all the right notes for me. I love the more streamlined gameplay especially when it comes to combo system. While I'm sure in some way or form it's inferior to the one in 3 and 4 I just don't care combos in this game just felt way smoother to pull off and overall the game just felt smoother. It is very easy I will give you that but for me personally I've never really been one for overly difficult experiences in games, unless it's a game I've already played a bunch. This game was just hitting all the right spots i even enjoyed the story. While nothing special and I can understand why fans of the series don't like it as this dante is basically nothing like classic dante, it was at least a narrative i could get behind at point despite being a bit too edgy at points. Dmc is a keeper for me and unfortunately the game I've enjoyed the most from the series so far.

I'm not gonna make any friends with this one I'm sure. So I've tried to play the original playstation trilogy and just never jived with any of them even 3. But luckily 4 was a game that I can finally say that I enjoyed quite a bit. Not everything was aces mind you it still has a lot of the things from 3 that I wasn't a fan of and I wished dante was playable for longer than he was as while I didn't hate nero's playstyle dante was just a lot more fun to play as in my opinion and felt more equipped to hand the things the game throws at you. The game also drags a bit at the end with that stupid dice game and boss rush. But I'm glad that I can finally say that I've found a devil may cry game thar works for me. Hopefully both dmc and 5 will continue that trend.

A perfectly fine little side story for Re4. Basically has all the same ups and downs as the main game although I do wish Ada hit a bit harder some enemies just took forever to go down with her weapons.

Resident evil 4 is a game that I feel that I must give a 9/10 to even if that score does come somewhat reluctantly. Now don't take me the wrong way here Re4 is a very fun and well put together game that has plenty to like about it but there are some sour points that I'm still unsure about whether they should affect the overall score when weighed against the many things this game does right. First and foremost the rank controls. When it comes to basic movement and exploration, they're fine I never had a situation where I had trouble just moving around and when to comes to basic combat I feel for the most part they're fine there to. It's when the game starts asking a bit more for in combat encounters and some boss fights that I feel that they start getting in the way. Some enemies are just way too fast and aggressive and come in large numbers so they can swarm your ass before you fan realistically react within the game's means felt like I got hit or killed unfairly a few times because of that shit. Some enemies are damages sponges too which is not something I'm biggest fan of especially when some of them can insta kill you like the chainsaw guys. The final area, the island dragged on a little too long in my opinion aa well for the most part it was fun but the basic goons just had too much health alongside the usual beefier damage sponge guys, combat just became exhausting in this portion alongside the area just feeling longer then any of the previous ones. I have few other minor gripes with the game too like feeling they should be a few more checkpoints in longer combat encounters, especially in one's with unskippable cutscenes. But despite all that Re4 is still a remarkably fun and well put together game which is surprising considering it's somewhat troubled development. Most of the time combat and exploration is fun. A good chunk of the boss are fun to take down. Games looks pretty good for a 2005 gamecube game. I didn't use all the weapons but the ones I did use felt good to use and nothing felt more satisfying then popping an enemies head like a grape with the shotgun or rifle. While I think the game may not hold up quite to same extent as many others do there's no denying that the game is still great even to this day and it very much so gets a recommendation from me.

Spyro 2 was an overall good time. Although I don't find much of a reason to score this one any higher than the first game. Despite it being close to a year since I played spyro 1 I'd like to think that my memory on it is still pretty good. Spyro 2 definetly improves and adds upon somethings from the original although some of its additions were not my cup of tea. Some levels and objectives were not very fun and some of the mini games were just a chore to playthrough like that trolley in breeze harbor. But overall this was a pretty enjoyable game that I can see myself coming back to eventually.

This game was another delight to play. It takes things that I already enjoyed from shadow dragon and put them in an even better package. It was also cool to see how much of this game would go on to shape awakening and that is probably why is had so much fun with this game. A player avatar, casual mode, more detailed and easily accessible support convos, among other things. Game was very enjoyable and I definitely see myself coming back to it. Not everything was a winner of course, I'm somewhat in the camp that this game might have a bit too many units and the requirements to recruit some of them can make some chapters drag or be more annoying then they would otherwise. But otherwise this is an easy recommend from me if you can get ahold of a english translation.

Honestly don't understand why this game is so disliked. Maybe it's because I just came off of echoes and that game was not fun to playthroughj but this game was just a very comfortable one to playthrough. Yeah the story and presentation aren't the best but what I care about most, the gameplay was plenty enjoyable. Yeah there's a lot of cavaliers but it never one bothered me and the majority of the maps were fun to playthrough. The unit selection is fairly decent to, not all of them are winners which is usually the case but the majority of them are more than capable of at least doing something during a fight. I'm definilty very interested in revisiting this game with the reclass system seeming like a fun thing to mess around with and the multiple difficulty levels to mess around with on top of the game just being fairly short (took me about 9 1/2 hours). This game is a keeper for me and I'm glad I played it.

This game has got a lot and I mean a lot of problems. Horrible map design especially in celica's route. Lack of unit diversity and options when compared to other games. Cantors being everywhere. Almost half the units in the game feel near useless. This game was an absolute slog to playthrough especially right after my awakening replay. I didn't even bother to finish the final boss, it has just about everything that annoyed me about this game wrapped in a horrible unfun package. This isn't the worst fe game I've played that dishonor still goes to conquest and there were still things I enjoyed about it but I don't see myself coming back to this game anytime soon.

For a long time I was very burnt on fire emblem which was my mostly my own fault for replaying fates way too much back in 2016 and while I still tried to keep up with the series and still enjoyed the new entries there was just a feeling I wasn't getting with the series that I did back then. Replaying awakening these past few weeks brought that feeling back. While I'm still not as deep into the series as I'd like to be and still have to play many of the games awakening was my first back in 2014 and still my favorite to this day. For a long time I felt what I could describe as ashamed that this was my favorite and the game I still held as my standard for the series mostly due to pressure from the fan base. But after playing this especially playing alongside engage and other entries there's just something about awakening that appeals to me way more than the other games. The characters and story are done well enough for me to enjoy the impact full moments even after several replays and the gameplay while easily broken with skills like galeforce is still a joy and has enough depth to it to make me want to get the most out of i can. I had forgotten was joy this game had given me for the longest time but I'm glad that I've finally managed to remember the things that I loved about this game so much.

Yu gi oh is a dumb stupid game that is so volatile that a match can completely change sides due to single card. Some decks just let your or your opponent play solitare and can just win the game in a single turn. But for some reason I can't stop playing someone help me.

Pikmin 3 was a lot of fun to play. I'm not what I would call a pikmin enthusiast but these definitely hold a certain charm that makes it hard to dislike them. I would say 3 is probably my favorite as in my mind it just feels the most perfectly balanced out of the current trilogy maybe 4 will dethrone it when it comes out who knows. But as of right now 3 just kinda feels like a better 1. Now that's not to say I think there's no reason to play 1 with 3 around as I feel 1 still has plenty of it's unique spin on things to offer but both games do scratch the same itch for me and do a lot of the same things just replace ship parts for fruit. But yeah pikmin 3 is a good game and one I highly reccomend.

man crazy how no matter how much you polish a turd it's still a turd

I've tried several of the souls games (DS2, BloodBorne, and elden ring) and while I haven't really jived with any of them I still saw their merit and recognized why people may like them. I've played DS1 for about 5-6 hours now if not longer and this is the first time I'm actually wondering why people enjoy this game. These first few areas have been the pits. Cramped annoying area design, endless mooks with very few bonfires between them, no skip travel (unless it gets unlocked later but game has been mega annoying without it) and just overall lack of overall quality. The only generally hard and fun parts so far have been the bosses outside of that I haven't had a good time with this game. I genuinely don't understand why this game is so lauded cause like unless it gets REALLY good in the later half I don't see why people love this game when DS2 gets a more lukewarm reception and that's coming from someone who didn't want to finish DS2 either. I'll probably keep playing for a few more hours but as of right now DS1 is unfortunately not only another miss for me but easily the worst I've played from the series.