This game isn't as miserable as episode 1 but God it is still far from good. It has a lot of similar issues to episode 1 so there's not as much to cover. But this game does improve some things, the game looks better, some early stages are actually kinda fun, the controls aren't as terrible but it's still a lot of stop and go garbage, and the team up mechanic between sonic & tails is actually kind of neat if a little overused in some instances. The problems lie within the second half and the boss fights. I don't know whose bright idea was it to make most of the boss fights have minute long unskippable intros but they're and they make dying to them all the worse especially since the into isn't the only thing that is long and boring about them. These bossfights take so long, every single one them have multiple phases and if you die once you have to start from the beginning and did I mention the fact they all have like minute long intros? And then there's the second half, who thought bringing back sky chase was a good idea? And then who decided to make the stage 7 MINUTES LONG, JESUS CHRIST. It's better than episode 1 but that's not saying much don't bother with this one either unless like episode 1 you want to see how bad it is. Just play the genesis games or mania for some good 2D sonic platforming.

This game was absolutely miserable. I usually go a little softer on sonic games because I like the blue dude and the fast paced gameplay the series is known for. Not this game though. The stages suck, the music suck, the controls suck, the music sucks, and the game looks miserable. I don't who thought it was a good idea to take away the momentum based platforming and make sonic stop on a dime and just accelerate in 2 seconds, and the person who made that one torch level should be publicly executed. Don't bother and skip this one unless you want to see how bad it is.

I have always been very critical of Mario's gaming career and most of that critism has been aimed at his 3D games. 3D mario are always given very high praise and until 3D world and odyssey I never understood why. I have never been a fan of a lot of the 3D mario games and today I decided to give super mario 64 another shot. This recent playthrough has warmed me up to the game but only by a little bit, I still feel as though this game has way to many problems to be considered a "great" game. My main issue is just the fact that the game is not consistent at all. Mario's movement, level design, missions in said levels, etc. It all varies so wildly that it makes it hard for me to get a grasp on how I feel about the game. I could be having a great time one second and then want to turn the game off and crack my controller in half the next. This game leaves me so mixed. Mario can't seem to decide if he wants to have somewhat stiff yet precise movement or if he wants to be super slippery and fast. His movement would change so sperratcially that I was basically jumping all the time to just make sure I kept stable footing. Levels can range from some of the best I've ever played to just downright miserable and annoying, but even in levels that are fun there can be missions for power stars that are annoying to achieve bringing down what was otherwise a good level. Powers ups are another beast entirely, there's only 3 and they are very situational, which is fine but a little boring as two of them just let mario traverse terrain he normally couldn't but the third one the wing cap? Anytime I had to use for a power star I winced cause God does it not control well. Super mario 64 is a product of its time as it was basically the first 3D platformer of its kind and I'm sure back when it came out it was a sight to behold by nowadays? There is a surplus of way better 3D platformers and if you want a 3D sandbox mario platformer, well just go play mario odyssey it's basically just a better 64 is every way possible. I know that may not be entirely fair to 64 but that's just how I feel, I just don't see any reason to go back to this game today unless you want to see how 3D mario started otherwise like I said just play mario odyssey.

OH. MY. GOD. I've heard how bad bubsy 3D is, everyone has, but this has to be played to be believed like Jesus christ. I knew it was going to be bad but I had no idea just how bad. This feels like I'm playing the first draft of a 3D game in a high school programming class. I don't know how this game ever got released.

I don't generally hate games, yeah I can find them boring or uninteresting but rarely do I actually hate a game. Mega man X6 on the other hand is an exception. Never have I played a game so miserable and broken to the point where some of the design choices gave me literal anxiety. So when I learned about a project that aimed to fix some of X6s problems I was interested. I'm gonna say this now while I think the attempt was admirable there are two things wrong with X6 tweaks. 1. I feel as though the people behind these patches don't fully understand the extent of X6's problems as many of the "issues" they fixed were very minor or inconsequential like the translation or updating some sprite work. 2. X6 has so many deep rooted issues that I feel like to make the game better you would have to go in and change huge portions of the game and not just tweak some things. Like I said I can admire the attempt but I feel like not only is X6 beyond saving but the problems addressed were not X6's biggest ones.

This is a very unique and interesting platformer, It's not perfect but the ideas presented here are really fun and interesting. One of which is how "power ups" are handled. Basically the power ups in this game can only be obtained from certain enemy attacks but they're not always helpful in fact at points they're outright detrimental. Which is I found to be very interesting as a enemy I was just avoiding in one level is now an enemy I'm actively trying to be hit by now to gain a new form. Light puzzle solving and fun level design is spawned from this design and it makes the game stand out from other 2d platformer. It's not all gold but when it hits, it hits really well.

Alright my completely objective rating for this game is an 8/10. The game has a lot of great moments and is really fun and interesting overall with just a few shortcomings that will hopefully being ironed out with some future games (hopefully there are future games in this style). HOWEVER if I'm not being an objective hard nose......... I LOVED THIS GAME. MADE ME FEEL LIKE A KID PLAYING POKEMON AGAIN. 10/10 I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK HHAHAHAHAHAHHA.

A perfectly fine retro style platformer that will satisfy those into this kind of genre. But what about those like me who aren't the most into these kind of games? Still a fairly great game with a few problems. Shovel knight does do some pretty great things but for every few steps in takes forward from it does unfortunately either takes one back or refuses to take a certain step. Just to give a example having no lives is a great edition to a retro style platformer but it then comes with the unfortunate trade off of still have that classic old platformer knockback which will eventually send your blue butt flying down a bottomless pit. Overall a fairly polished games that sometimes tries a little to hard to replicate the retro platformers that it is inspired by.

A completely ok game that just gets a little to repetitive for it's own good.

A lot of people just seem to hate these games and honestly? I just don't get it. These games are pretty damn fun. Ya they definelty have their issues but what game doesn't? At this point I just don't trust or interact with the pokemon community. The fact games like hgss and especially diamond and pearl are loved and get a pass but these games get bashed to hell lead me to believe pokemon fans have literally no idea what they want.

I really really wanted to like this game but sadly the game itself conspired against me. The first says 3/4ths of the game are really fun, while still not quite my favourite out of the 3d mario games or even 3d platformers in general that was a lot of genuine fun to be had. There were issues here and there but nothing deal breaking. That is however till two levels near the end, sirena Beach and pianta village. Ok sirena is awful but it was a noticeable dip in level quality and by the time I was finished with that world i was worn out. But nothing and I mean nothing compares to pianta village. Talk about taking all sensible level and challenge design philosophies and throwing them out the window. This level is bad and I mean BAD so bad that I had to just stop playing the game after about 2 hours just trying to get past the chuckster mission. I wanted to like this game and finish it but what would have been maybe a 7 or even a 8 out of 10 game is dropped down to a 6 out of 10 that I can't even recommend playing cause of one huge roadblock. Play this game if you're interested but go into it cautiously.

Easily one of the best mario adventures out there. As a fan of 3d world and odyssey this game hit all the right spots perfectly. I could nitpick a few little things here and there but that's all they are nitpicks. This game is pretty dang fun and hope that the ideas from this combine with odyssey for an odyssey 2 to make a truly amazing game.

These are probably the worst pokemon games out there from a structural and technical stand point. Ya gen 1 can be glitchty at times but there's a beauty to breaking those games. Diamond and pearl are boring slow slogs through a region that feels cold and lifeless that doesn't even flaunt it's own new ideas. There are so many new pokemon that are just flat out no available during the main story. In fact there's barely any pokemon available in the main story period. 2 fire types in the whole region? Really? Poor flint must suck being a fire type E4 in this region. If you want to play gen 4 play platinum or if you want the diamond and pearl experience wait for bdsp on switch. Avoid these games like the plague.

I don't think this game is as bad as people say. Is it an amazing game? No. But I think there's enough here to make a game that while nothing special or amazing can be fun if it just so happens to fall in line with the kind of game you're looking for. First 3/4ths of the game can be pretty fun. The last 1/4th tho? Drags hard and can be pretty annoying with the other characters you have to play as.

Aight so straight out this game does have it's issues. The game has some of that good old mega man archaic jank at times. Personally I don't think the long stages are all to bad but the lack of checkpoints in those stages are definelty a big problem. But despite all that, I love mega man 11 I think the things it adds, the double gear system, the new special weapons, the stages (aside from the check point) issue, the bosses, I think there's a lot about this game to enjoy. It's definitely not for everyone but if you can look past those few flaws, I think there's a great game underneath.