Just beat this DLC and have to say this is A LOT better than the Sunken King DLC. I do think the final boss wasnt as good as Sinh but fighting Fume Knight was still very enjoyable. The area just felt more engaging to explore along with fighting enemies, no stupid gimmicks for the most part. Enemies were enjoyable to fight as they hit hard but are easy to kill so it encourages aggressive play. Felt very fair and the setting is awesome.

The two bosses I fought were great but... The area was abyss fiction, the unhittable ghosts, the weird lake with the dragons and poison enemies you have no reason to fight. Yeah. Still playing DS2 but wanted to rate this since I beat this.

I came back to this game for update 2. I spent a while unlocking the spindash, and by god it completely changes the game in every way. It no joke makes it 1000x more engaging. Open world and Cyberspace. Zooming around with it is super fun, any ramp is an opportunity for massive traversal. The people saying momentum and spindashing shouldn't be added because it would ruin the game were so wrong, it's genuinely peak. Too bad its locked behind the endgame, very dumb decision that is, I hope they consider making it apart of his default moveset. Even cyberspace is genuinely tolerable with it now, never playing this game without it again. The post launch support of this game has my respect honestly. Lets hope future updates further iron out the issues this game has.

I'm sorry guys, I really tried to like this game. I gave it a good 20 hours almost but it just never stuck. I played the Persona Q games and enjoyed them a ton so getting into this series I thought it would be up my alley. But it lacks a lot of the QOL features, I dont like drawing walls on maps as it slows down exploration. I dont like how small dungeons are compared to the Q games, I dont like how backtracking accommodates for how small the dungeons are thus padding them out. I miss the big puzzle solving dungeons of the Q games. I dont like how there arent save points before a big boss so you have to deal with boss runs like its an early dark souls game. I think the battle system is too basic once you get to grips with it, the customisation of every party member is decent but limited early game and enemy encounters feel repetitive. No boost system like in Q or big weakness targeting incentives like Persona or SMT. It doesnt have that X factor making it stand out like the brave system from bravely or something else to make it unique, it feels too vanilla. Its generally a bit too basic.

The music and atmosphere is damn incredible though, 10/10 in that department. The dungeons look amazing, combine that with the music it feels whimsical like I'm being whisked away to another world. However the lack of any story or interesting and unique characters is really what killed this game for me. I get party members being generic is a roleplay thing but I would rather have unique party members rather than generic classes with portraits of your choosing. I've sat through mediocre RPG gameplay before for the story like in the Trails game. But here, 20 hours in there really isnt anything happening sadly.

This is the definitive Zelda experience, and the best game Nintendos first party division have ever made. This is thematically and narratively one of their best stories. The tone and world is amazing, and every character within it is memorable, its one of the few games I genuinely cared for the NPCs. Links trauma of losing Navi and the trauma of his actions on a surface level not mattering in this timeline due to returning to the past and erasing his deeds manifests in this games story I think, through narrative and gameplay I think this game is meant to reflect Links mindset after OOT. Each interpretation of this game is different however which is why I think it's captivated a lot of people. I think most people can agree that the looming end and time running out makes for a claustrophobic experience, you cant escape time as it always moves forward. Its genius.

The gameplay itself is fantastic, while it only has 4 dungeons, these are some of Zeldas best dungeons like OOT. And the side content in this game more than makes up for it, the side content is expansive, perhaps the most expansive in the series besides BOTW. It was so good in fact I collected every mask and most heart pieces. I rarely go the extra mile but these side quests are so well crafted and lack the copy and pasted feel of other games, they feel personal and fit the stories of the NPCs really well.

Its clear to me this is my favorite Zelda game, and a lot of others favorites too. I hope more people play this game

This review contains spoilers

Replayed this game because I picked the wrong ending last time where it turns you into a child murderer, but I was shocked to find out that the true ending also makes you a child murderer. For real though the combat was just as raw as before and the final boss was worth the replay, people said the content I missed was like missing a third of the game but honestly I sped through the new area in under an hour. And I didnt mind that the extra content wasnt meaty because the final boss was awesome gameplay wise. Story wise like before I didnt care one bit about the characters and world, and thats fine. I had a lot of fun mastering the combat.

This was one of the worst games I've played in a while. Ever play something so poorly designed in almost every aspect that it just boggles your mind? Well for this, this game did that for me. And as a Sonic fan, that is saying something.

Movement is so janky. Moving through the terrain genuinely feels glitchy at times. It's hard to explain, but slight elevations off the ground can make you feel glitchy. Something as hard to explain as this cant be said through words, only experienced. General traversal is very poorly designed, you cant even jump over 1cm railing for instance. Or walk 2cms into a pool of water and jankily without getting teleported backwards. It's just so poorly handled.

The gunplay is surprisingly solid, but that wont matter much because in most levels, you can simply run past enemies with zero consequences. Thats right, you can ignore most of the enemies. They cant detect you very well at all, so you can waltz past them. And the demon enemies that lack long ranged attacks can be easily ran away from. For the last 1/3 of the game I stopped killing all together as it felt pointless.

Set pieces are very poorly designed, due to the low budget I assume, most feel unpolished animation wise and gameplay wise. With set pieces, you need that high budget and high care to make them feel cool, but here, just due to the budget they feel cheap.

People call this game a survival horror, but I wouldnt know that because this game isnt scary in the least. And ammo and purifiers are so common it dont matter at all. I never felt scared nor did I feel desperate for resources.

The general difficulty of this game is a joke too, I breezed through it on normal difficulty, I only died due to level design being so poor sometimes where I walk into a "death zone" that I didnt know existed, like sticking my foot into a 1cm pool of water or dropping from a 2cm height onto a section your not supposed to be on. Thats where most of my deaths came from.

I have been speaking at length for the gameplay, but honestly a lot of the game is slowly following an NPC through a very boring scripted walk with nothing happening at all, despite my issues with the gameplay it felt like one of the least interactive games I've played in months, a visual novel had more interactivty at times.

Now the story? Bahahaha, this games story was so dumb. Something about aliens or something? I didnt really care. I wasnt invested in the characters, villains or that baby alien thing. The setting is awesome, but I didnt care about anything else.

I've torn into this game, but at least it was a sweet 6 hour experience so it never dragged on. And the locales you explore look nice, and the visuals do even if they are paired with cheap visual effects or animations at times.

I can tell from the reviews a lot of people like this game, so dont mind me if I dont like this game. I'm just some rando, but yeah this game didnt do it for me.

A short and sweet metroidvania, one of the most unique ideas I've seen added to the formula. It's half a metroidvania but half a Terraria style resource gathering game. It doesn't have many main move set upgrades but the cogs you find in the caves more than justify exploring the underground. The combat was pretty weak but I wouldnt say it was hard, it's not focused on that, and thats fine. The story and atmosphere wasn't that interesting and the dialogue doesn't take itself seriously, but thats is also fine. I had a fun time.

The Nintendo 64 was revolutionary for the time, it did a lot of important things obviously. But nowadays, literally any game I play on it feels poorly designed now, they feel like products of the time. But the only two exceptions to this were this game and Majoras Mask. These games are damn timeless. How did they nail dungeon design first try? Every dungeon is fantastic, even the Water Temple is great if not flawed on original hardware due to the menuing (which this version fixes thank god). This remake basically just updates the graphics and adds quality of life features like motion controls and other nicities. Having a second map is also convenient. Other than that, it is virtually the same to the original, and thats fine by me since it's so fun! I didnt even care that the story didnt grab me, the design of this game is timeless. I would recommend this remake to almost anyone, enjoyed it when I was 12 and enjoyed it at age 22. Damn I'm old

Like Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks is one of those games where you could easily hate if you arent used to unorthodox control scheme. Moving Link, using items and controlling Zelda all on a touchscreen could easily mess anyone up, and it took some getting used to again, but once I adjusted again, I was in for another high quality, finely crafted Zelda game.

The Puzzle design is very similar to Phantom Hourglasses, where a lot of puzzles utilise you making notes and drawing on your map to solve puzzles. Like marking 4 statues on a map and drawing a line of their vision trying to find the intersecting point, stuff like that. Those type of puzzles always gave me a lot of joy to figure out. What makes this different from it's predesassor is Ghost Zelda, which means this is sort of an escort game, but without the annoyance mainly. She's utilised in puzzles extremely well with her different phantom abilities, it was fun. And it gets rid of the Ocean King Tower gimmick of Phantom Hourglass that makes you repeat the same puzzles, instead opting for a similar tower without making you tread through repeated floors on a time limit. The dungeons are decently strong in this game, if not a little short, but they felt perfect difficulty wise. Overworld exploration is a bit weak since it's on rails, but the amazing overworld theme and just enough locations to explore makes it at least passable. I do think in general this game is a bit weak at exploration, it's very linear and there aren't many interesting side activities, while this would've irked me a lot years ago, nowadays when BOTW exists I dont mind linearity in Zelda, especially a handheld title.

I've spoken in length about the gameplay, because thats the most important aspect. But I want to mention how genuinely amazing Zelda is in this game, she is easily the best incarnation of Zelda, it's not even close. She's full of personality, she doesn't feel flat at all. She's always with you, she's extremely important and necessary to the gameplay, her interactions with Link are genuinely sweet and hilarious. And the final duet between her and Link leading her into being a major player in the final boss just elevated her to one of Nintendos finest characters. Easily the number one companion in any Zelda game, it's a damn shame we'll never get a Zelda like her again, instead opting for her to be sealed away, kidnapped or absent most of the time. I really hope when I play TOTK this trend is set aside but I have my doubts. Nintendo, just make her playable at this point I'm begging lol

This is the first ever survival horror game I've played (I think?), I dont like horror much, partly because I was apprehensive to delve into scares but mainly because it's not a genre that typically interested me. The praise this game got for years did intrigue me so I bought it on a steam sale in 2018 and didnt play it until 2023 lmfao. Anyways, enough with the pointless backstory, what I think?

When I first played it, I hated the tank controls. I didnt give them a chance, it felt too restrictive and unwieldy. And while I would prefer something else still, I see now that this was on purpose to make enemy encounters more tense. Making the camera so close to you, restricting your vision and making it hard to back up makes you feel trapped and clausterphobic. It's a pretty smart approach for the time. In the end, I was able to adjust and enjoy the gunplay for what it is. Level design is pretty decent, mostly linear with small bits to explore, and plenty of save points, checkpoints and a map pointing you in the right way so it never felt too frustrating. It was surprisingly a generous game which some hardcore people will hate but I preferred it this way. The escort bits I thought would be annoying but honestly Ashley rarely got in the way or got captured. The boss fights were kind of ass for the most part but they were easy so I would rather have that than being annoying and hard. I think the issue I have with this game though is by the end the game is spamming dozens of enemies that drain your resources so by the end I got tired and started running past them, the game felt about 3-4 hours too long honestly, I kind of wished it ended at the castle but I might be in the minority.

The story was cheese, smelly cheese. And that was for the best. The tone and cheesiness appealed to me, it felt just right. Leon is hilarious. The story itself I didnt care for although I was invested in saving Ashley at least. The horror is excellent, I was super scared at times, not always, but those weird tall humanoid dudes with teeth and the dogs, man that made me piss my pants lmao. The excellent sound design and perfect art style to this day enhances the horror and tone really well.

Overall, while it took some time to get to this game, I'm very happy I did give it a chance.

I played this years ago and enjoyed it quite a lot, however the confusing combat and poor tutorials definitely held it back from being one of my favorites. However, on my second playthrough it ended up becoming top 5 games because I understood the combat from the beginning. This is one of those games where coming back to it after a first playthrough makes the game more enjoyable. And on my third playthrough, I still love this game. It is no longer top 5 now as Octopath 2 stole that away, but this is still one of the best games I've ever played. This has bar none the best Xeno combat and some of the best JRPG combat in general. So overly complicated, so many systems to remember, so much strategy! Thats what makes it fun. It's not for everyone, but I love it. The blade gacha is annoying for sure, but you can get most rare blades casually. I just wish I got Kosmos this time around.

The story is my favorite in the Xeno trio. It's cast is about on par with 3s but what tips it in it's favor is that the villains are a million times better in this game. 3 had N, but this game has about 6 villains that are memorable in their own ways and have a lot of depth. I also think the world building and backstory in this game is the best and it arguably has the biggest revelations regarding the Klaus storyline.

It has some bad filler at times, the performance can be abysmal, the field skills suck, the menus are way too laggy and the localisation is genuinely abysmal. But, this game is still special to this day despite this.

Pretty cute farming game that has a surprising amount of systems to play around with. Balancing farming, fishing and mining kept the game from going stale in my 35 hour playthrough. The setting is cozy and for what they were the characters are likeable and have some depth. I do think how you can refill your energy kinda breaks the game a little for me, it makes days feel too long so I tended to play each day until I ran out of energy then go to sleep never refilling it. Made days far more snappier and made energy management pretty fun, I would recommend anyone play it this way honestly. I finished the community center, I could've continued playing but ending it at that was perfect as I pretty much did everything the game has to offer. Highly recommended to any life sim enjoyers.

I loved loved loved the story, atmosphere and tone of this game. I love dystopian settings like this with the themes of transhumanism and the works. Serial Experiments Lain is one of my favourite pieces of media ever and this game gave me that same feeling witnessing the world of this game. And honestly, if this was a movie or TV show this would be one of my favorites as it tackles similar themes with finesse. But then there's the gameplay. There's the awkward cover system and gunplay, theres the weird enemy Ai and mediocre stealth mechanics and awkward controls. Level design is surprisingly great and open ended, but the controls and base mechanics didnt jive with me at all. They dragged down this game for me heavily, which is a shame. The game felt a bit too long for its own good too, by the boat area I was tapped out, it felt like it was dragging its feet. The story impressed me, it was a pleasant surprise, so I'm glad I experienced it, I love the protagonist, he's a badass and I love his voice. But man, the gameplay.

I really enjoyed this DLC because its basically just more of Xenoblade 3, a game I love a lot. Gameplay is basically the same so it's amazing, except the chain attack music, yeah please make that toggleable. Honestly the story is nothing to write home about besides the final hour which drops a mindblowing bombshell, but beyond that the cast wasnt exactly fleshed out enough for me to feel super invested and Na'el wasnt that interesting so her emotional hook to Mathew didnt grip me. But seeing Shulk and Rex again combined with some cool fanservice made the story do enough for me to feel like it did it's job.