66 Reviews liked by ArcherAguilar

I like that they deviated from their usual formula. Kinda love it since I am also an open-world fan.

This is nice! Simpler colony Satisfactory

Definitely better than the first one. Even managed to Plat this yey. So beautiful and rich in most aspects. My only problem was those repetitive NPC models. I guess that's the drawback when the quality of the visuals is soooo soooo sharp.

I dont know about you guys but I genuinely enjoyed the dialogues.

Fighting game with Jesus and Moses? Hahahahaha



Will I ever reach the surface? :(

Yes omg iza miracle!

First FPS game to finish! It's quite a nice introduction for me to shooter games.

wish this had been advertised as masocore platformer before i dropped 60 bucks on it. the old crash games were hard but fair for the most part. this game is difficulty spike city. this game demands precision that controls just lack. it often feels like luck when i have the perfect run. i came here to run through a crash game for a couple hours and relive my childhood. what i got was a grueling miserable experience.

Playing with our emotions, eh? T.T <3

My fave game is Hit and Blow. I miss boardgames!