As a fan of the 2D Mario games for years, I was already super-excited to play this. But nothing prepared me for how insane this game was truly going to be. Every moment of it was just full of excitement, especially while playing with a group of 3 other people.

Overall, this is one of the best Mario platformers ever, even beating out NSMBWii for me. Hope Nintendo can make another 2D Mario this creative again.

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For some reason, it took me literally 4 years of trying to pick up this game to finally bring myself to play it through. And holy crap, I don't know why it took me this long to play it.

This is my first real delve into the Zelda series, something that I've been trying to do for a long time. I had watched my brother play it several times over, and combined with several friends telling me to play it, I borrowed my brother's copy and spent the last week playing through it. It was brutal at first, starting from absolutely nothing and being unbearably slow (which was the big reason I was turned off from BotW at first), but once I got the hang of it - going through shrines, collecting better gear and tools, increasing my health and stamina, etc. - DAMN, did it start to feel really good. As I continued through each divine beast and took them down one at a time, I gradually got a hang of it all, feeling like I could do whatever the hell I wanted. And let's not even get into collecting the memories and pulling the master sword out of the stone, those were the absolute cherry on top to this entire experience.

And after all of that, prepared as hell, I simply hopped to Hyrule Castle and sent Ganon's ass to the oblivion with the help of all the divine beasts and Zelda. What a way to end off the game.

Even if it took me nearly 4 years to finally be able to get into this game, I'm glad I got to play it rather than never doing it in the first place. I think it's safe to say that I'm into the Zelda games now. I already picked up TotK and have it ready in my backlog, and I plan to play more of the Zelda games down the line when I can (which I'm aware BotW's formula is vastly different to the others, but that isn't stopping me). BotW was an awesome experience, and I can't wait to move onto TotK and see what's up with it.

Despite the short playtime, this was an awesome game. It was full of memorable characters, was super fun to play (despite being janky at times), and overall for a game made nearly 20 years ago it holds up WELL. For the game that basically defined what an indie game is, it definitely deserves that title. 10/10

easily one of, if not the best pokemon spinoff in history. we need another mystery dungeon game that can live up to this!

I waited for this game since 2019, and by all means it didn't disappoint. It's not just a great spiritual successor to Wario Land, I think it eclipses it in every way.

It's a nice little game, especially for being in early access. It takes a lot of the cool elements of Terraria, Minecraft, and Stardew Valley and fits it into this nice little package. I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

Wow. What a game.

I'm too young to have ever had a chance to play the original SNES version, so I picked this up instead. And let me just say, this is by far the most engaging and incredible Final Fantasy I've played up until this point; the other ones I played were pretty lackluster in comparison.

This game, despite its simple plot and minor issues, was a fun playthrough throughout. I'll never forget it. This game has single-handedly gotten me into RPGs and the Final Fantasy series.

Playing this game makes my [BIG SHOT] get all [Hyperlink Blocked].

It was a great game, but it's a shame it was ended the way it did.


This was surprisingly fun for a little pet simulator. Shame updates stopped.

Toby Fox knows how to make a good fucking game. At this point everything's been said about this game. So I'll just say - it's amazing.

Oh yeah and the fandom sucks lol

Damn man, Cassandra is PACKIN'

It had its flaws, but it was definitely a good idea. If it were better executed, it could've been more fun. However, that's saying a lot, as the multiplayer mode was still pretty damn fun.

Not all that fun, I'm gonna say. The wii versions were loads better.