This game I hoped was better then the others and it is by a slight bit. The first half of IV is better then the other games with it being not to easy and not to hard, the perfect middle ground of difficulty. But then the second half either has Bullshit moments or goes for way too long. FUCK, CRYSTAL, MAN! The Wily Castle was fine until the escape which was BS. The Fortress was all over the place with how it's done. There is also a fetch quest you need to do to get to the wily fortress which is something that is not fun in games. But the bosses are fun to fight with a Buster only. One more GB Megaman Game Left.

Comapred to 4 and 5, this one was more of the same. The rush adaptors make the gameplay more interesting, but other then that the level design is the same as Megaman 5 and the bosses were generally more easier then the other games. This game is better then Megaman 1-3 but is on the weaker side of the Mainline Megaman Games.

NGL was kind of suprised that this was good when the previous Game Boy games were wither middling or just bad. Nothing was BS, the levels were ones where you can go at your own pace, bosses had the perfect balance, the music was now awful, the Mega Arm is probably my favorite charge weapon in the series. Suprised this ended on a high note.

One of the worst games I have ever fucking played. No more to say.

This is probably one of the best platformers of the decade. The controls are tight as hell with combat that is not Devil May Cry levels of complex, but gets the job done and values risk and reward. The graphics have this Game Boy Color look to them that I love, the stages are perfect with them being stages that allow you to go at your own pace, which is what I prefer since I like to go fast in my platformers, the soundtrack is a fucking bop and the story was really damn good. If you love Megaman X, you will love Gravity Circuit.

Playing this I can see the reasons why people like it and why people hate it. There are things in this game that are not good. The bosses are either long or annoying, the soundtrack is not one of the better ones in the series, and some stages are just automation, but there are things in this game that are good. The stages are fun to explore, the chaos powers are a great adition, and the controls feel almost exactly like the classic games. I did enjoy the game more then I hated, but I wouldn't put it above Sonic 1, 3K, or Mania.

This was honestly a fun time. A played the OG Avatar Trilogy of games as a kid, but they never made me feel like THE Avatar. Thankfully Korra has all I wanted in an Avatar Game, the ability to use any bending you want, the different types of bending are unique with Earth being more about hitting hard, while air is about agility and AOE attacks, the levels don’t do much in terms of platforming or any other gimmick, which is my preferred Hack n Slash level unlike the Stealth sections of Metal Gear Rising or puzzles in the Devil May Cry. The difficulty Balancing is out of whack with the game being pretty simple at first but then becoming one of the hardest hack and slashes I have ever played and for the record I was playing on Normal. The final boss was hard as balls because of the difficulty balancing, and the enemy variety is really lacking with them not really offering much, there is a lot of problems I can mention with The Legend of Korra, but if People can love Metal Gear Rising for the music and bosses, I can enjoy The Legend of Korra for doing what I wanted for an Avatar Game. This one will definitely get a video one day.

When the acting is better then in Frontiers, you have to start rethinking how you make things Sonic Team.


This is one of the best games to come out this decade. It is very creative the world and the combat system that has a huge resemblence to Earthbound. The Emotion system in the combat makes it standout compared to other Turn Based RPG's. The story in this game can go from funny to one therapy session please. There were some thing I wasn't a huge fan of like the bosses Sweetheart and The Slime Girls. If you like games like Earthbound, mother 3, and tramr dumping, then this game is for you.

This game has good controls and some cute visuals that replicate the Sega Saturn really well, but the level design is something that I take issue with. There are moments where it wants you to react to something that is coming up fast like when you are grinding on rails or on waterslides and then there is the opposite side of the spectrum where it wants you to do precise platforming when the controls are somewhat slippery. I mean it's a good time waster, but I think Toree has it beat for short cheap games so far.

They made Sonic Forces good, WTF! Aside from a few hiccups with the collision, this was actually a fun time and I would recommend this mod, make sure to read the Notepad in the mod folder to make sure it works.

After playing Bomb Rush Cyberfunk last year, I was interested in trying out Jet Set Radio and I got to say that Jet Set Radio is one of the most fun Sega games I have played. The game is very simple to grasp since you only use 3 buttons and the control stick, it does feel slippery compared to Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, but is not a deal breaker in the grand scheme of things. But your skill mastery is what determines if you can get the high score in levels and that’s something that most if not all Sega games have with their arcade design philosophy. The game does start to go downhill after the 2nd mission in Chapter 2 with levels and missions that I was just not really enjoying and some I just found infuriating. They expect you to know the entire map of the area when you spend your time in the sections rather than figuring out how to get to the other sections. After all of that I will say that this game is one of the most Sega things I have ever seen and it was a fun time. I hope to find a copy of Future very soon.

This is just more Half-life with more added to it. There are new weapons and new enemies and honestly I wasn't really enjoying it all that much. I like the Sniper Rifle and that is about it. There are moments that I liked namely the final boss that was more fun then the nelieth, but just like with the base game I just found it to be a frusturating time to complete. If you like the Original Half-life you are gonna like Opposing Force, but I didn't enjoy this game all too much.

This is a game that really isn't worth playing in the modern day with the X games being on Switch and on the Steam Deck. It's novel for it's time. But I also find some things it did to be a detrimite to the game like the foot parts and the slow maverick fights. It's a one and done.