This was a cute little time. It is clunky with the dashing and the jumping, but this is the Celeste I remember, just in 3D. Goes to show that Celeste can work as a Collectathon.

For what this is this is pretty good. The combat with Yuffie in this game is some of the best in the FF VII Remake Trilogy so far. I really enjoyed the story of this game with the bond Yuffie and Sonon had, while also showing us some new stuff to the VII Remake universe with Avalanche and Scarlet that evil son of a bitch. I would say this is worth $20, but far from the best DLC, I mean you can't beat Xenoblade DLC at all.


This is a game I am mixed on. As a game, I found it to be a very frusturating one with puzzles that made me take breaks I was so mad. As a Story I found it to be really good with a twist at the end I didn't see coming. Overall.......................meh.

This is one of the most addicting games I have ever played. This is a Poker game that is also a roguelite. I played like a grand total of an hour of Poker and haven't played many roguelites aside from Hades and Cult of the Lamb. But the mechanic of jokers being ways to increase chips or multipliers, celestial cards being poker hand upgrades, arcane cards changing the way your cards work, and vouchers being permentant upgrades is really cool. The fact that with each lost I wanted to go back and do another run was enough to tell me that this is wasily GOTY Material. Pls pick this up if you can, it is $15 and is worth every singel penny.

This was an experience. I was interested in this game ever since I heard the Soundtrack. And to say that it was anything but magical would be an understatement. The gameplay may be simple, but it's mostly the visual storytelling that carries it along with the atmosphere and soundtrack. It's also pretty cool that you can see other players who are playing the game and can interact with them. Not a game I'm gonna replay on the dot, but a memorable one.

Did a 100% run on Stream and it was so much fun just playing this from start to finish again.

This is one of the worst video games I have ever played. I went into this knowing of it's reputation but by goly it surpased them. The story was so confussing and when it is not confussing it pulls stuff out of it's ass like the twist with the main villain. The gameplay is so fucking boring with you being able to just stand still and shoot. The voice acting is halariously bad. The only redeeming qualities of this game is that the soundtrack is good and the game is one of the best looking PS2 games. Best way to play this game is to start it and look at the opening, that is it. AVOID THIS AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I have enough hours to say that this is a really fun game with friends. My mains are Vergil, Zero (Alt to look like Megaman X), and Amaterasu. Really addicting to play with combos that are satisfying to pull off. Gonna go back to this game for awhile.

This is a really fun game with friendo's. My main's are Spider-Man, Megaman, and Ryu. Such fun versitility and character combo's, but I think I prefer MvC3 by a little bit. Still a pretty fun game with friends. Just don't be friends with Cpatain Corridor Team Players, they will make you suffer existing.

This was a great continuation from FC. The gameplay in SC is the same as in FC, so I knew what to do with spells and orbment builds, since I know that Crafts aren't favored in the Sky Trilogy. I really liked most if not all of the characters in this game, with the standouts being Estelle, Joshua, and Kevin. Estelle really grew in this game, which was one of things that made FC not all that engaging story wise for me. Joshua is one of, if not my favorite character in this game. I liked him in FC, but his journey in this game from someone who is running away from Estelle, to embracing her was so sweet. Kevin is the new character in this game and he is just amazing. He is both halarious and a badass, he's the biggest reason I am interested in what happens in the next game. The story while it does have pacing problems here and there, Chapter 3 looking at you. It left me itching for more at the end of every chapter. Also the ending of chapter 6 is too cute I can't. If I do have a legitimit critisicm of this game, even with the speed up, I still think that this game can be pretty slow. But Still an amazing game and I am excited to play The 3rd.

This was a pretty fun little game. There's not much to say about, since it combines luck and skill. It's also pretty good for the price of $3.

Since I've played all of the TMNT Quest, might as well give my thoughts on Fortnite as a whole. I am personally someone who dosen't play much online games, but Fortnite was a really fun game to paly in Zero Build. I feel like the normal mode of Fortnite is just a headache with all the building you have to do, never cared for Lego or Guitar Hero Mode. If I return to Fortnite in the future it's just gonna be Zero Build.

This is both better and worse then Spark 1. You are put into hallways where you can dodge enemies. In the original game you would want to battle enemies cause they can sometimes drop health drops. In the sequel the enemies can just be walked past and you will have all of your health bars which is more then in the original. The Story is bad, the music is sometimes reused. the bosses are easier, the shield mechanic is broken. At least it's fun to blitz through the stages and the Edgy power up keeps your momentum with the triple air dash.

Game's fine, good music, preety visuals, decent bosses, but the stages went on for too long, and I will forever hate stage 14.